< Exodus 12 >

1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me there in Egypt,
Yavé habló a Moisés y a Aarón en la tierra de Egipto:
2 “[From now on], this month [will be] the first month of the year for you.
Este mes será para ustedes principio de meses. Sea para ustedes el primer mes del año.
3 Tell all the Israeli people that in each family, the man who heads the family must select a lamb or a young goat for his household.
Hablen a toda la congregación de Israel: El día diez de este mes tome cada uno un cordero, según su casa paterna, un cordero por familia.
4 If there are not enough people in his family to eat a whole [cooked] lamb, then his family and the family that lives next door may share one animal. Decide how many lambs you need according to the number of people in each family, and according to how much each person can eat.
Si la familia es demasiado pequeña para comer un cordero, entonces él y su vecino más cercano a su casa tomen uno según el número de las personas. Dividirán el cordero según la cantidad que cada uno va a comer.
5 The lambs or goats that you choose must be males, one-year-old, and they must not have any defects.
Su cordero será sin defecto, macho de un año. Puedes tomarlo de las ovejas o de las cabras.
6 You must take [special] care of these animals until the 14th day of the month. On that day, all the Israeli people must slaughter the lambs [or goats] in the evening.
Lo guardarás hasta el día 14 de este mes, y toda la asamblea de la congregación de Israel lo inmolará por la noche.
7 Then they must take some of the blood [from the lambs or goats], and they must smear it on the doorposts and the (lintels/horizontal beams above the doorways) of the houses in which they will eat the meat.
Además, tomarán de la sangre y la pondrán sobre las dos jambas y el dintel de las casas en las cuales lo coman.
8 They must roast the animals immediately and eat the meat that night. They must eat it with bread that is baked without yeast and with bitter herbs.
Aquella noche comerán la carne asada al fuego con Panes sin Levadura. La comerán con hierbas amargas.
9 You must not eat any of the meat raw, and you must not boil the meat. You must roast it [whole], without cutting off the head or the legs or removing the internal parts.
No coman de él nada crudo ni cocido en agua, sino asado al fuego, tanto su cabeza como sus piernas y sus órganos internos.
10 You must eat all the meat that evening; do not let any of the meat remain [to be eaten] the next morning. If any of the meat is left until the next morning, you must [completely] burn it.
Nada de él dejarán para la mañana, y quemarán al fuego lo que sobre de él la mañana siguiente.
11 When you eat it, you must be dressed ready to travel, and you must eat it quickly. You must have your sandals on your feet and your walking stick in your hands. It will be a festival [called] Passover to [honor] me, Yahweh.
Así lo comerán: con sus cinturones atados, sus sandalias en sus pies y su bastón en la mano. Lo comerán apresuradamente. Es la Pascua de Yavé.
12 On that night I will go through all the country of Egypt, and I will kill all the oldest males in Egypt, both humans and animals. [By doing this] I will show that all the gods in Egypt are worthless. [I can do this], because I am Yahweh, [the all-powerful God].
Esa noche Yo pasaré por la tierra de Egipto y heriré a todo primogénito en la tierra de Egipto, tanto de hombre como de bestia. Ejecutaré juicios contra todos los ʼelohim de Egipto. Yo, Yavé.
13 The blood [that you smear on the doorways will be a mark to indicate] the houses in which you [Israelis] live. When I see the blood, I will [ignore and] pass by those houses, and I will not harm you [Israelis who live there], when I punish the Egyptians.
La sangre les servirá de señal en las casas donde estén, pues veré la sangre y los pasaré por alto. No habrá plaga que los destruya a ustedes cuando Yo hiera la tierra de Egipto.
14 [Each year], you must celebrate this festival on this day, to remember [what I], Yahweh, [have done for you]. In all the generations to come, [each year] you must celebrate [this festival]. [It must continue] forever.
Éste les será día memorable, y lo celebrarán como una fiesta solemne a Yavé en sus generaciones. Por estatuto perpetuo lo celebrarán.
15 For seven days you must eat bread that has no yeast in it. On the first day of that week you must get rid of all the yeast that is in your houses. During those seven days, if anyone eats bread that is baked with yeast in it, [you must consider] that person to be no longer an Israeli.
Siete días comerán Panes sin Levadura. Pero el primer día quitarán la levadura de sus casas, porque cualquiera que coma pan leudado, desde el primer día hasta el séptimo, será cortado de Israel.
16 On the first day [of that week], you must (have a holy meeting/gather together to [worship] me). You must do the same thing on the seventh day. People must not work on those two days. The only work they may do is to prepare food for you to eat.
El primer día y también el séptimo día ustedes tendrán una santa asamblea. Ninguna obra se hará en ellos, excepto lo que coma cada persona. Solo eso puede ser preparado por ti.
17 [Every year] you must keep celebrating this festival of eating bread that has no yeast in it, because it will remind you that it was on this day that I brought all your tribal groups out of Egypt. So [every year], in all the generations to come, you must celebrate this day as a festival. It must continue forever.
También observarán la fiesta de los Panes sin Levadura, porque en este mismo día saqué tus escuadrones de la tierra de Egipto. Por tanto ustedes celebrarán este día como estatuto perpetuo en todas sus generaciones.
18 In the first month of the year, on the 14th day of that month, the only bread you may eat is bread that has no yeast in it. You must keep doing that each day until the 21st day of that month. For those seven days you must not have any yeast in your house. [During that time], if anyone, either an Israeli or a foreigner, eats bread made with yeast, you must consider that person no longer to be an Israeli.
En el primer mes, desde el día 14 hasta el 21, comerán pan sin levadura en la noche.
Durante siete días no se hallará levadura en sus casas, porque cualquiera que coma lo que es leudado, tanto extranjero como natural del país, será cortado de la congregación de Israel.
20 In your houses, do not eat anything that has yeast in it during those seven days.”
Nada leudado comerán. En todas sus tiendas comerán Panes sin Levadura.
21 Then Moses/I summoned all the leaders of the Israeli people. He/I said to them, “Each family should select a lamb and kill it, [in order that you may eat it to celebrate the festival that will be called] ‘Passover’.
Entonces Moisés convocó a todos los ancianos de Israel y les dijo: Vayan, escojan ustedes mismos corderos según sus familias y maten [el cordero de] la Pascua.
22 Let the lamb’s blood [drain into] a basin. Get a bunch/sprig of (hyssop/a very leafy plant) and dip it in the blood. Then smear some of the blood on the doorposts and the (lintels/beams above the doorways) [of your houses]. The people in each house must all stay inside the house until the next morning.
Tomarán un manojo de hisopo, lo empaparán en la sangre que estará en la vasija y untarán el dintel y las dos jambas con la sangre que está en la vasija. Ninguno de ustedes saldrá de la puerta de su casa hasta la mañana.
23 When Yahweh goes throughout Egypt to kill the [oldest male in each] Egyptian family, he will see the blood on the (lintels/beams of your doorways), and he will [ignore and] pass by those houses. He will not allow the angel who causes people to die to enter your houses and kill [any of] your [oldest sons].
Porque cuando Yavé pase para herir a los egipcios, verá la sangre en el dintel y sobre las jambas. Yavé pasará de aquella puerta y no dejará que el destructor entre a sus casas para herir.
24 You and your descendants must celebrate this festival forever.
Tú observarás estas cosas como un estatuto para ti y tus hijos para siempre.
25 And when you arrive in the land that Yahweh will be giving to you as he promised, you must keep celebrating this ritual [every year].
Cuando ustedes entren en la tierra que Yavé les dará, como prometió, observarán este servicio.
26 When your children ask you, ‘What does this ritual mean?’,
Y cuando les pregunten sus hijos: ¿Qué significa este servicio para ustedes?
27 you must tell them, ‘This ritual is [to remember how our ancestors] sacrificed [lambs] on the night that Yahweh’s angel passed by the houses of the Israeli people [when they were] in Egypt. He killed the [oldest males/sons in all] the Egyptian houses, but he spared [the sons in] [MTY] our houses.’” After Moses/I told them this, they all bowed their heads and worshiped [Yahweh].
les responderán: Es un sacrificio de Pascua para Yavé, Quien pasó por alto las casas de los hijos de Israel en Egipto cuando hirió a los egipcios, y pasó por alto nuestras casas. Entonces el pueblo se postró y adoró.
28 Then the Israeli people did what Yahweh had told Aaron and Moses/me [to tell them to do].
Entonces los hijos de Israel hicieron tal como Yavé ordenó a Moisés y a Aarón. Así lo hicieron.
29 At midnight Yahweh killed all the oldest sons of the Egyptian people, all over Egypt. That included the king’s oldest son, the oldest sons of the prisoners in the dungeon/jail, and [the oldest sons of everyone else]. He also killed the oldest males of all the Egyptians’ livestock.
Aconteció que a la medianoche Yavé mató a todo primogénito en la tierra de Egipto, tanto el primogénito de Faraón que se sentaba en su trono, como el primogénito del cautivo que estaba en la cárcel y todo primogénito del ganado.
30 That night the king, all his officials, and [all the rest of] the Egyptian people awoke [and discovered what had happened]. They wailed loudly all over Egypt, because in every house, someone’s son had died.
Y Faraón se levantó por la noche, él, todos sus esclavos y todos los egipcios. Hubo un gran clamor en Egipto, pues no hubo casa donde no hubiera algún muerto.
31 That night the king summoned Aaron and Moses/me and said, “You and all the [other] Israeli people, must leave my country [immediately]! Go and worship Yahweh, as you requested!
Llamó a Moisés y a Aarón de noche: ¡Levántense! Salgan de en medio de mi pueblo, tanto ustedes como los hijos de Israel. Váyanse, adoren a Yavé como dijeron.
32 Take your flocks [of sheep and goats] and herds [of cattle], and leave! And ask Yahweh to bless me, also!”
Lleven también sus ovejas y sus manadas de ganado vacuno, como dijeron, y váyanse. Y bendíganme también a mí.
33 Then the Israeli people did as Moses/I had told them. They [went to] their Egyptian [neighbors] and asked them for silver and gold jewelry and clothing.
Los egipcios apremiaban al pueblo para expulsarlo apresuradamente del país, pues decían: ¡Todos nosotros moriremos!
34 Yahweh caused the Egyptian people to greatly respect the [Israeli] people, so they gave them what they asked for. In that way, they carried away the wealth of the Egyptian people.
Así que el pueblo cargó su masa sobre sus hombros antes que leudara, y envolvió sus artesas en sus mantas.
35 The Egyptians urged the [Israeli] people to leave their country quickly. They said, “[If you do not do that], we will all die!”
Los hijos de Israel hicieron conforme a la palabra de Moisés, y pidieron a los egipcios artículos de plata y de oro, y ropa.
36 So the [Israeli] people [prepared to leave at once]. They took the bowls in which they mixed the dough to make bread, and the dough that was in the bowls without any yeast in it, and they wrapped the bowls in their cloaks. They put the bowls on their shoulders [and left].
Yavé dio gracia al pueblo ante los egipcios, quienes les dieron lo que pidieron. Así despojaron a los egipcios.
37 The Israeli people traveled from Rameses [city] to Succoth [town]. There were about 600,000 men who went, in addition to the women and children.
Los hijos de Israel salieron de Rameses a Sucot, unos 600.000 hombres de a pie, sin contar los niños.
38 Many other people who were not Israelis went along with them. There were also livestock, the flocks [of sheep and goats] and herds [of cattle].
También una gran multitud subió con ellos, así como rebaños y manadas de ganado vacuno, un ganado muy abundante.
39 On their way, they baked bread with the dough that they carried with them when they had been expelled from Egypt. The dough did not have yeast in it, because they were told to leave Egypt so quickly that they did not have enough time to get food ready to take with them, or enough time to mix yeast in the dough.
Cocieron Panes sin Levadura con la masa que sacaron de Egipto, pues no había leudado por cuanto fueron echados de Egipto. No pudieron demorar ni preparar provisiones para ellos mismos.
40 The Israeli people had lived in Egypt 430 years.
El tiempo que los hijos de Israel vivieron en Egipto fue 430 años.
41 On the day that those 430 years ended, on that very day, all the tribes of Yahweh’s people left Egypt.
Cuando se cumplieron los 430 años, aquel mismo día salieron todos los escuadrones de Yavé de la tierra de Egipto.
42 It was a night when Yahweh (protected/guarded over) them as he brought them out of Egypt. So this same night every year is a night that is dedicated to Yahweh, a night when the Israeli people in every generation [remember how] Yahweh protected our ancestors.
Esta es una noche que se debe observar para Yavé, por haberlos sacado de la tierra de Egipto. Ésta es una noche para Yavé, que debe ser guardada por todos los hijos de Israel en todas sus generaciones.
43 Then Yahweh said this to Aaron and Moses/me: “These are my instructions about the Passover ritual: Do not let foreigners eat [the Passover meal]. But any male slaves that you have bought may eat it after you have circumcised them.
Después Yavé dijo a Moisés y a Aarón: Este es el estatuto de la Pascua: Ningún extranjero debe comer de ella.
Sin embargo, todo esclavo comprado con dinero, después de circuncidarlo podrá comer de ella.
45 Do not let people who are living among you temporarily, or servants whom you have hired, eat [the Passover meal].
El extranjero y el esclavo asalariado no comerán de ella.
46 Each family must eat the Passover meal inside their own house. Do not take any of the food outside the house. And do not break any of the bones of the lamb that is sacrificed.
Se comerá en una sola casa. No sacarás nada de la carne fuera de la casa, ni quebrarán hueso suyo.
47 All the Israeli people must celebrate this festival.
Toda la congregación de Israel debe celebrar esto.
48 When someone from another country comes to live with you and wants to celebrate the Passover Festival, circumcise all the males in his household. Then they may eat the Passover meal, and you should treat those people as though they were born as Israelis. But do not allow men who have not been circumcised to eat the Passover meal.
Pero si algún extranjero reside contigo y celebra la Pascua a Yavé, circuncídale todo varón, y entonces permítele acercarse a celebrarla, puesto que será como el nativo de la tierra. Pero ninguna persona incircuncisa podrá comer de ella.
49 These rules apply to people who were born as Israelis and to foreigners who come and live among you.”
La misma ley se aplicará tanto al nativo como al forastero que reside entre ustedes.
50 All the Israeli people obeyed Aaron and Moses/me and did what Yahweh had commanded.
Así hicieron todo los hijos de Israel. Como Yavé ordenó a Moisés y a Aarón, así hicieron.
51 On that very day Yahweh brought all the tribes of the Israeli people out of Egypt.
Y aquel mismo día Yavé sacó a los hijos de Israel por sus escuadrones de la tierra de Egipto.

< Exodus 12 >