< Exodus 27 >

1 “Tell them to make an altar from acacia wood. It is to be square, (7-1/2 feet/2.2 meters) on each side, and make it (4-1/2 feet/1.3 meters) high.
“Uvake aritari yamatanda omuunga, makubhiti matatu pakukwirira kwayo; inofanira kuva namativi mana akaenzana, kureba kwayo makubhiti mashanu uye upamhi hwayo makubhiti mashanu.
2 [They] must make [a projection that looks like] a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood as the altar. [Tell them to] cover the whole altar with gold.
Uite runyanga pamakona ayo mana, kuti nyanga nearitari zvive chinhu chimwe, uye ufukidze aritari nendarira.
3 [They must] make pans in which to put the [greasy] ashes [from the animal sacrifices]. Also [they must] make shovels for cleaning out the ashes, basins and forks for turning the meat as it cooks, and buckets for carrying hot coals/ashes. All of these things must be made from bronze.
Uite midziyo yayo yose nendarira, hari dzayo dzokubvisisa madota, uye foshoro dzayo, mbiya dzokusasa nadzo, zvibayiso zvenyama nemakango apamoto.
4 Also [tell them to] make a bronze grating to hold the wood and burning coals. They must fasten to each of the corners of the altar a bronze ring for carrying the altar.
Uyiitire chiparo, sefa yendarira, uye ugoita mhete yendarira pakona imwe neimwe yesefa.
5 [They must] put the grating under the rim that is around the altar. [They must] make it so that it is [inside the altar], halfway down.
Uchiise pasi pechitsiko chearitari kuitira kuti chive pakati nepakati pearitari.
6 For [carrying] the altar, [they must] make poles from acacia wood and cover them with bronze.
Uitire aritari matanda omuunga uye ugoafukidza nendarira.
7 [They must] put the poles through the rings on each side of the altar. The poles are for carrying the altar.
Matanda aya anofanira kupinzwa mukati memhete kuti agova kumativi maviri earitari painenge yotakurwa.
8 The altar will be like a box, made from boards [of acacia wood]. [They must] make it according to these instructions that I am giving you [here] on [this] mountain.”
Uite aritari namapuranga, isina chinhu mukati mayo. Inofanira kugadzirwa sokuratidzwa kwawakaitwa pagomo.
9 “Around the Sacred Tent there is to be a courtyard. To form the courtyard, [tell them to] make curtains of fine linen. On the south side, the curtain is to be (50 yards/44 meters) long.
“Uitire tabhenakeri ruvazhe. Rutivi rwezasi runofanira kureba makubhiti zana uye runofanira kuva nezvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa zvomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka,
10 [To support/hang the curtain], [tell them to] make twenty bronze posts, and one bronze base for each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, [they must] make silver hooks, and [metal] rods [covered with] silver [to fasten the curtains to the hooks].
namatanda makumi maviri uye zvigadziko zvendarira makumi maviri uye zvikorekedzo zvesirivha nezvisungo pamatanda.
11 [They must] make the same kind of curtains for the north side of the courtyard.
Rutivi rwokumusoro rucharebawo makubhiti zana uye runofanira kuva nezvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa, namatanda makumi maviri, nezvigadziko zvendarira makumi maviri, uye zvikorekedzo zvesirivha nezvisungo pamatanda.
12 On the west side [of the courtyard] they must make a curtain (25 yards/22 meters) long. The curtains are to be supported by ten posts, with a base under [each] post.
“Kumucheto kworuvazhe, nechokumavirira, kunofanira kuva noupamhi hwamakubhiti makumi mashanu uye zvidzitiro zvakarembedzwa, namatanda gumi uye zvigadziko gumi.
13 On the east side, [where the entrance is], the courtyard must also be (25 yards/22 meters) wide.
Kumucheto nechokumabvazuva kwakatarisana nokunobuda nezuva, upamhi hworuvazhe hunofanira kuva makubhiti makumi mashanu.
14 [Tell them to] make a curtain (22-1/2 feet/6.6 meters) wide for each side of the entrance [to the courtyard].
Zvidzitiro zvakareba makubhiti gumi namashanu zvinofanira kuva kuno rumwe rutivi rwomukova, namatanda matatu nezvigadziko zvitatu,
uye zvimwe zvidzitiro zvakareba makubhiti gumi namashanu ngazvivewo kuno rumwe rutivi, namatanda matatu nezvigadziko zvitatuwo.
16 They must make a curtain (30 feet/9 meters) long for the entrance. A skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread. It must be (supported by/hung from) four posts, each one with a base under it.
“Pamukova wokupinda muruvazhe, uise chidzitiro chakareba makubhiti makumi maviri, chewuru yebhuruu, yepepuru netsvuku uye nomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, basa romusoni anogona, namatanda mana uyewo zvigadziko zvina.
17 All the posts around the courtyard must be connected with metal rods covered with silver. The clasps/fasteners must be made of silver, and the bases must be made of bronze.
Matanda ose akapoteredza ruvazhe anofanira kuva nezvisungiso zvesirivha nezvikorekedzo, uye zvigadziko zvendarira.
18 The whole courtyard, [from the east entrance to the west end], must be (50 yards/44 meters) long, and the curtains that enclose it must be (7-1/2 feet/2.3 meters) high. All the curtains must be made of fine linen, and all the bases [under the posts] must be made of bronze.
Ruvazhe ruchareba makubhiti zana uye makubhiti makumi mashanu paupamhi, nezvidzitiro zvemicheka yakarukwa zvakaisvonaka yakareba makubhiti mashanu, uye nezvigadziko zvendarira.
19 All the things [that are not made of gold] that are to be used inside the Sacred Tent and in the courtyard, and all the tent pegs to support the Sacred Tent and the curtains, must be made of bronze.
Mimwe midziyo inoshandiswa paushumiri hwetabhenakeri, ringava basa ripi zvaro, kusanganisira mbambo dzose dzetende neiya yomuruvazhe, inofanira kuva yendarira.
20 “Command the Israeli people that they must bring to you the best kind of olive oil to [burn in] the lamps. [They must bring this oil to you continually], in order that the lamps can burn continually.
“Urayire vaIsraeri kuti vakuvigire mafuta omuorivhi akachena, akasvinwa omwenje, kuitira kuti mwenje irambe ichipfuta.
21 They must put the lampstand outside of the curtain which is in front of [the sacred chest which contains the stone slabs on which I have written] my commandments. Aaron must take care of the lamps. [After he dies], his descendants must do this work. The lamps are to burn every night, from evening until morning. The Israeli people must obey this regulation throughout all future generations.”
MuTende Rokusangana, kunze kwechidzitiro chiri pamberi peChipupuriro, Aroni navanakomana vake vanofanira kurega mwenje ichiramba ichipfuta pamberi paJehovha, kubva madekwana kusvikira mangwanani. Uyu unofanira kuva mutemo usingaperi pakati pavaIsraeri nokuzvizvarwa zvinotevera.

< Exodus 27 >