< Ephesians 2 >
1 Formerly, because you were habitually sinning [DOU], you were ([spiritually] dead/[as unable to please God as a] corpse [MET] is).
І вас (оживив), що були мертві провинами й гріхами вашими,
2 You were acting in the same [evil] way as those who oppose Christ [MTY] act. That is, you were behaving in the [evil] ways [that Satan wanted you to behave]. He rules over evil spiritual beings that no person can see [MTY]. He is the spirit who now powerfully controls the people who disobey God. (aiōn )
в котрих колись ходили по віку сьвіта сього, робом князя власти воздушної, духа, що тепер орудує в синах перекору, (aiōn )
3 Formerly, we all used to disobey God as they do. We did the things that our self-centered nature wanted us to do. We habitually did those [evil] deeds that our bodies and our minds wanted to do. When we were acting like that, it was certain that [God] would punish [MTY] us, just like he will certainly punish all other [evil people].
між котрими й ми всі жили колись у хотінню тіла нашого, чинивши волю тїла й думок, і були по природї дітьми гнїва, як і инші.
4 But God always acts very mercifully, and he loves us very much.
Бог же, багатий на милость, по превеликій любові своїй, котрою полюбив нас,
5 As a result, even when we were ([spiritually] dead/[as unable to please God as] a corpse [MET] is) because we were habitually sinning, he enabled us to receive [spiritual]/[eternal] life because of our relationship with Christ. [Do not forget this: It is only] because God has acted so kindly toward you, in a way that you did not deserve, that you are saved {that [he] saved you} [from the guilt of your sin]
і нас, мертвих провинами, оживив укупі з Христом (благодаттю ви спасені),
6 And [it is as though] God gave us spiritual life when he caused Christ Jesus to be alive again after he died [MET]. And [it is as though] God caused us to sit [and rule] [MTY] with him in heaven,
і воскресив з Ним, і дав нам сидіти вкупі на небесних (місцях) у Христї Ісусї,
7 in order that he might show to everyone at all times in the future that he has acted toward us in an extremely kind way because of what Christ Jesus [did for us]. (aiōn )
щоб показав у віках грядущих безмірне багацтво благодати своєї благостю до нас через Ісуса Христа. (aiōn )
8 It is [only] by [God] acting [PRS] [toward you] in a way that you did not deserve that you have been saved {that he has saved you} as a result of your trusting [in Christ]. You did not save yourselves. His saving you was his gift to you.
Благодатю бо ви спасені через віру; і се не од вас: се Божий дар;
9 He did not save any of you because of anything you yourselves did. Because you have done nothing [to save yourselves], you cannot be proud of your efforts to save yourselves.
не від дїл, щоб нїхто не хвалив ся.
10 It is God who has made us what we are now. Because of our relationship with Christ Jesus, he has enabled us to receive [spiritual/eternal] life in order that we should conduct our lives habitually doing the good deeds that God previously planned for us to do.
Його бо ми твориво, сотворені в Христї Ісусї на добрі дїла, котрі наперед призначив Бог, щоб ми в них ходили.
11 You [Ephesians] have been non-Jews from the time that you were born. The Jews ([insult you/say that you are not God’s people]) [by] calling you ‘those who are not circumcised’. They [proudly] call themselves ‘we [(exc)] who are circumcised’. [They have allowed people to] circumcise [them to indicate that they are God’s people, but] that has [only] changed their bodies, [not their] ([inner beings/hearts]).
Тим же споминайте, що ви (були) колись погане в тїлї, звані необрізаннєм від рекомого обрізання у плотї, рукотвореного;
12 You should constantly remember these things: Formerly you did not have any relationship with Christ. You did not belong to the people of Israel, [the people whom God chose]. You did not know about the things God promised in his agreements [with his people]. You did not confidently expect to go to heaven after you die (OR, [that God would save you]). You [lived] in this world without knowing God.
що були ви того часу без Христа, відчужені від громади Ізраїлевої і чужі завітові обітування, не маючи надії і безбожні в сьвітї.
13 But now, because of your relationship with Christ Jesus, God has brought you, who had no relationship with him [MET], into his family [MET]. He did that because [you trusted in what Christ accomplished when] his blood [MTY] [flowed from his body when he died on the cross].
Тепер же в Христї Ісусї ви, що були колись далеко, стали близькі кровю Христовою.
14 Christ himself [has caused us Jewish and non-Jewish believers] to have peace [with each other]. He has made both [of our groups] to become one [group]. [Just like people] (tear down/demolish) a wall that separates [groups of people] [MET], he has destroyed the hatred [between Jews and non-Jews].
Він бо мир наш, що зробив з обох одно, і розвалив середню перегородню стіну;
15 By dying [MTY] [for us on the cross] he made it no longer [necessary for us to obey] all the [Jewish] laws and rituals [in order to be saved]. He did that in order to enable the two [groups] to become one new group because of our relationship with him. The result was that he has caused us to have peace [with each other].
вражду тілом своїм, закон заповідей наукою обернув у ніщо, щоб з двох зробити собою одного нового чоловіка, роблячи мир,
16 By [dying on] the cross [MTY] he caused both Jews and non-Jews to have a peaceful relationship with God. That is how he caused us to no longer be [MET] enemies [with God] (OR, [with each other]).
і примирити з Богом обох ув одному тїлї хрестом, убивши ворогуваннє на ньому;
17 He came [to earth] and proclaimed that you [non-Jews], who did not have a relationship with [MET] [God], and [us(exc) Jews], who [considered that we(exc) belonged to] [MET] God’s [family], can [all] now have peace [with God].
і прийшовши благовістив мир вам, далеким і близьким,
18 [We know that he has done that] because we both, [Jews and non-Jews], are [now] able to approach God the Father in prayer by the help of his Spirit, because of what Christ [has done].
тим що через Його маємо приступ обоє в одному Дусї до Отця.
19 So [God no longer treats] you [non-Jews] as [people treat] [MET] foreigners and strangers [who live among them] [MET]. Instead, along with all God’s people, [it is as though] you have become citizens of a country that he rules over, and [as though you have become] members of the family [of which he is the father] [MET].
Тим-же оце вже ви більш не чужі і захожі, а товариші сьвятим і домашні Божі;
20 [Just like] a building is built {[as someone] builds a building} on a foundation, [God has joined you into one group that originated/began] from what the apostles and prophets [taught]. Christ Jesus is the [most important one in that group, just like a] cornerstone [is the most important part of a building]. And
збудовані на підвалиш апостолів і пророків, а угловий (камінь) сам Ісус Христос;
21 just like [a builder might] join together all the parts of a building to make it a temple that [people will] dedicate to the Lord [MET], [Christ is continually causing all of] you who have a relationship with [him to be united, in order that you will become one holy group].
на котрому вся будівля, докупи споєна, росте в церкву сьвяту в Господї.
22 And because of your relationship with Christ, [God] is joining you [non-Jews] together with [Jewish believers] to be [like] one building [MET] in which his Spirit lives.
На Ньому й ви вбудовуєтесь на оселю Божу Духом.