< Ecclesiastes 8 >

1 [I will tell you about] those who are truly wise [RHQ] with the result that they can explain why everything happens. Being wise enables people to be happy [MTY] and enables them to smile.
¿Quién como el sabio? ¿Quién sabe la interpretación de un asunto? La sabiduría ilumina el rostro del hombre Y cambia la dureza de su semblante.
2 You solemnly promised God that you would obey what the king commands, so do that.
Digo: guarda el mandato del rey a causa del juramento ante ʼElohim.
3 Do not quickly disobey the king. And do not join those who want to rebel against him, because the king will do what he wants to do.
No te apresures a irte de Él ni persistas en una mala acción, porque Él hace lo que le agrada.
4 We need to obey what the king says more than we need to obey what anyone else says; no one can say to the king, “(Why are you doing that?/You should not be doing that.) [RHQ]”
Pues la palabra del rey tiene poder. ¿Quién le pedirá cuenta de lo que hace?
5 If you obey what the king commands, he will not harm you. [So] be wise, and know the correct/right time to do things and the right way to do them.
El que observa el mandamiento no experimentará el mal. El corazón del sabio discierne el tiempo y el juicio.
6 Although people experience many troubles/difficulties, there is a right/correct time to do things, and there is a right/correct way [to do them].
Porque para cada asunto hay un tiempo y un procedimiento. Aunque grande es el mal que viene sobre el hombre,
7 No one knows what will happen in the future, so there is no one [RHQ] who can tell us what is going to happen.
Pues no sabe qué sucederá. Porque lo que va a suceder, ¿Quién le dirá cuando ocurrirá?
8 We cannot control the wind, and we cannot control when we will die. Soldiers are not permitted to go home during a battle, and evil people will not be saved by [doing what is] evil.
No hay hombre que tenga potestad sobre el hálito de vida para retener el alma, Ni potestad sobre el día de la muerte. No hay escape en guerra. La perversidad no librará a los que se entregan a ella.
9 I thought about all those things, and I thought about all [HYP] the other things that happen on this earth. I saw that [sometimes] people cause those whom they control to suffer.
Todo esto observé, y dediqué mi corazón a todo lo que se hace bajo el sol. Hay un hombre que domina a otro para su mal.
10 I also saw that [sometimes] after evil [people] die, they are highly honored at their funerals by the people in the cities where they had done [evil] deeds. It seemed to be difficult to understand why that happens.
Observé el funeral de los perversos, los que frecuentaban el Lugar Santo, mientras que en la ciudad pronto eran olvidados los que actuaban honestamente. También esto es vanidad.
11 If evil people are not immediately punished, it causes [other] people [SYN] to [also] want to do evil things.
Porque no se ejecuta sentencia inmediata contra una obra mala. El corazón de los hijos de hombres está dispuesto a hacer el mal.
12 But even if sinful people commit 100 crimes, and [even if they] live for a long time, I know that things will go better for those who greatly respect and revere God.
Pero aunque el pecador haga el mal 100 veces y prolongue sus días, sé que le irá bien al que teme a ʼElohim,
13 [I also know] that things will not go well go for those who are evil, because they do not revere God. Shadows [do not last a long time]. Similarly [SIM], evil people will not live a long time.
y que no le irá bien al perverso, ni le serán prolongados sus días, que serán como una sombra, porque no teme ante ʼElohim.
14 Another thing that [sometimes] happens on this earth is that bad things happen to righteous people, and good things happen to evil people. It is difficult to understand why that happens.
Hay otra vanidad que ocurre sobre la tierra: Hay justos a quienes les sucede según la obra de los impíos, y hay impíos a quienes les sucede Según la obra de los justos. Digo que también esto es vanidad.
15 [So] I decided that I would recommend that people be happy while they are alive, because the best thing that people can do here on this earth is to eat and drink and be happy. Enjoying doing those things will help people while they do their work, all the time that God has given to them to remain alive here on the earth.
Por tanto, alabo el placer, porque no hay cosa mejor para el hombre bajo el sol que comer y beber y estar alegre, y que esto le quede de su trabajo en los días de la vida que ʼElohim le dio bajo el sol.
16 I thought about being wise and about people who work very hard, working day and night and not taking time to sleep.
Cuando apliqué mi corazón a conocer la sabiduría y a ver la tarea que se hace sobre la tierra aunque uno no pueda dormir ni de día ni de noche.
17 Then I thought about everything [HYP] that God has done, and I realized that no one can understand everything that happens here on this earth. Truly, people are not able to fully understand everything [that God understands], even if they try hard to do that. Even if wise people claim that they understand it all, they cannot.
Vi toda obra de ʼElohim. El hombre no puede descubrir la obra hecha bajo el sol. Aunque el hombre busque laboriosamente y aunque algún sabio pretenda saberlo, no podrá descubrirla.

< Ecclesiastes 8 >