< Deuteronomy 25 >

1 “If [two] Israelis have a dispute and they go to a court, the judge will [probably] decide/declare that one of them (is innocent/did not do any wrong) and the other one is guilty.
Kana vanhu vane gakava, vanofanira kuenda kudare uye vatongi vachatonga nyaya iyi, vachiruramisira asina mhosva nokupa mhosva uyo akatadza.
2 If the judge says that the guilty person must be punished, he shall command him to lie [with his face] on the ground and be whipped. The number of times he is struck with a whip will depend on [what kind of] crime he committed.
Kana munhu ane mhosva achifanira kurohwa, mutongi anofanira kumuti arare pasi agoita kuti arohwe pamberi pake neshamhu dzakafanira mhosva yake.
3 It is permitted that he be struck as many as 40 times, but no more than that. If he is struck more than 40 times, he would be humiliated publicly.
Asi haafaniri kupiwa shamhu dzinodarika makumi mana. Kana akarohwa zvakapfurikidza mwero, hama yako inenge yazvidzwa pamberi pako.
4 When your ox is treading/walking on the grain [to separate the chaff from the grain], do not (muzzle it/put a covering on its mouth) [to prevent it from eating some of the grain].
Usasunga muromo wenzombe kana ichipura zviyo.
5 If two brothers live on the same property, and one of them who has no son dies, the man’s widow should not marry someone who is not a member of his family. The dead man’s brother must marry her and have sex [EUP] with her. It is his duty to do that.
Kana hama dzichigara pamwe chete mumwe wavo akafa asina mwanakomana, chirikadzi yake haifaniri kuwanikwa kunze kwemhuri. Hama yomurume wake inofanira kumutora nokumuwana uye agoita zvinofanira kuitwa nehama yomurume wake kwaari.
6 If she later gives birth to a son, that son is to be considered [MTY] the son of the man who died, in order that the dead man’s name will not disappear from Israel.
Mwanakomana wokutanga waachabereka anofanira kutora zita rehama yake yakafa kuitira kuti zita rake rirege kudzimwa muIsraeri.
7 “But if the dead man’s brother does not want to marry that woman, she must stand at the (gate/central meeting place) of the town and say to the [town] elders, ‘My husband’s brother will not do (his duty/what he is supposed to do). He refuses to [marry me in order that I may give birth to a son who will] prevent my dead husband’s name from disappearing in Israel.’
Asi, kana munhu asingadi kuwana mukadzi wehama yake, mukadzi achaenda kuvakuru pasuo reguta agoti, “Hama yomurume wangu yaramba kumutsa zita romukoma wake muIsraeri. Haadi kuita zvinofanira kuitwa nehama yomurume kwandiri.”
8 Then the elders must summon that man and talk to him. If he still refuses to marry that widow,
Ipapo vakuru veguta romurume uyu vanofanira kumudana vataure naye. Kana akaramba achiti, “Handidi zvangu kumuwana,”
9 she must go up to him while the elders are watching, and take off one of his sandals [to symbolize/show that he would not receive any of her property], and spit in his face, and say to him, ‘This is what happens to the man who refuses to do what is needed [to allow his dead brother to have a son] in order that our family name does not disappear.’
chirikadzi yehama yake inofanira kuenda kwaari pamberi pavakuru, agomubvisa imwe yeshangu dzake, uye agomusvipira mate kumeso achiti, “Izvi ndizvo zvinoitwa kumurume anoramba kuvaka imba yomukoma wake.”
10 After that happens, that man’s family will be known as ‘the family of the man whose sandal was pulled off’.
Imba yomurume uyu ichazivikanwa muIsraeri nezita rokuti Imba yoMurume Akabviswa Shangu Yake.
11 When [two] men are fighting with each other, and the one man’s wife comes near to help her husband by grabbing hold of the other man’s genitals,
Kana varume vaviri vachirwa ipapo mukadzi womumwe wavo akauya kuzonunura murume wake pane anomurwisa, uye akaswedera akabata murume uya nhengo dzake,
12 do not act mercifully toward her; cut off her hand.
munofanira kugura ruoko rwake. Musamunzwira tsitsi.
13 “[When you are buying or selling things], do not try to cheat people by having two kinds of weights, [one which you use when you buy something and one which you use when you sell something], and two kinds of measuring baskets, [one which you use when you buy something and one which you use when you sell something].
Usava nezviyereso zviviri zvisina kuenzana muhomwe yako, chimwe chinorema, chimwe chakareruka.
Usava nezvipimiso zviviri zvakasiyana mumba mako, chimwe chikuru, chimwe chiduku.
15 Always use correct weights and correct measuring baskets, in order that Yahweh our God will allow you to live a long time in the land that he is giving to you.
Unofanira kuva nezviereso nezvipimiso zvakanaka uye zvechokwadi kuitira kuti ugorarama mazuva mazhinji munyika yauri kupiwa naJehovha Mwari wako.
16 Yahweh hates all those who act dishonestly, [and he will punish them].
Nokuti Jehovha Mwari wako anonyangadzwa nomunhu anoita zvinhu izvi, munhu upi zvake, anoita zvinhu nokusatendeka.
17 Continue to remember what the Amalek people-group did to your ancestors when they were coming out of Egypt.
Murangarire zvamakaitirwa navaAmareki parwendo rwenyu pamakabuda kubva muIjipiti.
18 They attacked your ancestors as your ancestors were traveling, when they were weak and exhausted. Those people were not afraid of God at all, so they attacked your ancestors from the rear and killed all those who were unable to walk as fast as the others.
Pamakanga maziya uye maneta, vakasangana nemi parwendo rwenyu vakauraya vose vakanga vachisaririra shure; vakanga vasingatyi Mwari.
19 Therefore, when Yahweh our God has given you the land [that he promised to give you], and when he has enabled you to rest from [fighting] all your enemies around you, kill all the Amalek people-group, with the result that no one will remember them any more. Do not forget [to do this]!”
Kana Jehovha Mwari wenyu akupai zvose kubva kuvavengi vakakupoteredzai munyika yaari kukupai kuti ive yenyu senhaka, munofanira kudzima kurangarirwa kwaAmareki kubva pasi pedenga. Musazokanganwa!

< Deuteronomy 25 >