< Exodus 26 >
1 “[Tell the people to] make the Sacred Tent using ten long strips of fine linen. They must take blue, purple, and red thread (OR, weave the strips from blue, purple, and red thread), and [a skilled craftsman] must embroider these strips with [designs that represent] the winged creatures [that are above the chest].
Boligen skal du lave af ti Tæpper af tvundet Byssus, violet og rødt Purpurgarn og karmoisinrødt Garn med Keruber paa i Kunstvævning.
2 Each strip is to be (14 yards/twelve meters) long and (2 yards/1.8 meters) wide.
Hvert Tæppe skal være otte og tyve Alen langt og fire Alen bredt; alle Tæpperne skal have samme Maal.
3 [Tell them to] sew five strips together to make one set, and sew the other five strips together to make another set.
Tæpperne skal sys sammen, fem og fem.
4 For each set, [they must] make loops of blue [cloth] and fasten them along the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
I Kanten af det ene Tæppe, det yderste i det ene sammensyede Stykke, skal du sætte Løkker af violet Purpurgarn, og ligeledes skal du sætte Løkker i Kanten af det yderste Tæppe i det andet sammensyede Stykke;
5 [They must] put 50 loops on the edge of the first set, and 50 loops on the edge of the second set.
du skal sætte halvtredsindstyve Løkker paa det ene Tæppe og halvtredsindstyve Løkker i Kanten af det tilsvarende Tæppe i det andet sammensyede Stykke, Løkke lige over for Løkke.
6 [Tell them to] make 50 gold clasps/fasteners, to fasten both of the sets together. As a result, the inside of the Sacred Tent will be [as though it was] one piece.
Og du skal lave halvtredsindstyve Guldkroge til at forbinde Tæpperne med hinanden, saa at Boligen udgør et Hele.
7 Also, [tell them to] make a cover for the Sacred Tent from eleven pieces of cloth made from goats’ hair.
Fremdeles skal du lave Tæpper af Gedehaar til et Teltdække uden om Boligen, og her skal du lave elleve Tæpper,
8 Each piece of cloth is to be (15 yards/13.5 meters) long and (2 yards/1.8 meters) wide.
hvert Tæppe skal være tredive Alen langt og fire Alen bredt; alle Tæpperne skal have samme Maal.
9 [Tell them to] sew five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and sew the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set. [They] must fold the sixth piece [of cloth] in half to make it double over the front of the Sacred Tent.
Og du skal sy de fem af Tæpperne sammen for sig og de seks for sig; det sjette Tæppe, det, der kommer til at ligge over Teltets Forside, skal du lægge dobbelt.
10 [Tell them to] make 100 loops [of blue cloth], and to fasten 50 of them to the outer edge of the one set and fasten 50 to the outer edge of the other set.
Og du skal sætte halvtredsindstyve Løkker i Kanten af det yderste Tæppe i det ene sammensyede Stykke og halvtredsindstyve Løkker i Kanten af det tilsvarende Tæppe i det andet sammensyede Stykke.
11 [Tell them to] make fifty bronze clasps/fasteners and put them in the cloth loops to join the two sets together. As a result, the cover for the Sacred Tent will be [as though it was] one piece.
Og du skal lave halvtredsindstyve Kobberkroge og stikke dem i Løkkerne og sammenføje Teltdækket, saa de udgør et Hele.
12 [Let] the extra part of the cover, the part that extends beyond [the linen cloth], hang over the back of the Sacred Tent.
Men hvad angaar det overskydende af Teltdækkets Tæpper, skal Halvdelen deraf hænge ned over Boligens Bagside,
13 The extra half yard/meter of each cover, the part that extends beyond [the linen cloth] on each side, must hang over the two sides of the Sacred Tent, to protect the sides.
og den overskydende Alen paa begge Sider af Telttæppernes Længder skal hænge ned over begge Boligens Sider for at dække den.
14 [Tell them to] make two more covers for the Sacred Tent. One is to be made from rams’ skins that have been (tanned/dyed red), and the top cover is to be made from goatskin leather.”
Fremdeles skal du lave et Dække over Teltdækket af rødfarvede Væderskind og derover endnu et Dække af Tahasjskind.
15 “[Tell them to] make frames from acacia wood, frames that will be set up [from which to hang the Sacred Tent covers].
Fremdeles skal du lave Brædderne til Boligen af Akacietræ til at staa op,
16 Each frame is to be (five yards/four meters) long and (27 in./66 cm.) wide.
hvert Bræt ti Alen højt og halvanden Alen bredt.
17 [They] must make two projections at the bottom of each frame. These will be to fasten the frames to the bases underneath them. They must make these projections at the bottom of each frame.
Paa hvert Bræt skal der være to indbyrdes forbundne Tapper; saaledes skal du indrette det ved alle Boligens Brædder.
18 Make 20 frames for the south side of the Sacred Tent.
Af Brædderne, som du skal lave til Boligen, skal tyve være til Sydsiden,
19 [Tell them to] make 40 silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases will go under each frame. The projections [at the bottom] of each frame are [to be made] to fit into the bases.
og til de tyve Brædder skal du lave fyrretyve Fodstykker af Sølv, to Fodstykker til de to Tapper paa hvert Bræt.
20 [Similarly], [tell them to] make twenty frames for the north side of the Sacred Tent.
Andre tyve Brædder skal laves til Boligens anden Side, som vender mod Nord,
21 [They] must make 40 silver bases for them also, with two bases to be put under each frame.
med fyrretyve Fodstykker af Sølv, to Fodstykker til hvert Bræt.
22 For the rear of the Sacred Tent, on the west side, [tell them to] make six frames.
Og til Bagsiden, der vender mod Vest, skal du lave seks Brædder.
23 Also, [tell them to] make two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the Sacred Tent, [to provide extra support].
Til Boligens Baghjørner skal du lave to Brædder,
24 The two corner frames must be joined from the bottom to the top (OR, joined at both the bottom and the top). At the top of each of the two corner frames there must be a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
som skal bestaa af to Stykker forneden og ligeledes af to Stykker foroven, indtil den første Ring; saaledes skal de begge indrettes for at danne de to Hjørner.
25 In that way, [for the rear of the Sacred Tent] there will be eight frames, and there will be 16 bases, two under each frame.
Altsaa bliver der til Bagsiden otte Brædder med tilhørende seksten Fodstykker af Sølv, to til hvert Bræt.
26 [Tell them to] make 15 crossbars from acacia wood.
Og du skal lave Tværstænger af Akacietræ, fem til de Brædder, der danner Boligens ene Side,
27 Five of them will be for the frames on the north side of the Sacred Tent, five will be for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the Sacred Tent, the west side.
fem til de Brædder, der danner Boligens anden Side, og fem til de Brædder, der danner Boligens Bagside mod Vest;
28 Tell them to fasten the crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the Sacred Tent to the middle of the frames. The two long ones must extend from one end of the Sacred Tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side must extend from one side of the Sacred Tent to the other.
den mellemste Tværstang midt paa Brædderne skal naa fra den ene Ende af Væggen til den anden.
29 [Tell them to] cover the frames with gold, and make gold rings to fasten the crossbars to the frames. The crossbars must [also] be covered with gold.
Du skal overtrække Brædderne med Guld, og deres Ringe, som Tværstængerne skal stikkes i, skal du lave af Guld, og Tværstængerne skal du overtrække med Guld.
30 Erect the Sacred Tent in the way that I have shown you [here] on [this] mountain.”
Og du skal rejse Boligen paa den Maade, som vises dig paa Bjerget.
31 “[Tell them to] make a curtain from fine linen. A skilled craftsman must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread, making [designs to represent] the winged creatures [that are above the chest].
Fremdeles skal du lave et Forhæng af violet og rødt Purpurgarn, karmoisinrødt Garn og tvundet Byssus; det skal laves i Kunstvævning med Keruber paa.
32 [Tell them to] suspend/hang the curtain from four posts made from acacia wood and covered with gold. Set [each] post in a silver base.
Du skal hænge det paa fire Piller af Akacietræ, overtrukne med Guld og med Knager af Guld, paa fire Fodstykker af Sølv;
33 [They] must suspend/hang the [top of the] curtain by hooks that are fastened to the roof of the Sacred Tent. Behind the curtain, in the [room called the] Very Holy Place, [they] must put the chest containing the [two stone slabs on which I have written my] commandments. That curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Very Holy Place.
og du skal hænge Forhænget under Krogene og bringe Vidnesbyrdets Ark ind i Rummet bag ved Forhænget, og Forhænget skal danne eder en Skillevæg mellem det Hellige og det Allerhelligste.
34 On top of the chest in the Very Holy Place [they] must put the lid which will be the place where [blood will be sprinkled to] forgive people’s sins.
Og Sonedækket skal du lægge over Vidnesbyrdets Ark i det Allerhelligste.
35 [In the room that is] outside of the Very Holy Place, [they] must put the table [for the sacred] bread on the north side, and put the lampstand on the south side.
Men Bordet skal du stille uden for Forhænget, og Lysestagen over for Bordet ved Boligens søndre Væg; Bordet skal du altsaa stille ved den nordre Væg.
36 [Tell them to] make a curtain to [cover] the entrance of the Sacred Tent. They must make it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
Fremdeles skal du lave et Forhæng til Teltets Indgang af violet og rødt Purpurgarn, karmoisinrødt Garn og tvundet Byssus i broget Vævning;
37 To hold up this curtain, [they] must make five posts from acacia wood. [They] must cover them with gold, and fasten gold clasps/fasteners to them. Also [they] must make a bronze base for each of these posts.”
og til Forhænget skal du lave fem Piller af Akacietræ, som du skal overtrække med Guld, med Knager af Guld, og du skal støbe fem Fodstykker dertil af Kobber.