< Exodus 32 >

1 [(Moses/I) stayed on top of the mountain a long time]. When the people realized that he/I was not returning quickly, they gathered near Aaron and said to him, “We do not know what has happened to that man Moses who brought us here out of Egypt. So quickly, make us ([an idol/a statue of a god]) who will lead us!”
Pero cuando el pueblo vio que Moisés tardaba en bajar de la Montaña, se reunió alrededor de Aarón y le dijeron: ¡Levántate, haznos ʼelohim que vayan delante de nosotros! Porque este Moisés, el varón que nos sacó de la tierra de Egipto, no sabemos qué le sucedió.
2 Aaron replied to them, “All right, [I will do that, but] tell your wives and your sons and your daughters to take off all their gold earrings and bring them to me.”
Entonces Aarón les dijo: Quiten los zarcillos de oro de las orejas de sus esposas, sus hijos y sus hijas, y tráiganmelos.
3 So the people did that. They took off all their gold earrings and brought them to Aaron.
Así que todo el pueblo se quitó los zarcillos de oro que tenían en sus orejas y los llevaron a Aarón.
4 He took all those gold earrings and melted them in a fire. He [poured the gold into a mold and] made a statue that looked like a young bull. The people saw it and said, “This is the god of us Israeli people! This is the one who brought us up from the land of Egypt!”
Él los tomó de sus manos, hizo un becerro de fundición y lo modeló con un buril. Entonces ellos exclamaron: ¡Éste es tu ʼelohim, oh Israel, que te sacó de la tierra de Egipto!
5 When Aaron saw [what was happening], he built an altar in front of the [statue of the] young bull. Then he announced, “Tomorrow we will have a festival to honor Yahweh!”
Al ver esto Aarón edificó un altar delante de [becerro] y pregonó: ¡Mañana será fiesta para Yavé!
6 So the people got up early the next morning and brought animals to kill and burn as sacrifices on the altar. They also brought sacrifices to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. Then they sat down to eat and drink [wine]. Then they got up and started dancing in a very immoral way.
Por lo cual al día siguiente madrugaron, ofrecieron holocaustos y llevaron ofrendas de paz. Después el pueblo se sentó a comer y a beber, y se levantaron para divertirse.
7 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go back down from the mountain, because your people, the ones that you brought up here from Egypt, have [already] (become very depraved/wicked)!
Entonces Yavé dijo a Moisés: Anda, desciende, porque tu pueblo que sacaste de la tierra de Egipto se corrompió.
8 They have already (left the road that I showed them/stopped obeying me)! They have made [a statue of] a young bull from melted gold. They have worshiped it and offered sacrifices to it. And they are saying, ‘This is the god of us Israeli people! This is the one who brought us up from Egypt!’”
Pronto se apartaron del camino que Yo les ordené. Hicieron un becerro de fundición, se postraron ante él y le ofrecieron sacrificios. Y dijeron: Israel, éste es tu ʼelohim que te sacó de la tierra de Egipto.
9 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “I have seen that these people are very stubborn.
Además Yavé dijo a Moisés: Yo observé a este pueblo, y ciertamente es un pueblo indómito.
10 I am very angry with them, and so I am going to get rid of them. Do not try to stop me! Then I will cause you and your descendants to become a great nation.”
Deja ahora que se encienda mi ira contra ellos y los consuma, y haré de ti una nación grande.
11 But Moses/I pleaded with his/my God, Yahweh, and said, “Yahweh, (you should not be very angry with your people!/why are you so angry with your people [RHQ]?) These are the people whom you rescued from Egypt with very great power [MTY, DOU]!
Entonces Moisés suplicó en la Presencia de Yavé su ʼElohim: Oh Yavé, ¿por qué se encenderá tu ira contra tu pueblo, al cual sacaste de la tierra de Egipto con gran poder y con mano fuerte?
12 Do not [do anything that would] allow the people of Egypt to say, ‘Their god led them out from our country, but [he did that] only [because he wanted] to kill them in the mountains and get rid of them completely [RHQ]!’ Stop being so angry! (Change your mind/Do not do what you have told me that you will do)! Do not do to your people this terrible thing [that you have just said that you will do]
¿Por qué tienen que hablar los egipcios: Con mala intención los sacó para matarlos en las montañas y para destruirlos de la superficie de la tierra? ¡Desiste del ardor de tu ira y cambia de parecer con respecto a hacer mal a tu pueblo!
13 Think about your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You solemnly promised them, ‘I will enable you to have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky.’ You said to them, ‘I will give to your descendants all the land that I am promising to give them. It will be their land forever.’”
Acuérdate de Abraham, Isaac e Israel, tus esclavos, a quienes juraste por Ti mismo: Multiplicaré tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo. Daré a tu descendencia toda esta tierra de la cual hablé y la tomarán como posesión para siempre.
14 So Yahweh changed his mind. He did not do to his people the terrible thing that he said he would do.
Y Yavé desistió del mal que dijo que iba a hacer a su pueblo.
15 Moses/I turned away from God and went down the mountain, carrying in his hands the two stone slabs on which Yahweh had engraved his commandments. He had written on both sides of the slabs.
Moisés volvió y descendió de la montaña. Llevaba en su mano las dos tablas del Testimonio escritas por ambos lados, [ciertamente] por un lado y por el otro.
16 God [himself] had made the slabs, and he was the one who had engraved the commandments on them.
Las tablas eran obra de ʼElohim, la escritura de ʼElohim grabada sobre las tablas.
17 Joshua heard the very loud noise of the people shouting. So when he and I got near the camp, Joshua said, “There is a noise in the camp that sounds like [the noise of] a battle!”
Y cuando Josué oyó el ruido del pueblo que clamaba, dijo a Moisés: ¡Hay ruido de guerra en el campamento!
18 But Moses/I replied, [“No], that is not the shouting that people do when they have won a victory or when they have been defeated [in a battle] What I hear is the sound of [loud] singing!”
Pero él respondió: No es ruido de gritos de victoria, ni ruido de gritos de derrota, pero oigo el sonido del canto.
19 As soon as Moses/I came close to the camp and saw the statue of the young bull and saw the people dancing, he/I became extremely angry. He/I threw the stone tablets that he/I was carrying down onto the ground, there at the base of the mountain.
Aconteció que cuando llegó al campamento, observó el becerro y las danzas, y se encendió la ira de Moisés. Y al lanzar las tablas de sus manos, las rompió al pie de la Montaña.
20 Then he/I took the statue of the young bull that they had made and melted it in the fire. [When it cooled], he/I ground it into [fine] powder. Then he/I mixed the powder with water and forced the Israeli people to drink it.
Luego tomó el becerro que hicieron, lo quemó en el fuego y lo molió hasta reducirlo a polvo, el cual esparció sobre la superficie del agua y dio a beber a los hijos de Israel.
21 Then he/I said to Aaron, “What did these people do to you, with the result that you have made them commit such a terrible sin?”
Y Moisés preguntó a Aarón: ¿Qué te hizo este pueblo para que trajeras tan gran pecado sobre él?
22 Aaron replied, “Please do not be angry with me, sir. You know that these people are very determined to do evil things.
Aarón respondió: No se encienda la ira de mi ʼadón. Tú mismo sabes que este pueblo es propenso al mal.
23 They said to me, ‘As for that man Moses, the one who brought us up here from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him. So make for us an idol that will lead us!’
Ellos me dijeron: Haznos ʼelohim que vaya delante de nosotros, porque a este Moisés, el varón que nos sacó de la tierra de Egipto, no sabemos qué le sucedió.
24 So I said to them, ‘Everyone who is wearing [gold earrings] should take them off.’ So they [took them off and] gave them to me. I threw them into the fire, and out came this statue of a young bull!”
Les dije: El que tenga oro, que se lo quite. Me lo dieron, lo eché al fuego y salió este becerro.
25 Moses/I saw that Aaron had allowed the people to become completely out of control and to do things that would make their enemies think the Israeli people were foolish.
Al ver Moisés que el pueblo estaba desenfrenado, porque Aarón lo permitió para que llegara a ser una vergüenza en medio de sus enemigos,
26 So he/I stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, “Everyone who is loyal to Yahweh should come [closer] to me!” So the descendants of Levi gathered around him/me.
se puso en pie en la entrada del campamento, y exclamó: ¡El que esté por Yavé, [únase] conmigo! Y se unieron a él todos los hijos de Leví.
27 Then he/I said to them, “Yahweh, the God of us Israeli people, commands that every one of you should fasten your sword to your side, and then go through the camp from this entrance to the other one, and kill some of your relatives and your companions and your neighbors.”
Entonces él les dijo: Yavé ʼElohim de Israel dice: Ate cada uno su espada a su cintura. Pasen y vuelvan de entrada en entrada del campamento, y cada uno mate a su hermano, a su amigo y a su pariente.
28 The descendants of Levi did what Moses/I told them to do, and they killed 3,000 men on that day.
Los hijos de Leví hicieron conforme al dicho de Moisés, y cayeron del pueblo aquel día como 3.000 hombres.
29 Moses/I said to the descendants of Levi, “Today you have dedicated yourselves to serving Yahweh by (killing/not sparing) [even] your own sons and brothers, and as a result Yahweh will bless you.”
Entonces Moisés les dijo: Hoy se consagraron ustedes a Yavé, pues cada uno se consagró en [la muerte de] su hijo y en su hermano para que Él les otorgue una bendición hoy.
30 The next day, Moses/I said to the people, “You have committed a terrible sin. But I will now climb up the mountain again to talk with Yahweh. Perhaps I can [persuade him] to forgive you for sinning [like this].”
Ocurrió que al día siguiente Moisés dijo al pueblo: Ustedes cometieron un gran pecado. Pero ahora subiré a Yavé. Tal vez pueda apaciguarlo por su pecado.
31 So Moses/I went back up the mountain and said to Yahweh, “I am sorry to admit that these people have committed a terrible sin. They have made for themselves a gold idol and have worshiped it.
Moisés volvió a Yavé y le dijo: ¡Ay, este pueblo cometió un gran pecado: hizo un ʼelohim de oro para él mismo!
32 But now I ask you to please forgive them for having sinned. If you will not forgive them, then erase my name from the book in which you have written [the names of your people].”
Pero ahora, perdona su pecado. Si no, ¡bórrame de tu rollo que escribiste!
33 But Yahweh said to Moses/me, “It is [only] those who have sinned against me whose names I will erase from that book.
Pero Yavé dijo a Moisés: Al que peque contra Mí lo borraré de mi rollo.
34 Now you go back down and lead the [Israeli] people to the place that I told you about. Keep in mind that my angel will go in front of you. But, at the time that I determine, I will punish them for their sin.”
Ahora vé, conduce a este pueblo adonde te dije. Mira, mi Ángel irá delante de ti, pero el día cuando Yo castigue, los castigaré por su pecado.
35 [Later] Yahweh caused a plague to strike the people because they had told Aaron to make the gold [statue of a] young bull.
Entonces Yavé hirió al pueblo por lo que hicieron con el becerro que Aarón formó.

< Exodus 32 >