< Exodus 18 >

1 Jethro, who was the priest for the Midian people-group, and who was also Moses’/my father-in-law, heard about all that God had done for the Israeli people. He heard about how Yahweh had brought them out of Egypt.
Jéthro, sacrificateur de Madian, beau-père de Moïse, apprit tout ce que Dieu avait fait en faveur de Moïse et d’Israël, son peuple; il apprit que l’Éternel avait fait sortir Israël d’Égypte.
2 Moses/I had [previously] sent his/my wife Zipporah [back home when he/I was returning to Egypt]. But now Jethro came to him/me,
Jéthro, beau-père de Moïse, prit Séphora, femme de Moïse, qui avait été renvoyée.
3 bringing Zipporah and their/our two sons. One son was named Gershom, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘foreigner’], because he/I had said, “I have been a foreigner living in another land.”
Il prit aussi les deux fils de Séphora; l’un se nommait Guerschom, car Moïse avait dit: J’habite un pays étranger;
4 Her other son was named Eliezer, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘God helps me’], because [he/I] had said “God, whom my father [worshiped], has helped me and saved [me] from being killed [MTY] by the king [of Egypt].”
l’autre se nommait Éliézer, car il avait dit: Le Dieu de mon père m’a secouru, et il m’a délivré de l’épée de Pharaon.
5 While Moses/I was camped [with the Israeli people] in the desert [near Sinai], God’s sacred/holy mountain, Jethro came to him/me, bringing along Moses’/my wife and our [two] sons.
Jéthro, beau-père de Moïse, avec les fils et la femme de Moïse, vint au désert où il campait, à la montagne de Dieu.
6 Jethro had sent a message to Moses/me, “I, your father-in-law, Jethro, am coming to see you, bringing along your wife and your two sons!”
Il fit dire à Moïse: Moi, ton beau-père Jéthro, je viens vers toi, avec ta femme et ses deux fils.
7 So Moses/I went out of the campsite to meet his/my father-in-law. He/I bowed before him, and kissed him [on the cheek]. (They both/We) asked each other, “Have you been healthy?” Then they/we went into [Moses’/my] tent.
Moïse sortit au-devant de son beau-père, il se prosterna, et il le baisa. Ils s’informèrent réciproquement de leur santé, et ils entrèrent dans la tente de Moïse.
8 Moses/I told Jethro everything that Yahweh had done to the king and all the [other] people in Egypt for the sake of the Israeli people. He/I also told him about the troubles/problems they/we had experienced on the way, and how Yahweh had helped them/us.
Moïse raconta à son beau-père tout ce que l’Éternel avait fait à Pharaon et à l’Égypte à cause d’Israël, toutes les souffrances qui leur étaient survenues en chemin, et comment l’Éternel les avait délivrés.
9 Jethro rejoiced when he heard all that Yahweh had done for the Israeli people.
Jéthro se réjouit de tout le bien que l’Éternel avait fait à Israël, et de ce qu’il l’avait délivré de la main des Égyptiens.
10 He said, “Praise Yahweh, who has rescued you from the powerful [MTY] Egyptian king and his army!
Et Jéthro dit: Béni soit l’Éternel, qui vous a délivrés de la main des Égyptiens et de la main de Pharaon; qui a délivré le peuple de la main des Égyptiens!
11 Now I realize that Yahweh is greater than all other gods, because he rescued you all from the power [MTY] of the proud Egyptians when [they] were causing you [to suffer].”
Je reconnais maintenant que l’Éternel est plus grand que tous les dieux; car la méchanceté des Égyptiens est retombée sur eux.
12 Then Jethro sacrificed an animal by burning it completely on the altar [as an offering], and he also offered other sacrifices to God. Aaron and the Israeli elders/leaders went with them/us to eat a sacred meal with Jethro.
Jéthro, beau-père de Moïse, offrit à Dieu un holocauste et des sacrifices. Aaron et tous les anciens d’Israël vinrent participer au repas avec le beau-père de Moïse, en présence de Dieu.
13 The next day, Moses/I sat down at the place where he/I settled disputes among the people. The people were continually bringing their disputes to Moses/me, from morning until evening.
Le lendemain, Moïse s’assit pour juger le peuple, et le peuple se tint devant lui depuis le matin jusqu’au soir.
14 When Jethro saw everything that Moses/I was doing for the people, he said, “(Why are you doing all this for the people?/You should not be doing all this for the people!) [RHQ] Why are you doing this by yourself, and all the people are crowding around you, from morning until evening, [asking you to make decisions for them] [RHQ]?”
Le beau-père de Moïse vit tout ce qu’il faisait pour le peuple, et il dit: Que fais-tu là avec ce peuple? Pourquoi sièges-tu seul, et tout le peuple se tient-il devant toi, depuis le matin jusqu’au soir?
15 Moses/I replied, “[I am doing this] because the people keep coming to me to find out what God desires.
Moïse répondit à son beau-père: C’est que le peuple vient à moi pour consulter Dieu.
16 When they have a dispute about something, they come to me, and they ask me to decide which of them is right. I also tell them all of God’s laws and instructions.”
Quand ils ont quelque affaire, ils viennent à moi; je prononce entre eux, et je fais connaître les ordonnances de Dieu et ses lois.
17 Jethro said to him/me, “What you are doing is not good [for you or for the people].
Le beau-père de Moïse lui dit: Ce que tu fais n’est pas bien.
18 You and these people will (wear yourselves out/become exhausted)! This work is too much for one person. You are not able to do it by yourself.
Tu t’épuiseras toi-même, et tu épuiseras ce peuple qui est avec toi; car la chose est au-dessus de tes forces, tu ne pourras pas y suffire seul.
19 Now listen to some good advice [MTY] I will give to you. [If you do what I suggest], God will help you. You should continue to speak to God and tell him about the people’s disputes.
Maintenant écoute ma voix; je vais te donner un conseil, et que Dieu soit avec toi! Sois l’interprète du peuple auprès de Dieu, et porte les affaires devant Dieu.
20 You should [also] teach the people what God has commanded and instructed you. You should also explain to them how they should conduct their lives, and the things that they should do.
Enseigne-leur les ordonnances et les lois; et fais-leur connaître le chemin qu’ils doivent suivre, et ce qu’ils doivent faire.
21 But in addition, you should choose some [other men to help you]. Choose men who have reverence for God and who will not accept bribes. Appoint some of them to make decisions [for groups of] ten people, [some for groups of] 50 [people], [some for groups of] 100 [people], [and some for groups of] 1,000 [people].
Choisis parmi tout le peuple des hommes capables, craignant Dieu, des hommes intègres, ennemis de la cupidité; établis-les sur eux comme chefs de mille, chefs de cent, chefs de cinquante et chefs de dix.
22 Allow them to serve permanently to settle disputes for the people. The difficult matters the people can bring to you; but the matters that are not difficult, they can decide themselves. That will make the work easier for you, as they help you do that work.
Qu’ils jugent le peuple en tout temps; qu’ils portent devant toi toutes les affaires importantes, et qu’ils prononcent eux-mêmes sur les petites causes. Allège ta charge, et qu’ils la portent avec toi.
23 If you do that, and [I think that] God is telling you to do it (OR, if God tells you to do it), you will not become exhausted, and all the people will be able to go home feeling satisfied about the decisions, [with their disputes settled quickly”].
Si tu fais cela, et que Dieu te donne des ordres, tu pourras y suffire, et tout ce peuple parviendra heureusement à sa destination.
24 Moses/I accepted what his/my father-in-law [Jethro] suggested.
Moïse écouta la voix de son beau-père, et fit tout ce qu’il avait dit.
25 Moses/I chose capable men from among the Israeli people.
Moïse choisit des hommes capables parmi tout Israël, et il les établit chefs du peuple, chefs de mille, chefs de cent, chefs de cinquante et chefs de dix.
26 They were appointed permanently to make decisions about the people’s disputes. They brought the difficult cases to Moses/me, but they decided the matters that were not difficult by themselves.
Ils jugeaient le peuple en tout temps; ils portaient devant Moïse les affaires difficiles, et ils prononçaient eux-mêmes sur toutes les petites causes.
27 Then Moses/I said goodbye to his/my father-in-law, and Jethro returned home.
Moïse laissa partir son beau-père, et Jéthro s’en alla dans son pays.

< Exodus 18 >