< Esther 3 >

1 Some time later, King Xerxes (promoted/gave his most important job/work to) Haman, the son of Hammedatha, who was a descendant of [King] Agag. Haman became more important than all his other officials. [Only the king was more important.]
Bayan waɗannan al’amura, sai Sarki Zerzes ya girmama Haman ɗan Hammedata, mutumin Agag, ya ɗaukaka shi, ya kuma ba shi matsayi mafi girma fiye da na dukan sauran hakiman.
2 Then the king commanded that all the other officials had to bow down in front of Haman to honor him [when he walked by]. But Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman.
Dukan masu hidimar da suke a ƙofar sarki suka riƙa durƙusa suna ba wa Haman girma, gama sarki ya ba da umarni a yi masa haka. Amma Mordekai bai durƙusa ya ba shi girma ba.
3 The [other] officials [saw that, and they] asked Mordecai, “Why do you disobey what the king commanded?”
Sa’an nan masu hidimar da suke a ƙofar sarki suka tambaye Mordekai, “Me ya sa ba ka yin biyayya da umarnin sarki?”
4 Mordecai told them that he was a Jew, [and that Jews would bow down only to God]. Day after day the other officials spoke to Mordecai about that, but he still refused to obey. So they told Haman about it, to see if Haman would tolerate it.
Kowace rana suna masa magana, amma ya ƙi yă yi. Saboda haka, suka faɗa wa Haman game da wannan don su ga ko za a jure da halin Mordekai, gama ya faɗa musu cewa shi mutumin Yahuda ne.
5 When Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow down to him, he became extremely angry.
Sa’ad da Haman ya ga cewa Mordekai ba ya durƙusa ko yă girmama shi, sai ya fusata.
6 [After he found out that Mordecai was a Jew, ] he decided that it would not be enough to get rid of only Mordecai. He decided to kill all the Jews in all the area that Xerxes ruled.
Da yake an faɗa masa asalin Mordekai, sai ya ga a kashe Mordekai kaɗai ba zai biya masa bukata ba. A maimakon haka, Haman ya nemi hanya a hallaka dukan mutanen Mordekai, wato, Yahudawa, a ko’ina a dukan masarautar Zerzes.
7 So, during the twelfth year that Xerxes was ruling, during the month of April, [Haman told his advisors to] (cast lots/throw small marked stones) to determine the best month and the best day to kill the Jews. Haman’s advisors did that, and the day that was selected was March 7th [during the following/next year].
A shekara ta goma sha biyu ta Sarki Zerzes, a wata na farko, watan Nisan, sai suka jefa fur (wato, ƙuri’a) a gaban Haman don a zaɓi rana da watan da zai dace da ƙulle-ƙullen. Sai ƙuri’a ta fāɗa a kan wata na goma sha biyu, wato, watan Adar.
8 Then Haman [went to] the king [and] said to [him], “[Your majesty, ] there is a certain group of people who live in many areas [of your empire] whose customs are different from ours. They even refuse to obey your laws. So it would be good for you to get rid of them.
Sai Haman ya ce wa Sarki Zerzes, “Akwai waɗansu mutanen da suke a warwatse, sun kuma bazu a cikin mutane cikin dukan lardunan masarautarka, waɗanda al’adunsu sun yi dabam da na dukan sauran mutane. Mutanen nan ba sa biyayya da dokokin sarki; ba zai yi wa sarki kyau a jure su ba.
9 If it pleases you, command that they should all be killed. [If you do that, ] I will give (375 tons/750,000 pounds) of silver to your administrators so that you can use it for your government.”
In ya gamshi sarki, bari a yi doka, don a hallaka su, zan kuma sa talenti dubu goma na azurfa a cikin ma’ajin fada saboda mutanen da suka aikata wannan sha’ani.”
10 The king liked [what Haman said, so, and to confirm what he decided], he gave the ring that had his official seal on it to Haman, who now hated the Jews.
Saboda haka sarki ya zare zoben hatimi daga yatsarsa, ya ba wa Haman ɗan Hammedata, mutumin Agag, abokin gāban Yahudawa.
11 The king told Haman, “Keep your money, but do what you want to with those people [whom you talked about]!”
Sarki ya ce wa Haman, “Ka riƙe kuɗin, ka kuma yi da mutanen yadda ka ga dama.”
12 On April 17th Haman summoned the king’s secretaries, and he dictated a letter to them that they [translated and] wrote to all the governors and administrators and other officials in all the provinces. They wrote copies of the letter in every language and every kind of writing/alphabet that was used in the empire. They wrote that all the Jews, [including] young people and old people, women and children, had to be killed on one day. That day was March 7th of the following year. They also wrote that [those who killed the Jews] could take everything that belonged to the Jews. [They signed] the king’s name [at the end of] the letters. Then they sealed the letters [with wax, and stamped the wax by] using the king’s ring. Then they sent the letters swiftly to every province in the empire,
Sa’an nan aka kira magatakardun sarki a rana ta goma sha uku na wata na fari. Suka rubuta dukan umarnin Haman a irin rubutun kowane lardi, kuma cikin harshen kowane mutane, zuwa ga shugabannin mahukuntai na sarki, da gwamnonin larduna dabam-dabam, da kuma hakiman mutane dabam-dabam. Aka rubuta waɗannan a sunan Sarki Zerzes da kansa, aka kuma hatimce da zobensa.
Aka aika’yan-kada-tă-kwana da saƙoni zuwa dukan lardunan sarki da umarni a hallaka, a karkashe, a kuma kawar da dukan Yahudawa, manya da ƙanana, mata da yara, a kuma washe kayayyakinsu.
14 The king [also commanded that] copies of these letters should be [nailed up] where [all the people] could see them, in every province, so that the people would be ready to do on the day the king had set [what was written in the letter].
Za a ba da kofin rubutun a matsayin doka a kowane lardi, a kuma sanar da mutanen kowace al’umma, domin su zauna da shiri don wannan rana.
15 Then, according to what the king commanded, men [riding horses] took those letters quickly to every province [in the empire]. And one of the letters was read [aloud to the people] in the capital city, Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down and drank [wine], but the people in Susa were very perplexed [about why this was going to happen].
Bisa ga umarnin sarki, sai’yan-kada-tă-kwana, suka tafi da sauri. Aka ba da umarni a mazaunin masarauta da yake a Shusha. Sai Sarki da Haman suka zauna don su sha, amma birnin Shusha ya ruɗe.

< Esther 3 >