< Exodus 10 >
1 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go to the king [again]. I have made him and his officials stubborn [IDM]. I have done that in order that I would [have a good reason to] perform all these plagues among them,
Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Pojdi noter k faraonu, kajti zakrknil sem njegovo srce in srce njegovih služabnikov, da lahko ta svoja znamenja pokažem pred njim,
2 and also in order that you would [be able to] tell your children and your grandchildren how I caused the Egyptians to act very foolishly [when] I performed all these miracles. Then all of you will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do].”
in da ti lahko poveš v ušesa svojih sinov in sinov svojih sinov, kakšne stvari sem storil v Egiptu in moja znamenja, ki sem jih storil med njimi, da boste lahko spoznali, kako [to], da sem jaz Gospod.«
3 So Aaron and Moses/I went into the king’s [palace] and said to him, “Yahweh God, whom we Hebrews [worship], says this: ‘How long will you stubbornly refuse to do what I tell you [MTY]? Let my people go, in order that they may worship me [in the desert]
Mojzes in Aron sta vstopila k faraonu ter mu rekla: »Tako govori Gospod, Bog Hebrejcev: ›Doklej boš odklanjal, da se ponižaš pred menoj? Pusti moje ljudstvo oditi, da mi bodo lahko služili.
4 If you [keep] refusing to let them go, I warn you that tomorrow I will bring (locusts/[large flying insects called] locusts) into your country.
Ali pa, če odkloniš, da pustiš moje ljudstvo oditi, glej, bom jutri v tvojo pokrajino privedel leteče kobilice.
5 [They will completely cover the ground so that] you will not even be able to see the ground. They will eat everything that the hail did not [destroy]. They will eat [everything that is left on] the trees.
Pokrile bodo obličje zemlje, da nekdo ne bo mogel videti zemlje. Pojedle bodo preostanek tega, kar je ušlo, kar vam ostaja od toče in pojedle bodo vsako drevo, ki vam raste zunaj polja.
6 They will fill your houses, and the houses of all your officials, and the houses of all [the rest of] the Egyptians. [There will be more locusts] than you or your parents or your grandparents have ever seen, from the time your ancestors first came to [this] land until the present time!’” Then he/I turned and [Aaron and] I left the king.
Napolnile bodo tvoje hiše in hiše vseh tvojih služabnikov in hiše vseh Egipčanov, kar niti tvoji očetje niti očetje tvojih očetov niso videli od dneva, ko so bili na zemlji, do današnjega dne.‹« In obrnil se je ter odšel ven od faraona.
7 The king’s officials said to him, “(How long is this man going to continue to bring disasters on us?/We must not let this man continue to cause trouble for us!) [RHQ] Let the [Israeli] men leave, in order that they may worship Yahweh, their god. (Do you not yet understand that [this man] has ruined Egypt?/You ought to realize by now that [this man] has ruined Egypt!)” [RHQ]
Faraonovi služabniki so mu rekli: »Doklej nam bo ta človek zanka? Pusti ljudi oditi, da bodo lahko služili Gospodu, svojemu Bogu. Mar še ne veš, da je Egipt uničen?«
8 So they brought Aaron and Moses/me back to the king. He said to them/us, “[All right], you can go and worship Yahweh your god. But who are the ones who will go?”
Mojzes in Aron sta bila ponovno privedena k faraonu. Rekel jima je: »Pojdite, služite Gospodu, svojemu Bogu, toda kdo so tisti, ki bodo šli?«
9 Moses/I replied, “We [all] need to go, everyone, including those who are young and those who are old. We need to take our sons and our daughters and our flocks [of sheep and goats] and herds [of livestock], because we must have a festival to [honor] Yahweh.”
Mojzes je rekel: »Šli bomo s svojimi mladimi in s svojimi starimi, s svojimi sinovi in s svojimi hčerami in s svojimi tropi in s svojimi čredami bomo šli, kajti imeti moramo praznik Gospodu.«
10 [Moses/I really did not intend that the Israelis would ever return to Egypt, and the king knew that also. So] the king replied [sarcastically], “[If you all leave], [it will be clear that] Yahweh has helped you, but I myself will never let you [take] your children [and your wives] when you go! It is clear that you are wickedly planning [not to return].
Rekel jima je: »Naj bo Gospod tako z vami, kakor bom jaz pustil oditi vam in vašim malčkom. Glejta na to, kajti zlo je pred vami.
11 So no, [I will not let you all go]. [The Israeli] men may go [and worship Yahweh], if that is what you want.” Then the king expelled them/us from [his palace].
Ne tako. Pojdite sedaj vi, ki ste možje in služite Gospodu, kajti to ste si želeli.« In izgnana sta bila izpred faraonove prisotnosti.
12 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Reach out your hand as [though you were stretching it] over the land to welcome the locusts. They will come to the country of Egypt and eat every plant that is [left] in the land, every plant that the hail has not destroyed.”
Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Iztegni svojo roko nad egiptovsko deželo zaradi letečih kobilic, da bodo lahko prišle nad egiptovsko deželo in pojedle vsako zemeljsko zelišče, celó vse, kar je pustila toča.«
13 So Moses/I held out his/my stick [as though he/I was stretching it] over the whole land of Egypt. Then Yahweh caused a [strong] wind to blow from the east, and it blew over the land all that day and all that night. By the [next] morning, it had brought the locusts.
Mojzes je iztegnil svojo palico nad egiptovsko deželo in Gospod je ves ta dan prinašal vzhodnik nad deželo in vso to noč, in ko je bilo jutro, je vzhodnik prinesel leteče kobilice.
14 The locusts swarmed all over Egypt. It was larger than any swarm of locusts that had ever [been seen], and there will never be [a swarm of locusts like that] again.
Leteče kobilice so se dvignile nad vso egiptovsko deželo in počivale po vseh egiptovskih pokrajinah. Bile so zelo nadležne. Pred njimi ni bilo takšnih letečih kobilic kakor te niti takšnih ne bo za njimi.
15 They covered the surface of the ground and made it [appear] black. They ate all the plants in the land and everything on the trees that had not been destroyed by the hail. Nothing that was green was left on any plant or on any tree, anywhere in Egypt.
Kajti pokrile so obličje celotne zemlje, tako da je bila dežela temna. Pojedle so vsa zelišča dežele in vse sadje dreves, ki jih je pustila toča. Niti ena zelena stvar ni preostala na drevesih ali na poljskih zeliščih po vsej egiptovski deželi.
16 The king quickly summoned Aaron and Moses/me and said, “I have sinned against Yahweh, your god, and against you [two].
Potem je faraon v naglici dal poklicati Mojzesa in Arona ter rekel: »Grešil sem zoper Gospoda, svojega Boga in zoper vaju.
17 So now I ask you to forgive me this one time [for having] sinned, and pray to Yahweh your god to stop [these locusts] [MTY] [from causing everything] to die.”
Zdaj torej oprostita, prosim vaju, moj greh, samo še tokrat in rotita Gospoda, svojega Boga, da mi lahko odvzame samo to smrt.«
18 They/We left the king, and Moses/I prayed to Yahweh.
In odšel je ven od faraona in rotil Gospoda.
19 Then Yahweh changed the wind so that it blew [strongly] from the west, and it blew all the locusts into the Red Sea (OR, the Gulf of Suez). There was not one locust left anywhere in the country of Egypt.
Gospod je [veter] obrnil [v] mogočen močan zahodnik, ki je odnesel leteče kobilice in jih vrgel v Rdeče morje. Tam ni ostala niti ena leteča kobilica po vseh egiptovskih pokrajinah.
20 But Yahweh made the king stubborn [IDM] [again], and he did not let the Israeli people go.
Toda Gospod je zakrknil faraonovo srce, tako da ta ni hotel pustiti Izraelovih otrok oditi.
21 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Reach your hand up toward the sky, in order that there will be darkness over all the land of Egypt, a darkness [so complete] that people will have to grope around [to know where to walk].”
Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Iztegni svojo roko proti nebu, da bo lahko tam tema nad egiptovsko deželo, celó tema, ki se jo bo lahko čutilo.«
22 So Moses/I reached his/my hand toward the sky, and it became totally dark all over Egypt for three days [and nights].
Mojzes je iztegnil svojo roko proti nebu in tri dni je bila gosta tema po vsej egiptovski deželi.
23 People could not see each other. No one left his house during that whole time. But there was light in the area where the Israeli people were living.
Drug drugega niso videli niti tri dni ni nihče vstal iz svojega kraja, toda vsi Izraelovi otroci so imeli v svojih prebivališčih svetlobo.
24 The king summoned Moses/me and said, “All right, you may go and worship Yahweh. [Your wives and] your children may go with you. But your flocks of sheep and goats and your herds of cattle must remain here.”
Faraon je klical k Mojzesu ter rekel: »Pojdite, služite Gospodu. Samo vaši tropi in vaše črede naj ostanejo; naj gredo z vami tudi vaši malčki.«
25 But Moses/I replied, “[No], you must let us [take along the sheep and goats, in order] that we may have [some of them] to sacrifice and give as burned offerings to Yahweh, our God.
Mojzes je rekel: »Moraš nam dati tudi klavne daritve in žgalne daritve, da bomo lahko darovali Gospodu, svojemu Bogu.
26 Our livestock must also go with us; we are not going to leave one of them [SYN] behind. We must take them to worship Yahweh. We will not know [which animals to sacrifice] until we get to where we are going.”
Tudi naša živina bo šla z nami. Niti kopito ne bo ostalo zadaj, kajti od nje moramo vzeti, da služimo Gospodu, svojemu Bogu in ne vemo s čim moramo služiti Gospodu, dokler ne pridemo tja.«
27 But Yahweh made the king [continue to be] stubborn [IDM], and he would not let [the Israeli] people go.
Toda Gospod je zakrknil faraonovo srce in ta jim ni hotel pustiti oditi.
28 The king said to me, “Get out of here! Make sure that you never come to see me [SYN] again! The day you see me again, [I will have] you executed!”
Faraon mu je rekel: »Spravi se od mene, pazi se, da ne vidiš več mojega obraza, kajti na ta dan, [ko] zagledaš moj obraz, boš umrl.«
29 Moses/I replied, “You are correct! You will never see me [SYN] again!”
Mojzes je rekel: »Dobro si govoril, tvojega obraza ne bom več ponovno videl.«