< Deuteronomy 34 >

1 Then Moses climbed up from the plains in the Moab [region] to the top of Pisgah Peak on Nebo Mountain, across [the Jordan River] from Jericho. There Yahweh showed him all the land [that the Israelis would occupy]. He showed him the Gilead [region] as far north as Dan [city];
И взыде Моисей от аравофа Моавля на гору Навав, на верх Фазга, яже есть прямо Иерихону: и показа ему Господь всю землю Галаадску даже до Дана,
2 all [the land that the tribe of] Naphtali would occupy; all the land [that the tribes] of Ephraim and Manasseh [had occupied]; all the land [that the tribe of] Judah would occupy as far west as the Mediterranean sea;
и всю землю Неффалимлю, и всю землю Ефремову и Манассиину, и всю землю Иудину даже до моря последняго,
3 the desert [area in the south part of Judah]; and the [Jordan] Valley that extends from Jericho [in the north] to Zoar [city in the south].
и пустыню и окрестная (села) Иерихона, град Фиников даже до Сигора,
4 Then Yahweh said to him, “You have now seen this land that I solemnly promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have allowed you to see it [from a distance], but you will not go there.”
и рече Господь к Моисею: сия земля, еюже кляхся Аврааму и Исааку и Иакову, глаголя: семени вашему дам ю: и показах ю очесем твоим, и тамо не внидеши.
5 So Moses, who [always] served Yahweh [faithfully], died there [on that mountain] in the Moab [region], which is what Yahweh said would happen.
И скончася тамо Моисей раб Господень в земли Моавли словом Господним.
6 Yahweh buried Moses’ body in a valley in the Moab [region], opposite/near Beth-Peor [town], but no one to this day knows where Yahweh buried him.
И погребоша его в земли Моавли близ дому Фогорова. И не уведа никтоже погребения его даже до дне сего.
7 Moses was 120 years old when he died, but he was still very strong, and he could still see [MTY] very well.
Моисею же бе сто и двадесять лет, егда скончася: не отемнесте очи его, ни истлеста устне его.
8 The Israeli people mourned for him in the plains of the Moab [region] for 30 days.
И плакашася сынове Израилевы Моисеа во Аравофе Моавли у Иордана близ Иерихона тридесять дний. И скончашася дние плача сетования о Моисей.
9 God caused Joshua to be very wise, because Moses had put his hands on Joshua [to appoint him to be their new leader]. The Israeli people obeyed Joshua, and they obeyed all the commands that Yahweh had given to Moses to tell to the Israeli people.
И Иисус сын Навин наполнися духа разума: возложи бо Моисей руце свои на него. И послушаша его сынове Израилевы, и сотвориша якоже заповеда Господь Моисею.
10 Since the time that Moses [lived], there has never been a prophet in Israel like him. Yahweh spoke to him face-to-face/directly.
И не воста ктому пророк во Израили якоже Моисей, егоже позна Господь лицем к лицу,
11 No other prophet has performed all the kinds of [DOU] miracles that Yahweh sent Moses to perform in front of the king of Egypt, his officials, and all [HYP] the people of Egypt.
во всех знамениих и чудесех, егоже посла Господь сотворити я в земли Египетстей фараону и рабом его и всей земли его,
12 No other prophet has been able to do all the great and terrifying things that Moses did while all the Israelis watched.
дивная великая, и руку крепкую (и мышцу высокую), яже сотвори Моисей пред всем Израилем.

< Deuteronomy 34 >