< Exodus 38 >

1 [Several men helped] Bezalel to make the altar for burning sacrifices. They made it from acacia wood. It was square, (7-1/2 feet/2.2 meters) on each side, and it was (4-1/2 feet/1.3 meters) high.
Wenza-ke ilathi lomnikelo wokutshiswa ngesihlahla sesinga; ubude balo babuzingalo ezinhlanu, lobubanzi balo babuzingalo ezinhlanu, lilingana inhlangothi zozine, lokuphakama kwalo kwakuzingalo ezintathu.
2 They made [a projection that looked like] a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood that the altar [was made of]. They covered the whole altar with bronze.
Wenza impondo zalo engonsini zalo zozine; impondo zalo zazivela kulo; walihuqa ngethusi.
3 They made the pans in which to put the greasy ashes [from the animal sacrifices]. They also made the shovels for cleaning out the ashes. They made the basins and forks for turning the meat as it cooked, and buckets for carrying hot coals/ashes. All of those things were made from bronze.
Wenza zonke izinto zelathi, izimbiza lamafotsholo lemiganu yokufafaza lamafologwe lezitsha zokuthwala umlilo; zonke izinto zalo wazenza ngethusi.
4 They also made a bronze grating to hold the wood and burning coals. They put the grating under the rim that went around the altar. [They] made it so that it was [inside the altar], halfway down.
Walenzela ilathi isihlengo sethusi esenziwe njengembule, ngaphansi komphetho walo, sehla saze safinyelela phakathi kwalo.
5 They made bronze rings in which to put the poles [for carrying the altar], and fastened one of them to each of the corners of the altar.
Wabumba ngokuncibilikisa amasongo amane engonsini zozine zesihlengo sethusi, abe zindawo zemijabo.
6 They made the poles from acacia wood and covered them with bronze.
Wayenza imijabo ngesihlahla sesinga, wayihuqa ngethusi.
7 They put the poles through the rings on each side of the altar. The poles were for carrying the altar.
Wayifaka imijabo emasongweni enhlangothini zelathi ukuze lithwalwe ngayo; walenza lagubheka ngamapulanka.
8 The altar was [hollow] like an empty box. It was made from boards [of acacia wood]. They made/cast the washbasin and its base from bronze. The bronze was from the mirrors that belonged to the women who worked at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
Wenza inditshi yokugezela ngethusi, lonyawo lwayo ngethusi, ngezibuko zabesifazana ababuthanayo, ababuthana emnyango wethente lenhlangano.
9 [Around the Sacred Tent] Bezalel and his helpers made a courtyard. To form the courtyard, they made curtains of fine white linen. On the south side, the curtain was (150 feet/46 meters) long.
Wenza leguma; ehlangothini oluseningizimu ngaseningizimu kwakukhona amakhetheni eguma ayengawelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu lentambo ephothiweyo, izingalo ezilikhulu;
10 [To hang the curtain], they made 20 bronze posts and 20 bronze bases, [one for under each post]. [To fasten the curtains to] the posts, they made silver hooks, and [they made metal] rods [covered with] silver.
insika zawo ezingamatshumi amabili lezisekelo zawo ezingamatshumi amabili zazingezethusi, ingwegwe zensika lezibopho zazo zazingezesiliva.
11 They made the same kind of curtains, posts, bases, and hooks for the north side of the courtyard.
Lehlangothini olungenyakatho ingalo ezilikhulu; insika zawo ezingamatshumi amabili lezisekelo zawo ezingamatshumi amabili zazingezethusi; ingwegwe zezinsika lezibopho zazo zazingezesiliva.
12 On the west side [of the courtyard], they made a curtain (75 feet/23 meters) long. They also made ten posts on which to hang the curtains, and ten bases, with silver hooks and [metal] rods [covered with] silver.
Lehlangothini olusentshonalanga kwakukhona amakhetheni azingalo ezingamatshumi amahlanu, lensika zawo ezilitshumi lezisekelo zawo ezilitshumi; ingwegwe zezinsika lezibopho zazo zazingezesiliva.
13 On the east side, [where the entrance is], the courtyard was (75 feet/23 meters) wide.
Lehlangothini olusempumalanga ngasempumalanga ingalo ezingamatshumi amahlanu.
14 On each side of the entrance, they made a curtain (22-1/2 feet/6.6 meters) wide. On each side they [were hung from] three posts, and one base was under each post.
Amakhetheni kwelinye icele ayezingalo ezilitshumi lanhlanu, insika zawo ezintathu lezisekelo zawo ezintathu.
Lakwelinye icele, kwakukhona ngapha langapha komnyango weguma amakhetheni azingalo ezilitshumi lanhlanu, insika zawo ezintathu lezisekelo zawo ezintathu.
16 All the curtains around the courtyard were made from fine white linen.
Wonke amakhetheni eguma inhlangothi zonke ayengawelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu lentambo ephothiweyo.
17 All the posts around the courtyard were made of bronze, but the tops were covered with silver. The posts were connected with [metal] rods [covered with] silver. The clasps/fasteners and hooks were made of silver.
Lezisekelo zensika zazingezethusi, ingwegwe zezinsika lezibopho zazo zingezesiliva; ukuhuqwa kwezihloko zazo kwakungesiliva, lazo zonke insika zeguma zazilesibopho sesiliva.
18 For the entrance of the courtyard, they made a curtain from fine white linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread. The curtain was (30 feet/9 meters) long and (7-1/2 feet/2.3 meters) high, just like the other curtains around the courtyard.
Lesilenge somnyango weguma sasingumsebenzi womfekethisi ngenalithi, ngokuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka lokuyibubende lokubomvu lelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu lentambo ephothiweyo; ubude babuzingalo ezingamatshumi amabili, lokuphakama ebubanzini kwakuzingalo ezinhlanu, kuvumelane lamakhetheni eguma.
19 All the curtains were made of fine white linen. They were supported by four posts, and [under each post] was a base made of bronze. All the posts around the courtyard were connected with [metal] rods [covered with] silver. The clasps/fasteners were made of silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver.
Insika zawo ezine lezisekelo zawo ezine zingezethusi, ingwegwe zawo zingezesiliva, lokuhuqwa kwezihloko zawo lezibopho zawo kungesiliva.
20 All the tent pegs to support the Sacred Tent and the curtains around the courtyard were made of bronze.
Lazo zonke izikhonkwane zethabhanekele lezeguma inhlangothi zonke zazingezethusi.
21 Here is a list of the amounts of metal used to make the Sacred Tent. Moses/I told [some men from] the tribe of Levi to [count all the materials used and] write down the amounts. Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest, supervised those men.
Leli linani lezinto zethabhanekele, ithabhanekele lobufakazi, ezabalwayo njengokulaya kukaMozisi, umsebenzi wamaLevi, ngesandla sikaIthamari indodana kaAroni umpristi.
22 Bezalel the son of Uri and grandson of Hur made all the things that Yahweh commanded Moses/me to be made.
UBhezaleli indodana kaUri indodana kaHuri owesizwe sakoJuda wasekwenza konke njengalokho iNkosi ibimlayile uMozisi;
23 Bezalel’s helper was Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. Oholiab was a skilled engraver who made artistic things. He made fine white linen, and he embroidered designs using blue, purple, and red yarn/thread. He also made other cloth.
njalo kanye laye kwakuloOholiyaba indodana kaAhisamaki owesizwe sakoDani, umbazi wamatshe, lengcitshi, lomfekethisi ngenalithi ngokuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka lokuyibubende lokubomvu lelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu.
24 All the gold that was used to make the Sacred Tent weighed (2,195 pounds/1,000 kg.). They used the official standard when they weighed the gold.
Lonke igolide elasetshenziswa emsebenzini, kuwo wonke umsebenzi wendlu engcwele, ngitsho igolide lomnikelo wokuzunguzwa, lalingamathalenta angamatshumi amabili lesificamunwemunye lamashekeli angamakhulu ayisikhombisa lamatshumi amathathu, ngokweshekeli lendlu engcwele.
25 All the silver that the people contributed when the leaders (took the census/counted the men) weighed (7,500 pounds/3,400 kg.). They also used the official standard when they weighed the silver.
Lesiliva sababalwayo benhlangano sasingamathalenta alikhulu lamashekeli ayinkulungwane lamakhulu ayisikhombisa lamatshumi ayisikhombisa lanhlanu ngokweshekeli lendlu engcwele;
26 All the men who were at least 20 years old were counted, and they each paid the required amount. That was a total of 603,550 men.
kwaba libheka ngekhanda linye, ingxenye yeshekeli, njengokweshekeli lendlu engcwele, kuye wonke odlulela kwababaliweyo, kusukela kwabaleminyaka engamatshumi amabili langaphezulu; abazinkulungwane ezingamakhulu eziyisithupha lantathu lamakhulu amahlanu lamatshumi amahlanu.
27 They used (75 pounds/34 kg.) of silver for making/casting each of the 100 bases to [put under the posts to support] the curtains of the Sacred Tent.
Njalo kwakulamathalenta alikhulu esiliva ukubumba ngokuncibilikisa izisekelo zendlu engcwele lezisekelo zeveyili, izisekelo ezilikhulu ngamathalenta alikhulu, ithalenta ngesisekelo.
28 Bezalel [and his helpers] used the (50 pounds/30 kg.) of silver that was not used for the bases to make the rods and the hooks for the posts, and to cover the tops of the posts.
Lokwamashekeli ayinkulungwane lamakhulu ayisikhombisa lamatshumi ayisikhombisa lanhlanu wenza ingwegwe zensika, wahuqa inhloko zazo wazenzela izibopho.
29 The bronze that the people contributed weighed (5,310 pounds/2,425 kg.).
Lethusi lomnikelo wokuzunguzwa lalingamathalenta angamatshumi ayisikhombisa lamashekeli azinkulungwane ezimbili lamakhulu amane.
30 With the bronze, Bezalel and his helpers made the bases for under the posts at the entrance of the Sacred Tent. They also made the altar for burning sacrifices, the grating for it and the tools used with it,
Wenza ngalo izisekelo zomnyango wethente lenhlangano, lelathi lethusi, lesihlengo sethusi elalilaso, lezinto zonke zelathi,
31 the bases for the posts [that supported the curtains] that surrounded the courtyard and the bases for the entrance to the courtyard, and the pegs for the Sacred Tent and for [the curtains around] the courtyard.
lezisekelo zeguma inhlangothi zonke, lezisekelo zesango leguma, lazo zonke izikhonkwane zethabhanekele, lezikhonkwane zonke zeguma inhlangothi zonke.

< Exodus 38 >