< Deuteronomy 26 >

1 “After you occupy the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, and you (have settled/are living) there,
Og det skal ske, naar du kommer ind i det Land, som Herren din Gud giver dig til Arv, og du ejer det og bor derudi:
2 [each of] you must take some of the first crops that you harvest, put them in a basket, and take them to the place that Yahweh will have chosen for you to worship [MTY] there.
Da skal du tage af det første af al Jordens Frugt, som du bringer ind af dit Land, hvilket Herren din Gud giver dig, og lægge det i en Kurv; og du skal gaa til det Sted, som Herren din Gud skal udvælge til der at lade sit Navn bo.
3 Go to the Supreme Priest who is serving at that time and say to him, ‘[By giving you this first part of my harvest] today, I am declaring to Yahweh our God that I have [picked it in] the land that he vowed to our ancestors to give to us.’
Og du skal komme til Præsten, som er i de Dage, og sige til ham: Jeg forkynder i Dag for Herren din Gud, at jeg er kommen i det Land, som Herren tilsvor vore Fædre at give os.
4 Then the priest must take the basket of food from your hand and put it on the altar where sacrifices are offered to Yahweh our God.
Og Præsten skal tage Kurven af din Haand, og han skal sætte den ned foran Herren din Guds Alter.
5 Then in Yahweh’s presence you must say this: ‘My ancestor [Jacob] was a man from Aram/Syria who was continually wandering [from one place to another]. He took his family to Egypt. They were a small group [when they went there], but they lived there and their descendants became a very large/populous [DOU] and powerful nation.
Da skal du vidne og sige for Herren din Guds Ansigt: Min Fader var en omvankende Syrer, og han drog med nogle faa Mennesker ned til Ægypten og var fremmed der, og han blev der til et stort, stærkt og mangfoldigt Folk.
6 Then the people of Egypt treated them very harshly [DOU], and they forced them to become their slaves and to work very hard.
Men Ægypterne handlede ilde med os og plagede os og lagde en haard Trældom paa os.
7 Then our ancestors cried out to you, Yahweh our God, and you heard them. You saw that they were suffering, and that they were forced to work very hard, and were being oppressed.
Da skrege vi til Herren, vore Fædres Gud, og Herren hørte vor Røst og saa vor Trængsel og vor Møje og vor Nød;
8 Then by your great power [MTY] and by performing many kinds of miracles [DOU], and other terrifying things, you brought them out of Egypt.
og Herren udførte os af Ægypten med en stærk Haand og udrakt Arm og med en stor Rædsel og med Tegn og med underlige Gerninger.
9 You brought us to this land and gave it to us, a land that is very fertile [IDM].
Og han førte os til dette Sted, og han har givet os dette Land, et Land, som flyder med Mælk og Honning.
10 So now, Yahweh, I have brought to you the first part of the harvest from the land that I received.’ Then you must set the basket down in Yahweh’s presence and worship him there.
Og nu, se, jeg har ført hid det første af Frugten i Landet, som du, Herre, har givet mig. Og du skal lade det blive for Herren din Guds Ansigt og tilbede for Herren din Guds Ansigt.
11 And you must celebrate [by eating a meal together to thank] Yahweh our God for all the good things that he has given to you and to your family. And you must invite the descendants of Levi and the foreigners who are living among you to also rejoice [and eat] with you.
Og du skal være glad over alt det gode, som Herren din Gud har givet dig og dit Hus, du og Leviten og den fremmede, som er midt iblandt dig.
12 Every third year, you must bring to the descendants of Levi and to the foreigners [who are living among you] and the orphans and the widows (a tithe/10 percent) of your crops, in order that in every town they will have plenty to eat.
Naar du er færdig med at tiende al Tienden af din Afgrøde i det tredje Aar, som er Tiendens Aar, og du har givet Leviten, den fremmede, den faderløse og Enken, at de maa æde inden dine Porte og blive mætte:
13 Then you must say to Yahweh, ‘I have brought to you, from my house, all of the sacred tithe [from my harvest this year]. I am giving it to the descendants of Levi, to the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, as you commanded us to do. I have not disobeyed any of your commands [about the tithes], and I have not forgotten any of your commands [about tithes].
Da skal du sige for Herren din Guds Ansigt: Jeg har borttaget det helligede af Huset, og jeg har ogsaa givet Leviten og den fremmede, den faderløse og Enken det, efter alle dine Bud, som du har budet mig; jeg har ikke overtraadt og ikke glemt noget af dine Bud.
14 [I declare that] I have not eaten any food from the tithe while I was mourning [for someone who died]. And I have not touched any of it while I was unacceptable to you; I have not offered any of it to [spirits of] dead people. Yahweh, I have obeyed you and done everything that you have commanded us [concerning the tithe].
Jeg har intet ædet deraf i min Sorg og intet borttaget deraf under Urenhed, jeg har intet deraf givet for en afdød; jeg har været Herren min Guds Røst lydig, jeg har gjort alt det, som du har budet mig.
15 So [please] look down from your holy place in heaven, and bless us, your Israeli people. Also bless this very fertile [IDM] land which you have given to us, which is what you promised our ancestors that you would do.’
Se ned fra din Helligheds Bolig fra Himmelen, og velsign dit Folk Israel og det Land, som du har givet os, ligesom du har tilsvoret vore Fædre, et Land, som flyder med Mælk og Honning.
16 Today Yahweh our God is commanding you to obey all these rules and regulations. So obey them faithfully, with your entire inner being [DOU].
Herren din Gud byder dig paa denne Dag at gøre efter disse Skikke og Bud, og du skal holde dem og gøre efter dem af dit ganske Hjerte og af din ganske Sjæl.
17 Today you have declared that Yahweh is your God, and that you will conduct your lives as he wants you to do, and that you will obey all his commands and rules and regulations, and that you will do all that he tells you to do.
Du har i Dag tilsagt Herren, at han skal være din Gud, og at du vil vandre i hans Veje og holde hans Skikke og hans Bud og hans Love, og at du vil høre hans Røst.
18 And today Yahweh has declared that you are his people, which is what he promised that you would be, and he commands you to obey all his commands.
Og Herren har tilsagt dig i Dag, at du skal være ham et Ejendomsfolk, saasom han har talet til dig, og at du skal holde alle hans Bud,
19 If you do that, he will cause you to become greater than any other nation that he has established, and he will enable you to praise him and honor him [DOU]. You will truly belong to Yahweh our God, which is what he has promised.”
og at han vil sætte dig højt over alle Folk, hvilke han har skabt, til Lov og til Navnkundighed og til Pryd, og at du skal være Herren din Gud et helligt Folk, saasom han har talet.

< Deuteronomy 26 >