< Esther 8 >
1 [Later] on that same day, King Xerxes declared that everything that Haman, the enemy of the Jews, owned, would now belong to Queen Esther. Esther told the king that Mordecai was her cousin. [When] the king [heard that, he sent a message to tell] Mordecai to come in.
Истог дана даде цар Асвир царици Јестири кућу Амана непријатеља јудејског. А Мардохеј изиђе пред цара, јер Јестира каза шта јој је он;
2 When Mordecai came in, the king took off the ring that had his official seal on it, the ring that he had [previously] given to Haman, and gave it to Mordecai, [to indicate that Mordecai was now his most important official]. And Esther appointed Mordecai to be in charge of everything that had belonged to Haman.
И цар снимивши прстен свој, који беше узео од Амана, даде га Мардохеју; а Јестира постави Мардохеја над кућом Амановом.
3 Esther again [came to] talk to the king. She prostrated herself at his feet, crying. She [wanted to] plead for him to stop what Haman had planned, to kill all the Jews.
Потом Јестира опет говори цару и паднувши пред ноге његове и плачући мољаше га да уклони злоћу Амана Агагеја и мисао његову коју беше смислио на Јудејце.
4 The king held out his gold scepter/staff toward Esther, so Esther arose and stood in front of him.
Тада цар пружи златну палицу према Јестири, и Јестира уста и стаде пред царем.
5 She said, “Your majesty, if you are pleased with me, and if you think that it is the right thing to do, make a new law to cancel what Haman decreed, that all the Jews in all the provinces in your empire should be killed.
И рече: Ако је угодно цару и ако сам нашла милост пред њим, и ако је право пред царем и ако сам му мила, нека се пише да се порекну књиге у којима је мисао Амана сина Амедатиног, Агагеја, које је расписао да се истребе Јудејци што су по свим земљама царевим.
6 I cannot bear seeing all my family and [all the rest of] my people killed.”
Јер како бих могла гледати зло које би задесило мој народ? И како бих могла гледати да се потре род мој?
7 King Xerxes replied to Queen Esther and Mordecai, “Because Haman tried to get rid of all the Jews, I have given to Esther everything that belonged to Haman, and I have ordered [my soldiers] to hang Haman.
А цар Асвир рече царици Јестири и Мардохеју Јудејцу: Ето, дао сам кућу Аманову Јестири, а њега су обесили на вешала зато што хтеде дигнути руку своју на Јудејце.
8 So now I am also permitting you to write other letters, to [save] your people. You may put my name [on the letters], and use my ring to seal them because no letter that has my name on it and which is sealed with my ring can ever be changed.”
Ви дакле пишите за Јудејце како вам је драго у име царево и запечатите прстеном царевим; јер шта се пише у име царево и запечати прстеном царевим не може се порећи.
9 Then the king summoned his secretaries, on June 25th, and [Mordecai told them to] write letters to the Jews and to all the governors and other officials in all of the 127 provinces, which extended from India [in the east] to Ethiopia [in the west]. They wrote these letters in all the languages that the people in each area spoke. They also wrote letters to the Jewish people, in their language.
И дозваше писаре цареве у исто време, трећег месеца, који је месец Сиван, двадесет трећег дана, и писа се све, како заповеди Мардохеј, Јудејцима и намесницима и кнезовима и управитељима по земљама, од Индије до Етиопије, сто и двадесет и седам земаља, у сваку земљу њеним писмом и сваком народу његовим језиком, и Јудејцима њиховим писмом и њиховим језиком.
10 They wrote in those letters that the Jews in every city were permitted by the king to gather together to protect themselves. They also were permitted to kill any group of soldiers who attacked them. They were also permitted to kill the women and children of those who attacked them, and to take the possessions of the people whom they killed.
А написа у име цара Асвира и запечати прстеном царевим, и разасла књиге по гласницима који јахаху на брзим коњима и на младим мазгама:
Да је цар допустио Јудејцима што су у коме год граду да се скупе и бране живот свој, да потру и побију и истребе сваку војску ког му драго народа и земље, који би ударили на њих, и децу њихову и жене њихове, а имање њихово да разграбе.
12 [All this was to be done] on March 7th of the following year. Mordecai signed the king’s name on the letters, and sealed them with the seal that was on the king’s ring. Then he gave them to messengers, who rode on fast horses that had been raised especially for the king.
У исти дан по свим земљама цара Асвира, тринаестог дана месеца дванаестог, које је месец Адар.
13 Copies of this law were to be nailed to posts in every province and read to all the people, in order that the Jews would be ready to (get revenge on/fight against) their enemies on March 7th.
У књигама се говораше да се огласи заповест по свим земљама и да се објави свим народима да Јудејци буду готови за онај дан да се освете својим непријатељима.
14 The king commanded the men who took these letters [to all the provinces] to ride quickly on the king’s horses. And copies of the letter were also posted and read to the people in [the capital city, ] Susa.
Гласници који јахаху на брзим коњима и мазгама отидоше брзо и хитно по заповести царевој; и заповест би оглашена у Сусану, царском граду.
15 Before Mordecai left the palace, he put on the blue and white robe and a large gold crown that the king had given him. He also put on a coat made of fine purple cloth. When the people in Susa heard the new law, they all shouted and cheered.
А Мардохеј отиде од цара у царском оделу љубичасом и белом и под златним венцем великим и у плашту од танког платна и скерлета, и град Сусан радоваше се и весељаше се.
16 The Jews in Susa were very happy, and [other people] honored [them].
Јудејцима дође светлост и весеље и радост и слава.
17 And when the new law arrived in every city and province, the Jews there celebrated and prepared feasts and were very joyful. And many men throughout the empire [were circumcised and] became Jews, because they were now afraid of [what] the Jews [would do to them if they were not Jews].
И у свакој земљи и у сваком граду, где год дође заповест царева и наредба његова, беше радост и весеље међу Јудејцима, гозба и благи дани, и многи из народа земаљских постајаху Јудејци, јер их попаде страх од Јевреја.