< Deuteronomy 7 >

1 “Yahweh our God will bring you to the land that you will soon enter and occupy. As you advance, he will expel from that land seven people-groups that are more powerful and more numerous than you are. He will expel the Heth people-group, the Girgash people-group, the Amor people-group, the Canaan people-group, the Periz people-group, the Hiv people-group, and the Jebus people-group.
Markii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu idin geeyo dalka aad ugu socotaan inaad hantidaan, oo uu hortiinna ka eryo quruumo badan oo ah reer Xeed, iyo reer Girgaash, iyo reer Amor, iyo reer Kancaan, iyo reer Feris, iyo reer Xiwi, iyo reer Yebuus, kuwaasoo ah toddoba quruumood oo idinka weyn oo idinka xoog badan,
2 When Yahweh our God enables you to defeat [DOU] them, you must kill all of them. You must not make (an alliance/a peace treaty) with any of them. You must not act mercifully toward them.
oo markii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu iyaga gacanta idiin soo geliyo, oo aad iyaga laysaan, markaas waa inaad iyaga dhammaantood wada baabbi'isaan. Waa inaydaan axdi la dhigan, oo aydaan u naxariisan innaba.
3 You must not marry any of them. You must not allow your daughters to marry any of their sons or allow your sons to marry any of their daughters.
Oo idinka iyo iyaga yuusan guur idin dhex marin, oo gabadhiinna wiilkiisa ha siinina, wiilkiinna gabadhiisana ha u guurinina.
4 Because, if you did that, those people would cause your children to stop worshiping Yahweh and to worship other gods. If that happens, Yahweh will be very angry with you and he will get rid of you immediately.
Waayo, isagu wuxuu wiilkiinna ka leexin doonaa aniga lasocodkayga inay iyagu u adeegaan ilaahyo kale, sidaas daraaddeed Rabbiga cadhadiisu aad bay idiinku kululaan doontaa, markaasuu haddiiba idin baabbi'in doonaa.
5 This is what you must do to those people: Tear down their (altars/places for sacrificing animals), break apart the stone pillars [that are dedicated to their male god Baal], cut down the [poles that they use when they worship the goddess] Asherah, and burn their [wooden] idols.
Laakiinse iyaga waa inaad sidan kula macaamilootaan, meelahooda allabariga waa inaad dumisaan, oo aad tiirarkoodana burburisaan, oo aad geedahooda Asheeraahna gooysaan, oo aad sanamyadooda xardhanna gubtaan.
6 You must do that because you are a group of people who belong to Yahweh our God. He has chosen you from among all the people-groups in the world to be his own special people.
Waayo, waxaad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah u tihiin dad quduus ah, oo Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu wuxuu idiin doortay inaad ahaataan dad hanti isaga uga ah dadyowga dhulka jooga oo dhan.
7 “It was not because you were more numerous than any other people-group that Yahweh preferred you; you are one of the smallest people-groups on the earth.
Badnaan aad dadadka kale ka badan tihiin Rabbigu idiinma jeclaan oo idiinma dooran saas aawadeed, waayo, idinku dadyowga oo dhan waad ugu wada yaraydeen,
8 Instead, it is because Yahweh loved you and because he wanted to do what he vowed to your ancestors. That is the reason that he rescued you by his great power [MTY], and freed you from being slaves [MTY] of the king of Egypt.
laakiinse Rabbigu wuu idin jecel yahay, oo wuxuu doonayaa inuu oofiyo dhaartii uu awowayaashiin ugu dhaartay, oo sidaas daraaddeed Rabbigu wuxuu idinku soo bixiyey gacan xoog badan, oo wuxuu idinka soo furtay gurigii addoonsiga iyo boqorkii Masar oo Fircoon ahaa gacantiisii.
9 So do not forget that Yahweh our God is the only/true God. He will do what he agreed to do for you, and he will faithfully love (for 1,000 generations/forever) all those who love him and who obey his commandments.
Haddaba bal ogaada in Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu Ilaah yahay, oo isagu yahay Ilaaha aaminka ah oo axdiga dhawra, oo tan iyo kun qarni u naxariista kuwa isaga jecel oo amarkiisa xajiya.
10 But for those who hate him, he will (pay them back/do to them what they deserve); he will punish them and quickly get rid of them.
Oo kuwa isaga necebna si uu u baabbi'iyo ayuu abaalgudkooda toos u mariyaa; ka raajin maayo kii isaga neceb ee abaalgudkiisa haddiiba toos buu u marinayaa.
11 “So you must be sure to obey all the commandments and rules and regulations that I am giving to you today.
Haddaba waa inaad dhawrtaan amarka iyo qaynuunnada iyo xukummada aan maanta idinku amrayo inaad yeeshaan.
12 If you heed these commands and obey them faithfully, Yahweh our God will do what he has agreed to do for you, and he will faithfully love you, which is what he vowed to your ancestors that he would do.
Xukummadaas haddaad maqashaan oo aad xajisaan oo aad samaysaan ayaa Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu idiin xajin doonaa axdigii iyo naxariistii uu awowayaashiin ugu dhaartay,
13 He will love you and bless you. He will enable you to have many children [DOU]. He will bless your fields, with the result that you will have plenty of grain and [grapes to make] wine and plenty of [olive] oil. You will have many cattle and sheep. He will do all these things for you in the land that he promised to your ancestors that he would give to you.
wuuna idin jeclaan doonaa oo idin barakayn doonaa oo idin tarmin doonaa, oo weliba wuxuu kaloo barakayn doonaa midhaha jidhkiinna iyo midhaha dhulkiinna oo ah hadhuudhkiinna iyo khamrigiinna iyo saliiddiinna iyo taranka lo'diinna iyo ubadka idihiinna, dhammaan wuxuuna ku barakayn doonaa dalkii uu awowayaashiin ugu dhaartay inuu idin siinayo.
14 He will bless you more than he will bless any other people-group. All of you will be able to have/produce children [LIT]. All of your livestock will be able to produce offspring.
Oo dadyowga oo dhan waad ka barako badnaan doontaan, oo idinka iyo xoolihiinna toona lab iyo dhaddigba laguma arki doono madhalays.
15 And Yahweh will protect you from all illnesses. You will not be afflicted with any of the dreadful diseases that [our ancestors knew about] in Egypt, but all your enemies will be inflicted with those diseases.
Oo Rabbigu wuxuu idinka qaadi doonaa cudur kasta, oo isagu idinku ridi maayo cudurradii Masar oo xunxumaa oo aad tiqiin midnaba, laakiinse kulligood wuxuu ku wada ridi doonaa kuwa idin neceb oo dhan.
16 You must get rid of all the people-groups that Yahweh our God will enable you to conquer. Do not [SYN] act mercifully toward any of them. And do not worship their gods, because if you do that, it would be like falling into a trap [from which you will never be able to escape].
Oo waa inaad wada baabbi'isaan dadyowga Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu gacanta idiin soo gelin doono, oo waa inaydaan iyaga u nixin, oo ilaahyadoodana waa inaydaan u adeegin, maxaa yeelay, taasu dabin bay idiin noqonaysaa.
17 “Do not think to yourselves, ‘These people-groups are more numerous/powerful than we are, so we certainly cannot [RHQ] expel them.’
Oo haddaad qalbiga iska tidhaahdaan, Quruumahanu way naga badan yihiin haddaba bal sidee baannu iyaga u hanti tiri karnaa?
18 Do not be afraid of them. Instead, think about what Yahweh our God did to the king of Egypt and to all the people whom he [ruled].
waa inaydaan ka cabsan, oo waa inaad aad u xusuusataan wixii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu ku sameeyey Fircoon iyo dalkii Masar oo dhan.
19 Do not forget the terrible plagues that your ancestors saw [Yahweh inflict on the people of Egypt], and the many [DOU] miracles [that he performed], and the very powerful [DOU, MTY] way by which he brought your ancestors out [of Egypt]. Yahweh our God will do the same kind of things to the people-groups that you are afraid of now.
Xusuusta jirrabyadii waaweynaa oo aad aragteen, iyo calaamooyinkii, iyo yaababkii, iyo gacantii xoogga badnayd, iyo cududdii fidsanayd ee uu Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu idinku soo bixiyey, oo sidaasoo kalaa Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu ku wada samayn doonaa dadyowga aad ka cabsanaysaan oo dhan.
20 Furthermore, he will cause them to become terrified, and he will destroy those who remain alive and run away to hide from you.
Oo weliba Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu wuxuu iyaga dhexdooda u soo diri doonaa xoon ilamaa inta ka hadhay oo dhuumatay ay hortiinna ka wada baabba'aan.
21 Do not be afraid of those people, because Yahweh our God will be with/among you. He is a great God; he is the one you should be afraid of.
Waa inaydaan iyaga ka baqin, waayo, Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu dhexdiinnuu joogaa, oo isagu waa Ilaah weyn oo laga cabsado aad iyo aad.
22 He will expel those people-groups gradually. You should not [try to] expel all of them at one time, because if you did that, the number of wild animals would quickly increase, [and you would not be able to get rid of them].
Oo Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu quruumahaas aayar aayar ayuu hortiinna uga eryi doonaa. Oo waa inaydaan iyaga mar qudha baabbi'in si aan dugaagga duurku idiinku badan.
23 Instead, Yahweh will enable you to defeat your enemies [one people-group at a time]. He will cause them to panic until they are destroyed.
Laakiinse Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu gacantiinnuu soo gelin doonaa, oo jeeray wada baabba'aan wuxuu idiinkaga nixin doonaa naxdin weyn.
24 He will enable you to defeat [IDM] their kings. After you kill them, their names will be forgotten {people will forget about them}. No people-group will be able to stop you; you will destroy all of them.
Oo boqorradooda wuxuu soo gelin doonaa gacantiinna, oo magacooda waa inaad ka baabbi'isaan inta samada ka hoosaysa, oo ninnaba ma awoodi doono inuu hortiinna istaago jeeraad iyaga wada baabbi'isaan.
25 You must burn the wooden idols [that represent] their gods. Do not desire to take the silver or gold [decorations] that are on those idols, because if you take them for yourselves, they will be like a trap [to cause you to want to worship those idols]. Yahweh hates [the worship of those idols].
Oo sanamyada xardhan oo ilaahyadooda waa inaad gubtaan, oo aydaan damcin lacagta iyo dahabka korkooda saaran, hana qaadanina, yeydnan siriq ku dhicine, waayo, taasu waxay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah u tahay karaahiyo.
26 You must not bring any of those disgusting idols into your houses, because if you do that, God will curse you like he curses them. You must hate and despise [DOU] those idols, because they are things that [Yahweh] has cursed.”
Gurigiinnana waa inaydaan soo gelin wax karaahiyo ah, si aydaan sideeda oo kale wax xaaraan ah u noqon. Waa inaad kulligood ka yaqyaqsataan oo aad iyo aad u nacdaan, maxaa yeelay, waxaasu waa xaaraan.

< Deuteronomy 7 >