< Deuteronomy 5 >

1 Moses/I summoned all the people of Israel and said to them, “You Israeli people, listen to all the rules and regulations that I am giving to you today. Learn them and be sure to obey them.
Och Mose kallade hela Israel, och sade till dem: Hör, Israel, de bud och rätter, som jag i dag talar för edor öron, och lärer dem, och behåller dem, att I gören derefter.
2 When we were at Sinai [Mountain], Yahweh our God made an agreement with us.
Herren vår Gud hafver gjort ett förbund med oss i Horeb;
3 But this agreement was not only for our ancestors. He made it also for us who are alive now.
Och Herren hafver icke gjort detta förbundet med våra fäder, utan med oss, som nu här äre på denna dag, och alle lefve.
4 Yahweh spoke with us face-to-face on that mountain, from the middle of the fire.
Ansigte mot ansigte hafver Herren talat med oss utur eldenom på berget.
5 On that day, I stood between your ancestors and Yahweh to tell them what he said, because they were afraid of the fire, and they did not climb up the mountain. This is what Yahweh said:
Jag stod på den tiden emellan Herran och eder, att jag skulle föra Herrans ord till eder; förty I fruktaden eder för eldenom, och gingen icke upp på berget; och han sade:
6 ‘I am Yahweh your God, the one you [worship]. I am the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I am the one who freed you from being slaves [there].
Jag är Herren din Gud, som dig utur Egypti land fört hafver, utu träldomens hus.
7 [You must worship only] me; you must not worship any other god.
Du skall inga andra gudar hafva för mig.
8 You must not carve/make for yourselves any idol that represents anything in the sky or anything that is on the ground or anything that swims in the water.
Du skall intet beläte göra dig, efter någrahanda liknelse, antingen det ofvan i himmelen är, eller nedre på jordene, eller i vattnena under jordene.
9 You must not bow down to any idol and worship it, because I am Yahweh God, and I (am very jealous/want you to worship me only). I punish those who sin and hate me. I punish not only them, but I will punish (their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation/their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren).
Du skall icke tillbedja dem, eller tjena dem; ty jag är Herren din Gud, en nitälskande Gud, som hemsöker fädernas missgerningar öfver barnen, intill tredje och fjerde led, deras som mig hata;
10 But I will steadfastly love (thousands of generations/all the descendants) of those who love me and obey my commandments (OR, I will love for thousands of generations).
Och beviser barmhertighet på mång tusend, som mig älska och min bud hålla.
11 Do not use/speak my name carelessly (OR, for wrong/evil purposes), because I am Yahweh God, the one whom you [should worship], and I will certainly punish those who use/speak my name for wrong/evil purposes [LIT].
Du skall icke missbruka Herrans dins Guds Namn; ty Herren skall icke låta blifva honom ostraffad, som hans Namn missbrukar.
12 Do not forget that the seventh day [of every week] is mine. Dedicate those days to me just like I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you.
Sabbathsdagen skall du hålla, att du honom helgar; såsom Herren din Gud dig budit hafver.
13 There are six days each week for you to do all your work,
Sex dagar skall du arbeta, och göra all din verk;
14 but the seventh day is a rest day, a day dedicated to me, Yahweh your God. On that day you must not do any work. You and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves must not work. You must not even force your livestock to work, and you must not tell foreigners to work, those who are living in your country. You must allow your slaves to rest on that day just like you do.
Men på sjunde dagen är Herrans dins Guds Sabbath; då skall du intet arbete göra, icke heller din son, eller din dotter, eller din tjenare, eller din tjenarinna, eller din oxe, eller din åsne, eller all din boskap, eller främlingen som innan dina portar är; på det att din tjenare och tjenarinna måga hafva ro så väl som du.
15 Do not forget that you were slaves in Egypt, and that I, Yahweh your God, brought you out from there by my very great power. [DOU, MTY] That is the reason that I am commanding that [all of] you must rest on the seventh/Sabbath day [each week].
Förty du skall ihågkomma, att du vast ock en träl uti Egypti land, och Herren din Gud förde dig derut med mägtiga hand och uträcktom arme; derföre hafver Herren din Gud budit dig, att du skall hålla Sabbathsdagen.
16 Honor/Respect your fathers and your mothers, just like I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you, in order that you may live a long time in the land that I, Yahweh your God, will give you, and in order that things will go well for you there.
Du skall hedra din fader och dina moder, såsom Herren din Gud dig budit hafver; på det att du må länge lefva, och att dig må väl gå uti de lande, som Herren din Gud dig gifva skall.
17 Do not murder anyone.
Du skall icke dräpa.
18 Do not (commit adultery/have sex with anyone other than your spouse).
Du skall icke göra hor.
19 Do not steal anything.
Du skall icke stjäla.
20 Do not tell lies about anyone [when you are speaking in a court].
Du skall icke bära falskt vittnesbörd emot din nästa.
21 Do not (covet/desire to have) someone else’s wife, someone else’s house, someone else’s fields, someone else’s male slave or female slave, someone else’s livestock, someone else’s donkeys, or anything else that another person owns.’
Du skall icke hafva lust till dins nästas hustru; du skall icke begära dins nästas hus, åker, tjenare, tjenarinno, oxa, åsna, eller hvad som helst honom tillhörer.
22 Those are the commandments that Yahweh spoke to your ancestors. When they were gathered there at [the bottom of] the mountain, he spoke with a very loud voice from the middle of the fire, and there were dark clouds surrounding the mountain. He spoke only those [ten] commandments, no more. Then he wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.
Desse äro de ord, som Herren talade till alla edra menighet uppå berget, utur eldenom, och molnena, och töcknene, med stora röst; och lade der intet till; och skref dem på två stentaflor, och fick mig dem.
23 After your ancestors heard [Yahweh’s] voice when he spoke to them out of the darkness, while there was a big fire burning on the mountain, their leaders and elders came to me,
När I hörden röstena utu mörkret, och berget brinna i elde, gingen I fram till mig, alle öfverstar i edra slägter, och edre äldste;
24 and [one of] them said, ‘Listen to us! Yahweh our God showed us that he is very great and glorious when we heard him speak [MTY] from the fire. Today we have realized that it is possible for us humans to continue to live even though God has spoken to us.
Och saden: Si, Herren vår Gud hafver låtit oss se sina härlighet, och sitt majestät, och vi hafve hört hans röst utur eldenom; i dag hafve vi sett, att Gud talade med menniskom, och de blefvo i lifve.
25 But we are afraid that we will die [RHQ] if we hear Yahweh our God speak [MTY] to us again; his terrible fire will destroy/kill us.
Och nu, hvi skole vi dö, så att den store elden förtärer oss? Om vi oftare höre Herrans vår Guds röst, så måste vi dö.
26 (Who has/Certainly no human has) remained alive after hearing the all-powerful God speak [MTY] to them from a fire.
Förty hvad är allt kött, att det höra må lefvandes Guds röst tala utur eldenom, såsom vi, och kan lefva?
27 [So Moses], you go [up the mountain] and listen to everything that Yahweh our God will say. Then [come back and] tell us everything that he has said, and we will listen to what he has said and obey it.’
Gack du fram, och hör allt det Herren vår Gud säger; och säg oss det. Allt det Herren vår Gud med dig talar, det vilje vi höra och göra.
28 Yahweh heard your leaders say that, so [when I went back up the mountain], Yahweh said to me, ‘I have heard what your leaders have said, and what they have said is right/correct.
Då Herren hörde rösten af edor ord, som I taladen med mig, sade Herren till mig: Jag hafver hört detta folks ord, som de med dig talat hafva; det är allt godt, som de sagt hafva.
29 I surely wish that they would always think like that and revere me and obey all my commandments, in order that things may go well for them and for their descendants forever.
Ack! det de ett sådant hjerta hade till att frukta mig, och till att hålla all min bud i deras lifsdagar; på det att dem måtte gå väl, och deras barn evinnerliga.
30 So go [down] and tell them to return to their tents.
Gack, och säg dem: Går hem i edor tjäll.
31 But [then] you [come back up here and] stand near me, and I will give to you all the rules and regulations that I [want them to obey]. Then you can teach them to the people, in order that they will obey them when they are in the land that I am giving to them.’
Men du skall stå här för mig, att jag talar med dig all lag, och bud, och rätter, som du dem lära skall, att de göra derefter uti landena, som jag dem gifva skall till att intaga.
32 [So I went back down to the people, and I said to them], ‘Be sure that you do everything that Yahweh our God has commanded us to do. Do not disobey any of his laws.
Så behåller det nu, att I mån göra såsom Herren edar Gud eder budit hafver; och viker icke hvarken på högra sidon eller venstra;
33 Conduct your lives as Yahweh our God has commanded us to do, in order that you may live a long time, and in order that things will go well for you [when you are living] in the land that you will occupy.’”
Utan vandrer i alla de vägar, som Herren edar Gud eder budit hafver; på det I mågen lefva, och eder skall väl gå, och I länge lefven i landena, som I intaga skolen.

< Deuteronomy 5 >