< Deuteronomy 29 >
1 These are the things that the Israelis were required to do to keep the agreement that Yahweh was making with them. Moses/I commanded them to keep this agreement [when they/we were] in the Moab region [on the east side of the Jordan River]. This was in addition to the agreement that Yahweh had made with them/us at Sinai [Mountain].
Aya ndiwo mashoko esungano akarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha kuti aaite navana veIsraeri munyika yeMoabhu, kupamhidzira pamusoro pesungano yaakaita navo paHorebhi.
2 Moses/I summoned all the Israeli people and said to them, “You saw [SYN] for yourselves what Yahweh did to the king of Egypt and to his officials and to his entire country.
Mozisi akadana vaIsraeri vose akati kwavari: Meso enyu akaona zvose zvakaitwa naJehovha muIjipiti kuna Faro, namachinda ake ose uye nokunyika yake yose.
3 You [SYN] saw all the plagues [that Yahweh caused them to experience], and all the various miracles [DOU] [that Yahweh performed].
Nameso enyu chaiwo makaona miedzo iya mikuru, nezviratidzo nezvishamiso zviya zvikuru.
4 But until now, Yahweh has not enabled you to understand [the meaning of] all that you have seen and heard.
Asi kusvikira nanhasi Jehovha haana kukupai pfungwa dzokunzwisisa kana meso okuona kana nzeve dzokunzwa.
5 For 40 years Yahweh has led you while you traveled/walked through the desert. During that time, your clothes and your sandals have not worn out.
Pamakore makumi mana andakakutungamirirai nomurenje, nguo dzenyu hadzina kusakara, kunyange neshangu dzenyu dzamaiva makapfeka.
6 You did not have bread to eat or wine or other fermented/strong drinks to drink, but Yahweh [took care of you], in order that you would know that he is your God.
Hamuna kudya chingwa kana kunwa waini kana zvimwe zvinodhaka. Ndakaita izvi kuti muzive kuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.
7 “And when we came to this place, Sihon, the king who ruled in Heshbon [city], and Og, the king who ruled the Bashan [region], came [with their armies] to attack us, but we defeated them.
Pamakasvika panzvimbo ino, Sihoni mambo weHeshibhoni naOgi mambo weBhashani vakauya kuzotirwisa, asi takavakunda.
8 We took/conquered their land and divided it among the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh.
Takatora nyika yavo tikaipa kuvaRubheni, navaGadhi nokuhafu yorudzi rwaManase kuti ive nhaka yavo.
9 “So faithfully keep all of this agreement, in order that you will be successful in everything that you do.
Chenjerai kuti munyatsotevera mashoko esungano iyi kuitira kuti muzobudirira pazvinhu zvose zvamunoita.
10 Today all of us are standing in the presence of Yahweh our God. The leaders of all our tribes, our elders, our officials, all you Israeli men,
Imi mose nhasi makamira pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu, vatungamiri venyu navarume vose veIsraeri,
11 your wives, your children, and the foreigners who live among you and cut wood for you and carry water for you, are here.
pamwe chete navana venyu navakadzi venyu, navatorwa vanogara pamisasa yenyu vanokutemerai huni dzenyu uye vanokukuchererai mvura.
12 [We are here] today to promise to keep this solemn agreement with Yahweh.
Makamira pano kuti muite sungano naJehovha Mwari wenyu, sungano iyo Jehovha ari kuita nemi nhasi achiisimbisa nemhiko,
13 [He is making this agreement with you] in order to confirm that you are his people, and that he is your God. This agreement is what he promised you, and which is what he vowed to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
kuti akusimbisei nhasi savanhu vake, kuti ave Mwari wenyu sezvaakavimbisa uye sezvaakapika kumadzibaba enyu, Abhurahama, naIsaka, naJakobho.
14 This agreement is not only with you.
Ndiri kuita sungano iyi, nemhiko yacho, kwete nemi chete,
15 He is making this agreement with us [who are here today] and also with our descendants who are not yet born.
imi makamira nesu pano nhasi uno pamberi paJehovha Mwari wedu, asi navayawo vasiri pano nhasi.
16 “You remember [the things that our ancestors suffered] in Egypt, and how they traveled through the land that belonged to other nations [after they came out of Egypt].
Imi pachenyu munoziva magariro atakaita muIjipiti uye namapfuuriro atakaita nomunyika dzatakafamba nemadziri parwendo kusvikira tasvika pano.
17 In those countries they saw those disgusting idols made of wood and stone and [decorated with] silver and gold.
Makaona pakati padzo zvifananidzo nezviumbwa zvinonyangadza zvamatanda namabwe, zvesirivha negoridhe.
18 So be sure that no man or woman or family or tribe that is here [today] turns away from Yahweh our God, to worship/serve the gods of those nations. Doing that would be like a root [of a plant that would grow] among you and bear poisonous and bitter fruit [MET].
Muchenjerere kuti parege kuva nomurume kana mukadzi, mhuri kana rudzi pakati penyu nhasi vano mwoyo unotsauka kubva kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu kuti vaende vachindonamata vamwari vendudzi idzodzo; chenjererai kuti pakati penyu parege kuva nomudzi unobereka muchetura unovava kudaro.
19 “Be sure that no one here today who hears this agreement thinks, ‘Everything will go well with me, even if I stubbornly do what I want to.’ If you are stubborn like that, the result will be that Yahweh will eventually get rid of all of you, both good people and evil people [MET].
Kana munhu akadaro akanzwa mashoko emhiko iyi, anozviropafadza uye naizvozvo agofunga kuti, “Ndichava norugare, kunyange ndikaramba ndichifamba nenzira yangu.” Izvi zvichauyisa njodzi panyika nyoro uye napanyika yakaoma.
20 Yahweh will not forgive anyone who is [stubborn] like that. Instead, he will be extremely angry [DOU] with that person, and that person will experience all the curses that I have told you about, until Yahweh gets rid of that person and his family [IDM].
Jehovha haazombodi kumukanganwira; hasha dzake neshungu dzake zvichapisa pamusoro pomunhu uyo. Kutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri kuchawira pamusoro pake, uye Jehovha achadzima zita rake kubva pasi pedenga.
21 From all the tribes of Israel, Yahweh will separate that individual. Yahweh will cause him to experience all the disasters that I have listed in the agreement that states the things that Yahweh will do to curse [those who disobey] the laws [that I have written] in this scroll/book.
Jehovha achamutsaura iye ari oga kubva pamarudzi ose eIsraeri kuti amuise panjodzi, maererano nokutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri romurayiro.
22 “In the future, your descendants and people from other countries will see the disasters and the illnesses that Yahweh has caused to happen to you.
Vana venyu, ivo zvizvarwa zvichazokuteverai uye navatorwa vachauya kubva kunyika dziri kure pavachazoona matambudziko achawira nyika uye nezvirwere zvaicharohwa nazvo naJehovha.
23 They will see that all your land has been ruined by burning sulfur and salt. Nothing will have been planted. Not even weeds will grow there. Your land will resemble Sodom and Gomorrah [cities], and Admah and Zeboiim [cities], which Yahweh destroyed when he was very angry [DOU] [with the people who lived there].
Nyika yose inenge ichitsva nokuparadzwa nomunyu nesafuri, pasina zvakadyarwa, pasina zvinomeramo, pasina uswa nemiti zvinokuramo. Zvichaita sokuparadzwa kweSodhomu neGomora kana kuparadzwa kweAdhama neZebhoimi, idzo Jehovha akaparadza mukutsamwa kwake kunotyisa.
24 And the people from those other nations will ask, ‘Why did Yahweh do this to this land? Why was he very angry [with the people who lived here]?’
Ndudzi dzose dzichabvunza dzichiti, “Ko, sei Jehovha akaita izvi kunyika iyi. Sei akatsamwa zvinotyisa kudai?”
25 “Then other people will reply, ‘It is because they refused to keep the agreement that Yahweh, the God whom their ancestors [worshiped], had made with them when he brought them out of Egypt.
Zvino mhinduro yacho ichava yokuti, “Nemhaka yokuti vanhu vake vakasiya sungano yaJehovha, iye Mwari wamadzibaba avo, sungano yaakaita navo paakavabudisa kubva muIjipiti.
26 Instead, they served/worshiped other gods that they had never worshiped before, gods that Yahweh had told them not to worship.
Vakabva vakaenda vakandonamata vamwe vamwari uye vakavapfugamira, vamwari vavakanga vasingazivi, vamwari vaakanga asina kuvapa.
27 So, Yahweh became very angry with the Israeli people in this land, and he caused them to experience all the disasters that their leader warned them about.
Naizvozvo kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakapisa pamusoro penyika iyi, zvokuti akauyisa pamusoro payo kutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri.
28 Yahweh became extremely angry [DOU] with them and took/yanked them [MET] out of their land and banished them into another land, and they are still there.’
Mukutsamwa kunotyisa nehasha huru Jehovha akavadzura kubva munyika yavo akavarasira kune imwe nyika sezvazvakaita iye zvino.”
29 “[There are some] things that Yahweh our God has (kept secret/not revealed), but he has revealed his laws to us, and [he expects] us and our descendants to obey them forever.”
Zvinhu zvakavanzika ndezvaJehovha Mwari wedu, asi zvinhu zvakaratidzwa ndezvedu isu navana vedu nokusingaperi, kuti tigotevera mashoko ose omurayiro uyu.