< Esther 4 >

1 When Mordecai found out about those [letters, he was so anguished that] he tore his clothes and put on [rough] sackcloth and [threw] ashes over himself. Then he went into the city, crying very loudly.
و چون مردخای از هرآنچه شده بود اطلاع یافت، مردخای جامه خود را دریده، پلاس با خاکستر در بر کرد و به میان شهر بیرون رفته، به آواز بلند فریاد تلخ برآورد.۱
2 He stood outside the gate of the palace, because no one who was wearing sackcloth was allowed to enter the palace.
و تاروبروی دروازه پادشاه آمد، زیرا که جایز نبود که کسی با لباس پلاس داخل دروازه پادشاه بشود.۲
3 In every province [of the empire], when the letter from the king was read to the Jewish people, they cried and mourned. They (fasted/abstained from eating food), and wailed loudly. Many of them also put on sackcloth and threw ashes on themselves and lay [on the ground].
و در هر ولایتی که امر و فرمان پادشاه به آن رسید، یهودیان را ماتم عظیمی و روزه و گریه ونوحه گری بود و بسیاری در پلاس و خاکسترخوابیدند.۳
4 When Esther’s maids and other officials came to her and told her what Mordecai had done, she was very distressed. So she sent to Mordecai [some good] clothes to wear instead of the sackcloth, but he refused to take them.
پس کنیزان و خواجه‌سرایان استر آمده، اورا خبر دادند و ملکه بسیار محزون شد و لباس فرستاد تا مردخای را بپوشانند و پلاس او را ازوی بگیرند، اما او قبول نکرد.۴
5 Then Esther summoned Hathach, one of the king’s officials whom he had appointed to help take care of Esther. She told him to go [out and talk] to Mordecai to find out what was distressing him and why [he was wearing sackcloth to show] that he was grieving.
آنگاه استر، هتاک را که یکی از خواجه‌سرایان پادشاه بود و او را به جهت خدمت وی تعیین نموده بود، خواند و او راامر فرمود که از مردخای بپرسد که این چه امراست و سببش چیست.۵
6 Hathach went to Mordecai, who was in the plaza in front of the palace gate.
پس هتاک به سعه شهرکه پیش دروازه پادشاه بود، نزد مردخای بیرون رفت.۶
7 Mordecai told him everything that had happened. He told him how much money Haman had promised to give to the government if the king commanded that all the Jews be killed.
و مردخای او را از هرچه به او واقع شده واز مبلغ نقره‌ای که هامان به جهت هلاک ساختن یهودیان وعده داده بود که آن را به خزانه پادشاه بدهد، خبر داد.۷
8 Mordecai also gave to Hathach a copy of the decree that had been read in Susa, [in which it was stated] that all the Jews must be killed. He told Hathach to show the copy to Esther. He told Hathach to explain to Esther what (it meant/would happen). Then he told him to urge her to go to the king and request the king to act mercifully to her people.
و سواد نوشته فرمان را که درشوشن به جهت هلاکت ایشان صادر شده بود، به او داد تا آن را به استر نشان دهد و وی را مخبرسازد و وصیت نماید که نزد پادشاه داخل شده، ازاو التماس نماید و به جهت قوم خویش از وی درخواست کند.۸
9 So Hathach returned to Esther and told her what Mordecai said.
پس هتاک داخل شده، سخنان مردخای را به استر بازگفت.۹
10 Then Esther told Hathach to [return to] Mordecai [and] tell this [to him]:
و استر هتاک را جواب داده، او راامر فرمود که به مردخای بگوید۱۰
11 “There is a law [about people going to talk to the king]. All the king’s officials and all the people in the empire know this law. [In that law it states that] anyone who goes to the king in his inner court without having been summoned by the king must be executed. Only those to whom the king has extended his scepter/staff will not be executed. And a month has passed since the king has summoned me, [so what will happen to me if I try to see him and he doesn’t want to see me?]”
که «جمیع خادمان پادشاه و ساکنان ولایتهای پادشاه می‌دانند که به جهت هرکس، خواه مرد و خواه زن که نزد پادشاه به صحن اندرونی بی‌اذن داخل شود، فقط یک حکم است که کشته شود، مگرآنکه پادشاه چوگان زرین را بسوی او دراز کند تازنده بماند. و سی روز است که من خوانده نشده‌ام که به حضور پادشاه داخل شوم.»۱۱
12 So Hathach [went back to] Mordecai [and] told [him] what Esther had said.
پس سخنان استر را به مردخای باز‌گفتند.۱۲
13 Mordecai replied, “[Go back and] tell this to Esther: 'Do not think that just because you live there in the palace, you will escape when all the other Jews [are killed].
و مردخای گفت به استر جواب دهید: «در دل خود فکر مکن که تو در خانه پادشاه به خلاف سایر یهود، رهایی خواهی یافت.۱۳
14 If you say nothing now, someone from some other place will rescue [many of] us Jews, but you and your relatives will be killed. Furthermore, (perhaps [God]/who knows if [God]) has put you here [as queen] (for a situation like this/to prevent this from happening to us)!'” [RHQ]
بلکه اگر در این وقت تو ساکت بمانی، راحت و نجات برای یهود از جای دیگر پدید خواهد شد. اما تو وخاندان پدرت هلاک خواهید گشت و کیست بداند که به جهت چنین وقت به سلطنت نرسیده‌ای.»۱۴
15 Then [after Hathach told this to] Esther, [she] told him to return to Mordecai and say this to him:
پس استر فرمود به مردخای جواب دهید۱۵
16 “Gather together all the Jews here in Susa, and tell them to (fast/abstain from food) for my sake. Tell them to not eat or drink anything for three days and nights. My maids and I will also fast. Then, I will go to talk to the king. Even if (I am executed/they execute me) for disobeying the law [by seeing him when he does not hold out the scepter/staff toward me, I am willing for that to happen”].
که «برو و تمامی یهود را که در شوشن یافت می‌شوند جمع کن و برای من روزه گرفته، سه شبانه‌روز چیزی مخورید و میاشامید و من نیز باکنیزانم همچنین روزه خواهیم داشت. و به همین طور، نزد پادشاه داخل خواهم شد، اگر‌چه خلاف حکم است. و اگر هلاک شدم، هلاک شدم.»۱۶
17 So [after Hathach told this to Mordecai, ] Mordecai went and did what Esther told him to do.
پس مردخای رفته، موافق هرچه استر وی را وصیت کرده بود، عمل نمود.۱۷

< Esther 4 >