< Deuteronomy 24 >
1 “Suppose a man marries a woman and later decides that he does not want her because there is something about her that he doesn’t like. And suppose he writes on paper that he is divorcing her, and he gives the paper to her [SYN] and sends her away from his house.
Cuando alguno tomare mujer y se casare con ella, si después no le agradare por haber hallado en ella alguna cosa torpe, le escribirá carta de repudio, y se la entregará en su mano, y la despedirá de su casa.
2 Then suppose that she goes and marries another man,
Y salida de su casa, podrá ir y casarse con otro varón.
3 and that man [later also] decides that he does not like her, and he also writes on paper that he is divorcing her, and he sends her away from his house. Or, suppose that the second husband dies.
Y si la aborreciere el postrer varón, y le escribiere carta de repudio, y se la entregare en su mano, y la despidiere de su casa; o si muriere el postrer varón que la tomó para sí por mujer,
4 If either of those things happens, her first husband must not marry her again. He must consider that she has become unacceptable to Yahweh. Yahweh would consider it to be disgusting [if he married her again]. You must not sin [MTY] by doing that in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you.”
no podrá su primer marido, que la despidió, volverla a tomar para que sea su mujer, después que fue inmunda; porque es abominación delante del SEÑOR, y no contaminarás la tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da por heredad.
5 “When some man has recently become married, he must not [be required to] become a soldier in the army or be required to do any other work [for the government] for one year [after being married]. He should stay happily at home with his wife for that year.
Cuando tomare alguno mujer nueva, no saldrá a la guerra, ni en ninguna cosa se le ocupará; libre estará en su casa por un año, para alegrar a su mujer que tomó.
6 “Anyone who lends money to someone else [is allowed to require that person to give him something] to guarantee [that he will pay back the money that he borrowed. But] he must not take from him his (millstone/stone for grinding grain). That would be taking [the millstone that his family needs to grind the grain to make the bread] they need to stay alive.
No tomarás en prenda la muela de molino, ni la de abajo ni la de arriba, porque sería prendar la vida.
7 “If someone kidnaps/steals a fellow Israeli to cause that person to become his slave or to sell him [to become someone else’s slave], you must execute the person who did that. By doing that, you will get rid of this evil among you.
Cuando fuere hallado alguno que haya hurtado persona de sus hermanos los hijos de Israel, y hubiere mercadeado con ella, o la hubiere vendido, el tal ladrón morirá, y quitarás el mal de en medio de ti.
8 “If you are suffering from (leprosy/a dreaded skin disease), be sure to do everything that the priests, who are from the tribe of Levi, tell you to do. Obey carefully the instructions that I have given to them.
Guárdate de llaga de lepra, guardando diligentemente, y haciendo según todo lo que os enseñaren los sacerdotes levitas; cuidaréis de hacer como les he mandado.
9 Do not forget what Yahweh our God did to Miriam, [when she became a leper], after your ancestors left Egypt.
Acuérdate de lo que hizo el SEÑOR tu Dios a María en el camino, después que salisteis de Egipto.
10 “When you lend something to someone, do not go into his house to take the cloak that he says that he will give you to guarantee [that he will return what he has borrowed].
Cuando dieres a tu prójimo alguna cosa prestada, no entrarás en su casa para tomarle prenda.
11 Stand outside his house, and the man to whom you are lending something will bring the cloak out to you.
Fuera estarás, y el hombre a quien prestaste, te sacará afuera la prenda.
12 But if he is poor, do not keep that cloak all night.
Y si fuere hombre pobre, no duermas con su prenda.
13 When the sun sets, take the cloak back to him, in order that he may wear it while he sleeps. If you do that, he will [ask God to] bless you, and Yahweh our God will be pleased with you.
Sin falta le devolverás la prenda cuando el sol se ponga, para que duerma en su ropa, y te bendiga; y te será justicia delante del SEÑOR tu Dios.
14 “Do not mistreat any servants whom you have hired who are poor and needy [DOU], whether they are Israelis or foreigners who are living in your town.
No hagas violencia al jornalero pobre y menesteroso, así de tus hermanos como de tus extranjeros que están en tu tierra en tus ciudades.
15 Every day, before sunset, you must pay/give them the money that they have earned. They are poor and they need to get their pay. If you do not pay them right away, they will cry out against you to Yahweh, and he will punish [MTY] you for having sinned like that.
En su día le darás su jornal, y el sol no se pondrá sobre él; pues es pobre, y con él sustenta su vida; para que no clame contra ti al SEÑOR, y sea en ti pecado.
16 “Parents must not be executed for crimes that their children have committed, and children must not be executed for crimes that their parents have committed. People should be executed only for the crimes that they themselves have committed.
Los padres no morirán por los hijos, ni los hijos por los padres; cada uno morirá por su pecado.
17 “You must [LIT] do for foreigners [who live] among you and for orphans what the laws state must be done for them. And [if you lend something to] a widow, do not take her coat from her as a guarantee [that she will return it].
No torcerás el derecho del extranjero ni del huérfano; ni tomarás por prenda la ropa de la viuda;
18 Do not forget that [you had great hardships/troubles when] you were slaves in Egypt, and Yahweh our God rescued you from there. That is why I am commanding you [to help others who have troubles].
mas acuérdate que fuiste siervo en Egipto, y de allí te rescató el SEÑOR tu Dios; por tanto, yo te mando que hagas esto.
19 “When you harvest your crops, if you have forgotten [that you left] one bundle in the field, do not go back to get it. [Leave it there] for foreigners, orphans, and widows. If you do that, Yahweh will bless you in everything that you do.
Cuando segares tu mies en tu tierra, y olvidares alguna gavilla en el campo, no volverás a tomarla; del extranjero, o del huérfano, o de la viuda será; para que te bendiga el SEÑOR tu Dios en toda obra de tus manos.
20 And when you have harvested/picked all your olives from the trees once, do not go back [to pick the ones that are still] on the trees.
Cuando sacudieres tus olivas, no recorrerás las ramas tras ti; del extranjero, del huérfano, y de la viuda será.
21 [Similarly], when you pick the grapes in your vineyard, do not go back a second time [to try to find more]. Leave them for the foreigners, orphans, and widows [among you].
Cuando vendimiares tu viña, no rebuscarás tras ti; del extranjero, del huérfano, y de la viuda será.
22 Do not forget that [Yahweh was kind to you when] you were slaves in Egypt. That is why I am commanding you [to be kind to those who are needy].”
Y acuérdate que fuiste siervo en tierra de Egipto; por tanto, yo te mando que hagas esto.