< Exodus 4 >

1 Moses/I replied, “But what if [the Israeli people] (do not believe me/are not convinced) or not do what I tell them? What if they say, ‘Yahweh did not appear to you!’”
Отвеща же Моисей и рече: аще не уверуют ми, ниже послушают гласа моего, рекут бо, яко не явися тебе Бог, что реку к ним?
2 Yahweh said to him/me, “[Look at] that thing you are holding in your hand. What is it?” He/I replied, “A (walking stick/shepherd’s stick).”
И рече к нему Господь: что сие есть в руце твоей? Он же рече: жезл.
3 He said, “Throw it down on the ground!” So, he/I threw it on the ground, and it became a snake! And he/I ran/jumped away from it.
И рече: поверзи его на землю. И верже и на землю, и бысть змий: и отбеже Моисей от него.
4 But Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Reach down and pick it up by its tail!” So he/I reached down and caught it, and [when he/I picked it up], it became a stick in his/my hand [again.]
И рече Господь к Моисею: простри руку и ими за хвост. Простер убо руку, взя за хвост, и бысть жезл в руце его.
5 Yahweh said, “[Do the same thing in front of the Israeli people], in order that they may believe that [I], Yahweh God, the one Abraham and Isaac and Jacob worshiped, truly appeared to you.”
Да уверуют ти, яко явися тебе Господь Бог отец твоих, Бог Авраамов и Бог Исааков и Бог Иаковль.
6 Yahweh spoke to Moses/me again, saying “Put your hand inside your robe [MTY]!” He/I did that. And when he/I took it out again, [surprisingly], his/my hand was white. It had a skin disease [that made it] as white as snow.
Рече же ему Господь паки: вложи руку твою в недро твое. И вложи руку в недро свое, и изят ю от недра своего, и бысть рука его прокажена яко снег.
7 Then God said, “Put your hand back inside your robe [MTY]!” So he/I did that, and when he/I took it out again, surprisingly, it was normal again, just like the rest of his/my body!
И рече паки ему Господь: вложи руку твою в недро твое. И вложи руку свою в недро свое, и изят ю от недра своего, и бысть паки в румянстве плоти своея.
8 God said, “[You can do that in front of the Israeli people, too]. If they do not pay attention to what you say because of [seeing] the first miracle, they will (believe [you/be convinced) when you perform] the second miracle.
Аще же не уверуют тебе, ниже послушают гласа знамения перваго, уверуют тебе ради гласа знамения втораго:
9 If they do not believe you or do what you say, even [after you perform] those two miracles, get some water from the Nile [River] and pour it on the ground. [When you do that], the water from the river that you pour on the ground will become blood [MTY] (OR, [red like] blood).”
и будет аще не уверуют тебе двема знамениями сими, ниже послушают гласа твоего, да возмеши от воды речныя, и пролиеши на сухо: и будет вода, юже возмеши от реки, кровию на сусе.
10 Moses/I replied, “O Yahweh! I am not an eloquent [speaker]! I was not an eloquent speaker before, and I have not become one since you started talking to me! I am not a good speaker [MTY], and I speak very slowly.”
Рече же Моисей ко Господу: молюся ти, Господи: недоброречив есмь прежде вчерашняго и третияго дне, ниже отнележе начал еси глаголати рабу Твоему: худогласен и косноязычен аз есмь.
11 Then Yahweh said to him/me, “[You seem to forget] who it is that makes people able to speak [RHQ]! Who is it that enables people to be unable to speak or unable to hear, or able to see or not to see? It is I, Yahweh [RHQ]!
И рече Господь к Моисею: кто даде уста человеку? И кто сотвори нема и глуха, и видяща и слепа? Не Аз ли Господь Бог?
12 So start going [to Egypt], and I will help you to speak [MTY], and I will tell you what you should say.”
И ныне иди, и Аз отверзу уста твоя и устрою тебе, еже имаши глаголати.
13 But he/I replied, “O, Yahweh, I ask you, please send someone else [instead]!”
Рече же Моисей: молюся ти, Господи, избери могуща иного, егоже послеши.
14 Then Yahweh became very angry with Moses/me. He said, “[What about] your [older] brother Aaron, who is [also] a descendant of Levi? I know that he is a very good/eloquent speaker. He is actually on his way here [right now], and he will be very happy to see you.
И разгневався яростию Господь на Моисеа, рече: не се ли брат твой Аарон Левитин? Вем, яко глаголя возглаголет он вместо тебе: и се, той изыдет во сретение тебе, и узрев тя, возрадуется в себе:
15 You can talk to him and tell him what to say [MTY], and I will help both of you [SYN] to know what to say [MTY]. And I will tell you both what you should do.
и речеши к нему, и вдаси словеса Моя во уста его: Аз же отверзу уста твоя и уста его, и устрою вам яже имате творити:
16 He will speak for you to the [Israeli] people. He will be (your spokesman/as though he was your mouth) [MET], and you will be to him as though you are [his] god.
и той возглаголет от тебе к людем, и той будет уста твоя: ты же будеши ему в тех, яже к Богу:
17 [Be sure] to take with you the walking/shepherd’s stick [that is in your hand], because you will perform miracles with it.”
и жезл сей обращенный в змию, возми в руку твою, сим сотвориши знамения.
18 Moses/I returned to his/my father-in-law Jethro and said to him, “Please let me go back to Egypt, to see my fellow Israelis there. I want to know if they are still alive.” Jethro said to Moses/me, “Go, and may [God give you inner] peace.”
Пойде же Моисей, и возвратися ко Иофору тестю своему и рече: пойду и возвращуся ко братии моей, иже во Египте, и увижду, аще еще живи суть. И рече Иофор к Моисею: иди здрав. По днех же оных многих, умре царь Египетский.
19 Yahweh said to Moses/me [before he/I left] Midian, “You can [safely] return to Egypt, because the men who were wanting to kill you [MTY] are [now] dead.”
И рече Господь к Моисею в земли Мадиамстей: иди, отиди во Египет: измроша бо вси ищущии души твоея.
20 So Moses/I took his/my wife and sons and put them on donkeys, and they/we returned to Egypt. And Moses/I took in his/my hand the stick that God [told him/me to take along].
Поим же Моисей жену свою и отрочата, всади я на ослята, и возвратися во Египет. И взя Моисей жезл, иже от Бога, в руку свою.
21 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “When you return to Egypt, be sure to perform all the miracles that I have given you power [to do], while the king is watching. But I will make him stubborn [IDM], with the result that he will not let the Israeli people leave [Egypt].
Рече же Господь к Моисею: идущу тебе и возвращающуся во Египет, зри вся чудеса, яже дах в руце твои, да сотвориши Я пред фараоном: Аз же ожесточу сердце его, и не отпустит людий:
22 Then say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh says: “The Israeli [people] [MTY] are [as dear to] me as firstborn sons [MET].
ты же возглаголеши фараону: сия глаголет Господь Бог Еврейский: сын Мой первенец Израиль:
23 I told you to let my people [MTY] leave [Egypt], in order that they may worship me [in the desert]. If you refuse to let them go, I warn you, I will kill your firstborn son!”’”
рех же тебе: отпусти люди Моя, да Ми послужат: аще убо не хощеши отпустити их, блюди убо, Аз убию сына твоего первенца.
24 [One night], as they were camping on the way [to Egypt], Yahweh appeared to Moses/me. He wanted/threatened to kill Moses/me [for disobeying his command that boys/sons be circumcised].
Бысть же на пути на стану, срете его Ангел Господнь и искаше его убити.
25 Then [his/my wife] Zipporah took a flint knife and circumcised her son. Then she touched the boy’s feet (OR, genitals) with the piece of skin [she had cut off], and she said, “The blood [which flowed when I circumcised you] will protect you [from being harmed by Yahweh] [MET].”
И вземши Сепфора камень, обреза конечную плоть сына своего, и припаде к ногам его и рече: ста кровь обрезания сына моего.
26 She said to him, “You are safe now [MET] because you have been circumcised.” So Yahweh did not harm her son.
И отиде от него Ангел, занеже рече: ста кровь обрезания сына моего.
27 Yahweh said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet/see Moses!” So he went [there from Egypt] and met him/me at [Sinai], the mountain dedicated to God, and [greeted him/me by] kissing him/me [on the cheek].
Рече же Господь ко Аарону: изыди во сретение Моисею в пустыню. И иде, и срете его в горе Божии: и целовастася оба.
28 Moses/I told Aaron everything that Yahweh had said to him/me when he told him/me to return to Egypt. He/I also told Aaron about all the miracles that Yahweh told him/me to perform.
И поведа Моисей Аарону вся словеса Господня, яже посла, и вся знамения, яже заповеда ему.
29 [So Aaron and Moses/I] returned [to Egypt]. There they/we gathered together all the Israeli elders/leaders.
Иде же Моисей и Аарон, и собраша вся старцы сынов Израилевых:
30 Aaron told them everything that Yahweh had told Moses/me, and Aaron performed [all] the miracles as the people watched.
и глагола им Аарон вся словеса сия, яже глагола Бог к Моисею: и сотвори знамения пред людьми.
31 They believed [that what they/we were saying was true]. When they heard that Yahweh had seen how the Israeli people were being cruelly oppressed and that he was going to help them, they bowed down and worshiped [Yahweh].
И вероваша людие, и возрадовашася, яко посети Бог сыны Израилевы и яко призре на их скорбение: и преклоншеся людие поклонишася.

< Exodus 4 >