< Exodus 15 >

1 Then Moses/I sang this song, and the Israeli people sang with him: “I will sing to Yahweh, because he has triumphed gloriously; He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea!
tunc cecinit Moses et filii Israhel carmen hoc Domino et dixerunt cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est equum et ascensorem deiecit in mare
2 Yahweh is the one who makes me strong, and he is the one I sing about. He is the one who has saved me. He is (my God/God, the one I worship), and I will praise him. He is the one my father worshiped, and I will tell [others] how great he is.
fortitudo mea et laus mea Dominus et factus est mihi in salutem iste Deus meus et glorificabo eum Deus patris mei et exaltabo eum
3 Yahweh is a warrior; Yahweh is his name.
Dominus quasi vir pugnator Omnipotens nomen eius
4 He has thrown the king’s chariots and his army into the sea; His best officers all drowned in the Red Sea (OR, Gulf of Suez).
currus Pharaonis et exercitum eius proiecit in mare electi principes eius submersi sunt in mari Rubro
5 The [water covered them like] a flood; they sank to the bottom like a stone.
abyssi operuerunt eos descenderunt in profundum quasi lapis
6 O Yahweh, your right arm has awesome power; with that power [MTY], O Yahweh, you have crushed/smashed the enemy into pieces.
dextera tua Domine magnifice in fortitudine dextera tua Domine percussit inimicum
7 You have gloriously defeated your enemies. Because you were angry with them, you have [destroyed them] like a fire burns up straw [SIM].
et in multitudine gloriae tuae deposuisti adversarios meos misisti iram tuam quae devoravit eos ut stipulam
8 You blew on the sea, and the water piled up high; the water stood up like two walls. In the deepest part of the sea [the water] became thick/solid, [as though] it was frozen.
et in spiritu furoris tui congregatae sunt aquae stetit unda fluens congregatae sunt abyssi in medio mari
9 [Our] enemies said, ‘We will pursue them and catch up to them. We will draw our swords and strike them. After we defeat them, we will divide up the spoils. We will take [from them] all we want.’
dixit inimicus persequar et conprehendam dividam spolia implebitur anima mea evaginabo gladium meum interficiet eos manus mea
10 But you blew on them with your breath, and then the sea covered them. They sank like lead/rocks in the big waves.
flavit spiritus tuus et operuit eos mare submersi sunt quasi plumbum in aquis vehementibus
11 Yahweh, among their gods, there is no god like you [RHQ]! You are glorious, completely different from all that you made. (There is no god like you!/What god is like you?) [RHQ] There is no one who can perform all kinds of miracles [DOU] like you do [RHQ]!
quis similis tui in fortibus Domine quis similis tui magnificus in sanctitate terribilis atque laudabilis et faciens mirabilia
12 When you stretched out your right hand, the earth swallowed up [our enemies]
extendisti manum tuam et devoravit eos terra
13 You faithfully loved the people you rescued; with your power you are leading them to the land that you have set apart.
dux fuisti in misericordia tua populo quem redemisti et portasti eum in fortitudine tua ad habitaculum sanctum tuum
14 The people of [other] nations will hear [what you have done]; and they will tremble. The people in Philistia will be terrified.
adtenderunt populi et irati sunt dolores obtinuerunt habitatores Philisthim
15 The chiefs in Edom will be dismayed. The leaders in Moab will be so afraid, they will shake. All those who live in Canaan will faint.
tunc conturbati sunt principes Edom robustos Moab obtinuit tremor obriguerunt omnes habitatores Chanaan
16 They will be terrified and fearful because of your great strength [MTY]. But they will be as silent as stones until your people march past them, the people you freed from being slaves in Egypt,
inruat super eos formido et pavor in magnitudine brachii tui fiant inmobiles quasi lapis donec pertranseat populus tuus Domine donec pertranseat populus tuus iste quem possedisti
17 to go to [Canaan land]. You will enable them to live [MET] on your hill, at the place that you, O Yahweh, have chosen to be your home, in the (holy place/temple) that you yourself will build.
introduces eos et plantabis in monte hereditatis tuae firmissimo habitaculo tuo quod operatus es Domine sanctuarium Domine quod firmaverunt manus tuae
18 O Yahweh, you will rule forever!
Dominus regnabit in aeternum et ultra
19 The Israeli people walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground. But when the king’s horses and chariots and horsemen tried to go through the sea, Yahweh caused the water to come back and cover them.”
ingressus est enim equus Pharao cum curribus et equitibus eius in mare et reduxit super eos Dominus aquas maris filii autem Israhel ambulaverunt per siccum in medio eius
20 Then Miriam, who was Aaron’s older sister and a (prophetess/woman who spoke messages that came directly from God), picked up her tambourine,
sumpsit ergo Maria prophetis soror Aaron tympanum in manu egressaeque sunt omnes mulieres post eam cum tympanis et choris
21 and she sang this song to Yahweh: “Sing to Yahweh, because he has triumphed gloriously [over his enemies]. He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.”
quibus praecinebat dicens cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est equum et ascensorem eius deiecit in mare
22 Then Moses/I led the Israeli people away from the Red Sea (OR, Gulf of Suez). They/we went to the desert at Shur. They/We walked for three days, but they/we could not find any water.
tulit autem Moses Israhel de mari Rubro et egressi sunt in desertum Sur ambulaveruntque tribus diebus per solitudinem et non inveniebant aquam
23 So they/we [went on and] came to a [place named] Marah. [There was] water [there, but] they/we could not drink it, because it was bitter. That is why they named the place Marah, [which is the Hebrew word that means ‘bitter’].
et venerunt in Marath nec poterant bibere aquas de Mara eo quod essent amarae unde et congruum loco nomen inposuit vocans illud Mara id est amaritudinem
24 The people complained to Moses/me, saying, “What are we going to drink?”
et murmuravit populus contra Mosen dicens quid bibemus
25 So Moses/I prayed earnestly to Yahweh. Then Yahweh showed him/me a tree. So he/I cut off [one of the branches] and threw it into the water, and the water became good to drink. There at Marah, Yahweh gave them various laws to direct their lives. He also tested them there, to determine if they would obey him,
at ille clamavit ad Dominum qui ostendit ei lignum quod cum misisset in aquas in dulcedinem versae sunt ibi constituit ei praecepta atque iudicia et ibi temptavit eum
26 by saying, “I am Yahweh, your God. If you will carefully obey me when I speak [to you], and do those things that I know are right, and pay close attention to all the things that I command you, I will keep you from being afflicted by all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians. Do not forget that I am the one who heals you.”
dicens si audieris vocem Domini Dei tui et quod rectum est coram eo feceris et oboedieris mandatis eius custodierisque omnia praecepta illius cunctum languorem quem posui in Aegypto non inducam super te ego enim Dominus sanator tuus
27 [After they/we left Marah], they/we came to a [place named] Elim. There were twelve springs of water and 70 palm trees there. So they/we camped there.
venerunt autem in Helim ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum et septuaginta palmae et castrametati sunt iuxta aquas

< Exodus 15 >