< Esther 7 >

1 So the king and Haman went to eat the second banquet/feast that Queen Esther had prepared.
Haddaba boqorkii iyo Haamaan waxay u yimaadeen inay Boqorad Esteer martiqaadkeedii ka qayb galaan.
2 As they were drinking wine, the king asked again, “Esther, what do you want me to do [for you? Tell me, and] I will do it for you. Even if [you ask me for] half of my kingdom, I will give it to you.”
Oo haddana maalintii labaad intii la fadhiyey martiqaadkii khamriga ayaa boqorkii Esteer ku yidhi, Boqorad Esteeray, baryadaadu waa maxay? Waa lagu siinayaaye. Maxaad i weyddiisanaysaa? Xataa hadday boqortooyada badhkeed tahay, waa laguu yeelayaaye.
3 Esther replied, “O king, if you are pleased with me, and if you are willing to do [what I ask], save me, and save my people. That is what I want you to do for me.
Markaasaa Boqorad Esteer jawaabtay oo waxay tidhi, Boqorow, haddaad raalli iga tahay oo aad ku faraxdid, baryadayda aawadeed naftayda ha la ii bixiyo, oo weyddiisashadayda aawadeedna dadkaygu ha ii badbaado,
4 [It is as though] I and my people [are cattle that] have been sold to be slaughtered. [It is as though] we have been sold to people who want to completely destroy us. If we had only been sold to people to become their male and female slaves, I would not say anything, because that would have been a matter too small to bother you, the king.”
waayo, aniga iyo dadkaygiiba waxaa loo iibiyey in nala baabbi'iyo, oo nala laayo oo aan halaaganno. Laakiinse haddii naloo iibiyey inaan ahaanno rag iyo dumar addoommo ah, waan iska aamusi lahaa, in kastoo cadowgu aanu boqorka khasaaradiisa ka xaq marin karin.
5 Then King Xerxes asked her, “Who would want to do such a [terrible] thing? Where is he?”
Markaasaa Boqor Ahashwerus wuxuu Boqorad Esteer ku yidhi, Yuu yahay, xaggee buuse joogaa, kan ku dhaca oo qalbigiisa sidaas kaga fikiray inuu waxaas yeelo?
6 Esther replied, “[The man who is] our enemy is this evil man Haman!” Then Haman was terrified as he stood in front of the king and queen.
Markaasaa Esteer waxay tidhi, Cadow iyo col waxaa ah Haamaankan sharka leh. Markaasaa Haamaan boqorkii iyo boqoraddii hortooda ku cabsaday.
7 The king became extremely angry. He immediately left his wine and got up and went outside into the palace garden [to decide what to do]. But Haman stayed, in order to plead with Queen Esther that she would spare his life.
Kolkaasaa boqorkii isagoo cadhaysan, ka kacay martiqaadkii khamriga, oo wuxuu u baxay xagga beerta hoyga boqorka; oo Haamaan ayaa u istaagay inuu Boqorad Esteer naftiisa u baryo, waayo, wuxuu arkay in boqorku belaayo la damacsan yahay.
8 He threw himself down on the couch where Esther was reclining. But at that moment the king returned from the garden to the room where they had been eating. [He saw Haman, and assumed he was preparing to rape Esther]. He exclaimed, “Are you going to rape the queen while she is here with me in my own palace?” As soon as the king said that, some officials covered Haman’s head, [as they did to people who were about to be hanged].
Markaasaa boqorkii beertii ka soo noqday oo galay meeshii martiqaadka khamriga lagu dhigay, Haamaanna wuxuu ku sii dhacayay sariirtay Esteer fuushanayd. Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu yidhi, Xataa ma boqoradduu hortayda ku xoogayaa iyadoo guriga joogta? Oo isla markii eraygaasu boqorka afkiisii ka soo baxay ayaa Haamaan wejigiisii la deday.
9 Then Harbona, one of the king’s personal officials, said, “[Outside, ] near Haman’s house, there is a (gallows/set of poles for hanging someone). It is 75 feet high. Haman made it for Mordecai, the man who spared your life!” The king said, “Hang him on it!”
Kolkaasaa Xarboona oo ahaa boqorka midiidinnadiisa midkood oo boqorka hortiisa joogay ayaa yidhi, Weliba bal eeg, waxaa Haamaan gurigiisa ag qotoma qoriga deldelaadda oo dhererkiisu yahay konton dhudhun, oo Haamaan u sameeyey inuu ku deldelo Mordekay oo boqorka wax wanaagsan kaga hadlay. Markaasaa boqorkii yidhi, Halkaas ku deldela.
10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for hanging Mordecai! And then (the king’s anger cooled off/the king was no longer so angry).
Sidaas daraaddeed Haamaan waxaa lagu deldelay meeshii deldelaadda oo uu u diyaarshay inuu Mordekay ku deldelo, oo markaasaa boqorkii cadho baxay.

< Esther 7 >