< Exodus 20 >

1 Then God said this [to the Israeli people: ]
Og Gud talede alle disse Ord og sagde:
2 “I am Yahweh God, the one you [worship]. I am the one who brought you out of Egypt. I am the one who freed you from being slaves [there].
Jeg er Herren din Gud, som udførte dig af Ægyptens Land, af Trælles Hus.
3 [So] you must worship [only] me; you must not worship any other god.
Du skal ikke have andre Guder for mig.
4 You must not carve/make for yourselves any idol that represents anything in the sky or that is on the ground or that is in the water under the ground/earth.
Du skal ikke gøre dig udskaaret Billede eller nogen Lignelse efter det, som er i Himmelen oventil, eller det paa Jorden nedentil, eller det, som er i Vandet under Jorden.
5 You must not bow down to any idol and worship it, because I am Yahweh God, and I (am very jealous/want you to worship me only). I will punish those who sin and hate me. I will punish not only them, but I will punish (their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation/their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren).
Du skal ikke tilbede dem og ikke tjene dem; thi jeg, Herren din Gud, er en nidkær Gud, som hjemsøger Fædres Misgerning paa Børn, paa dem i tredje og paa dem i fjerde Led, paa dem, som hade mig;
6 But I will steadfastly love thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my commandments (OR, I will love for thousands of generations.)
og den, som gør Miskundhed i tusinde Led mod dem, som elske mig, og mod dem, som holde mine Bud.
7 Do not use my name carelessly (OR, for wrong/evil purposes), because I am Yahweh God, the one whom you [should worship], and I will certainly punish those who use my name for wrong/evil purposes [LIT].
Du skal ikke tage Herren din Guds Navn forfængelig; thi Herren skal ikke lade den være uskyldig, som tager hans Navn forfængelig.
8 Do not forget that the seventh day [of every week] is mine, so dedicate those days to me.
Kom Sabbatens Dag ihu, at du holder den hellig.
9 There are six days each week for you to do all your work,
Seks Dage skal du arbejde og gøre al din Gerning.
10 but the seventh day is a day of rest, a day dedicated to me, Yahweh God, the one whom you [should worship]. On that day you must not do any work. You and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves must not work. You must not even force your livestock to work, and you must not allow foreigners to work, those who are living in your country.
Men den syvende Dag er Sabbat for Herren din Gud; da skal du ingen Gerning gøre, hverken du eller din Søn eller din Datter, din Svend eller din Pige eller dit Dyr eller din fremmede, som er inden dine Porte.
11 I, Yahweh, created the sky, the earth, the ocean, and everything that is in them, in six days. Then I stopped my work of creating everything, and rested on the seventh day. That is the reason that I, Yahweh, have blessed the rest day and set it apart [to be a sacred/special day].
Thi i seks Dage gjorde Herren Himmelen og Jorden, Havet og alt det, som er i dem, og hvilede paa den syvende Dag; derfor velsignede Herren Sabbatsdagen og helligede den.
12 Honor/Respect your fathers and your mothers, in order that you may live a long time in the land that I, Yahweh God, will give you.
Ær din Fader og din Moder, paa det dine Dage kunne forlænges i Landet, som Herren din Gud giver dig.
13 Do not murder anyone.
Du skal ikke ihjelslaa.
14 Do not (commit adultery/have sex with anyone other than your spouse).
Du skal ikke bedrive Hor.
15 Do not steal anything.
Du skal ikke stjæle.
16 Do not falsely accuse anyone [of committing a crime].
Du skal ikke svare mod din Næste som et falsk Vidne.
17 Do not (covet/desire to have) someone else’s house, someone else’s wife, someone else’s male or female slave, someone else’s livestock, someone else’s donkeys, or anything else that some other person owns.”
Du skal ikke begære din Næstes Hus. Du skal ikke begære din Næstes Hustru eller hans Svend eller hans Pige eller hans Okse eller hans Asen eller noget, som hører din Næste til.
18 When the people heard the thunder and saw the lightning, and when they heard the sound of the trumpet and saw the smoke on the mountain, they were afraid and trembled. They stood at a distance,
Og alt Folket saa Tordenen og Blussene og Basunens Lyd og Bjerget ryge; Folket saa det, og de flyede og stode langt borte.
19 and said to Moses/me, “If you speak to us, we will listen. But do not let God speak any more to us. [We are afraid that] if he speaks [any more] to us, we will die.”
Og de sagde til Mose: Tal du med os, og vi ville være lydige; og lad Gud ikke tale med os, at vi ikke dø.
20 Moses/I replied, “Do not be afraid! God has come to determine/test [how you will behave]. He wants you to revere him, and to not sin.”
Og Mose sagde til Folket: Frygter ikke, thi Gud er kommen for at forsøge eder, og for at hans Frygt skal være over eders Ansigt, at I ikke skulle synde.
21 Then, as the people [watched from] a distance, Moses/I went close to the black cloud where God was.
Og Folket stod langt borte; og Mose gik nær til Mørket, hvor Gud var.
22 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Say this to the Israeli people: ‘You have heard how I, Yahweh, have spoken to you from heaven. I told you that you must not make any idols of silver or gold [that you will worship instead] of me.
Og Herren sagde til Mose: Saa skal du sige til Israels Børn: I have set, at jeg har talet af Himmelen med eder.
I skulle ikke gøre noget til at sætte ved Siden af mig; Sølvguder eller Guldguder skulle I ikke gøre eder.
24 Make for me an altar from dirt. Sacrifice on it the animals that you will burn completely. Also sacrifice on it the animals that you will not burn completely, to maintain fellowship with me. Worship me [MTY] in any place that I choose for you to honor/worship me; and if you do that, I will come to you and bless you.
Et Alter af Jord skal du gøre mig, og derpaa skal du ofre dine Brændofre og dine Takofre, dine Faar og dine Øksne; paa hvert Sted, hvor jeg lader mit Navn ihukomme, vil jeg komme til dig og velsigne dig.
25 If you make for me an altar from stones, do not make it from stones that you have cut [to make them look nice], because you will make the altar unsuitable for [worshiping] me if you use tools to cut the stones.
Og dersom du vil gøre mig et Alter af Sten, da skal du ikke bygge det af huggen Sten; thi lader du dit Huggejern komme derover, da vanhelliger du det.
26 Do not make an altar that has steps in front of it, because if you do that, [people] could see your naked [buttocks] as you go up the steps.’”
Og du skal ikke gaa op ad Trapper til mit Alter, at din Blusel ikke skal blottes over det.

< Exodus 20 >