< Exodus 30 >

1 “[Tell the skilled workers to] make an altar from acacia wood, for burning incense.
“Haz un altar de madera de acacia para quemar incienso.
2 It is to be square, (18 in./45 cm.) on each side. It is to be (3 feet/90 cm.) high. [Tell them to] make [a projection that looks like] a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood that the altar [is made from].
Será cuadrado, medirá un codo por codo, de dos codos de alto, con cuernos en sus esquinas que son todos de una sola pieza con el altar.
3 [They must] cover the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. Put a gold border around the altar, [near the top].
Cubre su parte superior, su lado y sus cuernos con oro puro, y hace un adorno de oro para rodearlo.
4 [They must] make two gold rings for carrying the altar. [They must] attach them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. These rings are for the poles for carrying the altar.
Hagan dos anillos de oro para el altar y pónganlos debajo de la moldura, dos a ambos lados, para sostener las varas para llevarlo.
5 [Tell them to] make these [two] poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold.
Haz las varas de madera de acacia y cúbrelas con oro.
6 [They must] put this altar outside the curtain that hangs in front of the sacred chest and its lid. That is the place where I will talk with you.
Pon el altar delante del velo que cuelga delante del Arca del Testimonio y la tapa de expiación que está sobre el Testimonio donde me reuniré con ustedes.
7 Aaron must burn sweet-smelling incense on this altar. He must burn some every morning when he takes care of the lamps,
“Aarón debe quemar incienso fragante en el altar cada mañana cuando cuida las lámparas.
8 and he must burn some in the evening when he lights the lamps. The incense must be burned continually, throughout all future generations.
Cuando enciendas las lámparas por la noche, se debe quemar incienso de nuevo para que hay incienso siempre en la presencia del Señor por las generaciones futuras.
9 The priests must not burn on the altar any incense that I have not told you to burn, or burn any animal on it, or any grain offering for me, or pour any wine on it as an offering.
No ofrezcas en este altar ningún incienso no aprobado, ni ningún holocausto ni ofrenda de grano, y no derrames sobre él ninguna libación.
10 One time every year Aaron must perform the ritual for making this altar pure. He must do it by putting on its four projections some of the blood from the animal that was sacrificed (to remove the guilt of the people’s sins/so that the people would no longer be guilty for sins). This ritual is to be done by Aaron and his descendants throughout all future generations. This altar must be completely dedicated to me, Yahweh.”
“Una vez al año, Aarón debe realizar el ritual de expiación poniendo en los cuernos del altar la sangre de la ofrenda por el pecado para la expiación. Este ritual anual de expiación debe ser llevado a cabo por las generaciones futuras. Este es el altar sagrado del Señor”.
11 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
El Señor le dijo a Moisés:
12 “When your [leaders] (take a census of/count) the Israeli people, each man [who is counted] must pay to me a price to save his life. They must do this in order that no disaster will happen to them while the people are being counted.
“Cuando hagas un censo de los israelitas, cada hombre debe pagarle al Señor el rescate por su vida cuando sea contado. Así no sufrirán la plaga cuando sean contados.
13 Every man who is counted must pay to me (0.2 ounces/5.7 grams) of silver. They must use the official standard when they weigh the silver.
Cada uno que pase a esos condados debe dar medio siclo, (usando el estandarte del siclo del santuario, que pesa veinte geras). Este medio siclo es una ofrenda al Señor.
14 All the men who are at least 20 years old must pay this amount to me when the people are counted.
Esta ofrenda al Señor se exige a todos los que tengan veinte años o más.
15 Rich men must not pay more than this amount, and poor men must not pay less than this amount, when they pay this money to save their lives.
Cuando ofrezcan esta ofrenda como rescatepor sus vidas, los ricos no deben dar más de medio siclo y los pobres no deben dar menos.
16 Your leaders must collect this money from the Israeli people and give it to [those who will] take care of the Sacred Tent. This money is the payment for the lives of those who take care of the Sacred Tent, (to enable me not to forget them/and then I will remember to protect them).”
Tomen este dinero pagado por los israelitas y úsenlo para los gastos de los servicios del Tabernáculo de Reunión. Servirá como recordatorio para que los israelitas hagan expiación por sus vidas en presencia del Señor”.
17 Yahweh [also] said to Moses/me,
Y el Señor le dijo a Moisés:
18 “[Tell the skilled workers to] make a bronze washbasin and a bronze base for it. [They must] put it between the Sacred Tent and the altar, and fill it with water.
“Haz una palangana de bronce con un soporte de bronce para lavar. Colócalo entre el Tabernáculo de Reunión y el altar, y pon agua en él.
19 Aaron and his sons must ritually wash their hands and their feet with this water
Aarón y sus hijos la usarán para lavarse las manos y los pies.
20 before they enter the Sacred Tent and before they come to the altar to sacrifice offerings that will be burned on it. If [they do that], they will not die [because of disobeying my instructions].
Cada vez que entren en el Tabernáculo de Reunión, se lavarán con agua para no morir. Cuando se acerquen al altar para presentar los holocaustos al Señor,
21 They must wash their hands and their feet, in order that they will not die. They and the males descended from them must obey this ritual throughout all generations.”
también deben lavarse para no morir. Este requisito debe ser observado por ellos y sus descendientes por todas las generaciones”.
22 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Entonces el Señor le dijo a Moisés:
23 “[Tell the people to] collect some of the finest spices— (12 pounds/6 kg.) of (liquid myrrh/sweet-smelling sap named myrrh), (6 pounds/3 kg.) of sweet-smelling cinnamon, (6 pounds/3 kg.) of a sweet-smelling cane/reed,
“Toma las especias de mejor calidad: 500 siclos de mirra líquida, 250 siclos de canela de olor dulce, 250 siclos de caña aromática,
24 and (12 pounds/6 kg.) of (cassia/a sweet-smelling bark named cassia). [Be sure] that they use the official standard when they weigh these things. Tell an expert perfumer to mix these with (one gallon/four liters) of olive oil
500 siclos de casia, (pesos usando el estándar del siclo del santuario), y un hin de aceite de oliva.
25 to make sacred oil for anointing.
Mezcla todo esto en el aceite de la unción sagrada, una mezcla aromática como el producto de un experto perfumista. Úsalo como aceite de la unción sagrada.
26 Use this oil for anointing the Sacred Tent, the sacred chest,
Úsalo para ungir el Tabernáculo de Reunión, el Arca del Testimonio,
27 the table and all the things that are used with it, the lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for [burning] incense,
la mesa y todo su equipo, el candelabro y su equipo, el altar de incienso,
28 and the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned, along with its bases and the washbasin and all the things that are used with it.
el altar de los holocaustos y todos sus utensilios, y la vasija más su soporte.
29 Dedicate them by anointing them, in order that they will be completely holy/sacred. Anyone or anything that touches the altar will become taboo.
Dedícalos para que sean especialmente santos. Todo lo que los toque será sagrado.
30 And anoint Aaron and his sons. [By doing that], you will dedicate them to serve me [by being] priests.
“Unjan a Aarón y a sus hijos también y dedíquenlos para que sirvan como sacerdotes para mí.
31 And tell the Israeli people, ‘This oil will be my sacred anointing oil that must be used throughout all future generations.
Diles a los israelitas: ‘Este será mi aceite santo de unción para todas las generaciones futuras.
32 You must not pour it on the bodies of people who are not priests, and you must not make other oil to be like it by mixing the same amount of those things. This oil is sacred, and you must consider it to be sacred.’
No lo usen en la gente común y no hagan nada parecido usando la misma fórmula. Es santo, y debes tratarlo como si fuera santo.
33 I will consider that anyone who makes ointment like this [for any other purpose], and anyone who puts any of this ointment on someone who is not a priest, no longer be allowed to associate with my people.”
Cualquiera que mezcle aceite de unción como éste, o lo ponga sobre alguien que no sea un sacerdote, será expulsado de su pueblo’”.
34 Yahweh also said to Moses/me, “[Tell the people to] take equal parts of several sweet spices—stacte, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense—
El Señor le dijo a Moisés: “Toma cantidades iguales de estas especias aromáticas: resina de bálsamo, perfume, gálbano e incienso puro.
35 and tell an expert perfumer to mix them together to make some perfume. Add some salt to keep it pure and make it holy.
Añade un poco de sal y haz incienso puro y santo mezclado como el producto de un experto perfumista.
36 Beat some of it into a fine powder. Then take some of it into the Sacred Tent and sprinkle it in front of the sacred chest. You must all consider this incense to be very holy.
Muele un poco en polvo y colóquelo delante del Arca del Testimonio en el Terbenáculo de Reunión, donde me reuniré contigo. Será especialmente sagrado para ti.
37 The people must not mix the same spices to make incense for themselves. This incense must be completely dedicated to me, Yahweh.
Nopreparen ningún incienso como éste usando la misma fórmula. Deben considerar este incienso como sagrado para el Señor.
38 I will consider that anyone who makes incense like this to use it for perfume will no longer be allowed to associate with my people.”
Cualquiera que se haga un incienso como este para su propio deleite será expulsado de su pueblo”.

< Exodus 30 >