< Exodus 2 >

1 (There was a man who/My father) was descended from [Jacob’s son] Levi. He married a woman who was [also] descended from Levi.
레위 족속 중 한 사람이 가서 레위 여자에게 장가 들었더니
2 She became pregnant and gave birth to (a baby boy/me). When she saw that he/I was a good-looking baby, she hid him/me for three months, [because she was not willing to do what the king commanded].
그 여자가 잉태하여 아들을 낳아 그 준수함을 보고 그를 석달을 숨겼더니
3 When she was unable to (hide him/me/keep it a secret) any longer, she got a basket made from tall reeds. She covered the basket with tar ([to make it waterproof/so water could not get in]). Then she put him/me in the basket and put the basket in [the water] in the middle of the tall grass at the edge of the Nile [River].
더 숨길 수 없이 되매 그를 위하여 갈 상자를 가져다가 역청과 나무 진을 칠하고 아이를 거기 담아 하숫가 갈대 사이에 두고
4 His/My older sister was standing not far away, [watching to see] what would happen to him/me.
그 누이가 어떻게 되는 것을 알려고 멀리 섰더니
5 [Soon] the king’s daughter went down to the river to bathe. Her female servants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket amid the tall grass [in the river]. So she sent [one of] her servants to get it.
바로의 딸이 목욕하러 하수로 내려오고 시녀들은 하숫가에 거닐 때에 그가 갈대 사이에 상자를 보고 시녀를 보내어 가져다가
6 When [the servant brought the basket to her], she opened it, and was surprised to see (a baby that was/me), crying. She felt sorry for him/me, and said, “This [must] be one of the Hebrews’ babies.”
열고 그 아이를 보니 아이가 우는지라 그가 불쌍히 여겨 가로되 이는 히브리 사람의 아이로다
7 Then (the baby’s/my) [older] sister [approached] the king’s daughter and said, “Do you want me to go and find someone from among the Hebrew women who will [be able to] nurse the baby for you?”
그 누이가 바로의 딸에게 이르되 내가 가서 히브리 여인 중에서 유모를 불러다가 당신을 위하여 이 아이를 젖 먹이게 하리이까
8 The king’s daughter said to her, “[Yes], go [and find one].” So the girl went and summoned (the baby’s/my) mother.
바로의 딸이 그에게 이르되 가라 그 소녀가 가서 아이의 어미를 불러오니
9 The king’s daughter said to her, “[Please] take this baby and nurse him for me. I will pay you [for doing that].” So (the woman/my mother) took him/me and nursed him/me.
바로의 딸이 그에게 이르되 이 아이를 데려다가 나를 위하여 젖을 먹이라 내가 그 삯을 주리라 여인이 아이를 데려다가 젖을 먹이더니
10 ([A few years later]/when (the child/I) grew [older]), she brought him/me to the king’s daughter. She adopted him/me [as though I was] her own son. She named him/me Moses, [which sounds like the Hebrew words ‘pull out’], because she said “I pulled him out of the water.”
그 아이가 자라매 바로의 딸에게로 데려가니 그의 아들이 되니라 그가 그 이름을 모세라 하여 가로되 이는 내가 그를 물에서 건져내었음이라 하였더라
11 One day, after Moses/I had grown up, he/I went out [of the palace area] to see his/my people, [the Hebrews]. He/I saw how they were being [forced to work] very hard. He/I [also] saw an Egyptian [man] beating one of his/my Hebrew people.
모세가 장성한 후에 한번은 자기 형제들에게 나가서 그 고역함을 보더니 어떤 애굽 사람이 어떤 히브리 사람 곧 자기 형제를 치는 것을 본지라
12 He/I looked around [to see if anyone was watching]. Seeing no one, he/I killed the Egyptian man and buried his [body] in the sand.
좌우로 살펴 사람이 없음을 보고 그 애굽 사람을 쳐죽여 모래에 감추니라
13 The next day he/I returned [to the same place]. He/I was surprised to see two Hebrew men who were fighting [each other]. He/I said to the man who started the fight, “Why are you (you should not be) striking your fellow [Hebrew].”
이튿날 다시 나가니 두 히브리 사람이 서로 싸우는지라 그 그른 자에게 이르되 네가 어찌하여 동포를 치느냐 하매
14 The man replied, “(Who made you our ruler and judge?/No one made you our ruler and judge!) [RHQ] [You have no right to interfere with us] Are you going to kill me just like you killed that Egyptian man [yesterday]?” Then Moses/I was afraid, [because] he/I thought, “[Since that man knows what I did], surely [other people] know, [too].”
그가 가로되 누가 너로 우리의 주재와 법관을 삼았느냐 네가 애굽 사람을 죽임 같이 나도 죽이려느냐 모세가 두려워하여 가로되 일이 탄로되었도다
15 [And that was correct]. The king heard about what he/I had done [to that Egyptian. So he ordered his soldiers to] execute/kill Moses/me. But he/I fled from the king [and left Egypt. He/I traveled east to] the Midian [region] and started to live there.
바로가 이 일을 듣고 모세를 죽이고자 하여 찾은지라 모세가 바로의 낯을 피하여 미디안 땅에 머물며 하루는 우물 곁에 앉았더라
16 The man who was the (priest/one who offered the people’s gifts to God) for the Midian people, [whose name was Jethro], had seven daughters. [One day] as Moses/I sat down beside a well, those girls came [to the well] and got water, and filled the troughs in order to give water to their father’s flock [of sheep].
미디안 제사장에게 일곱 딸이 있더니 그들이 와서 물을 길어 구유에 채우고 그 아비의 양무리에게 먹이려 하는데
17 Some (shepherds/men who took care of other sheep) came and started to chase away the girls. But Moses/I helped/rescued the girls, and got water for their sheep.
목자들이 와서 그들을 쫓는지라 모세가 일어나 그들을 도와 그 양무리에게 먹이니라
18 When the girls returned to their father [Jethro], [whose other name is] Reuel, he asked them, “How is it that you were able to [give water to the sheep and] come home so quickly today?”
그들이 그 아비 르우엘에게 이를 때에 아비가 가로되 너희가 오늘은 어찌하여 이같이 속히 돌아오느냐
19 They replied, “A man from Egypt kept [MTY] other shepherds from sending us away. He also got water for us [from the well] and gave water to the flock [of sheep].”
그들이 가로되 한 애굽 사람이 우리를 목자들의 손에서 건져내고 우리를 위하여 물을 길어 양무리에게 먹였나이다
20 He said to his daughters, “Where is he? (Why did you leave him [out there]?/You should not leave him [out there]!) [RHQ] Invite him [in], so he can have something to eat [MTY]!”
아비가 딸들에게 이르되 그 사람이 어디 있느냐 너희가 어찌하여 그 사람을 버리고 왔느냐 그를 청하여 음식으로 대접하라 하였더라
21 [So they did], and Moses/I [accepted and ate with them]. And Moses/I decided to live there. Later Jethro gave him/me his daughter Zipporah [to be his/my wife].
모세가 그와 동거하기를 기뻐하매 그가 그 딸 십보라를 모세에게 주었더니
22 Later she gave birth to a son, and Moses/I named him Gershom, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘foreigner’], because he/I said, “I am living as a foreigner in [this] land.”
그가 아들을 낳으매 모세가 그 이름을 게르솜이라 하여 가로되 내가 타국에서 객이 되었음이라 하였더라
23 Many years later the king of Egypt died. The Israeli people [in Egypt] were still groaning because of the [hard work they had to do as] slaves. They called out for [someone to] help them, and God heard them call out [PRS].
여러 해 후에 애굽 왕은 죽었고 이스라엘 자손은 고역으로 인하여 탄식하며 부르짖으니 그 고역으로 인하여 부르짖는 소리가 하나님께 상달한지라
24 He heard them groaning. And he (thought about/did not forget) that he had solemnly promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [to bless their descendants].
하나님이 그 고통 소리를 들으시고 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱에게 세운 그 언약을 기억하사
25 God saw how the Israeli people were [being badly treated], and he was concerned about them.
이스라엘 자손을 권념하셨더라

< Exodus 2 >