< Deuteronomy 23 >

1 “Any man whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall not be (included as one of/allowed to worship with) Yahweh’s people.
Hapana murume akakuvadzwa manhu ake kana kubviswa nhengo yake achapinda paungano yaJehovha.
2 “No (illegitimate person/person whose mother and father were not married), or descendant of that person, extending to the tenth generation, shall be included as one of Yahweh’s people.
Hapana munhu akaberekwa noupombwe, kana vana vake, anofanira kupinda paungano yaJehovha, kusvikira kuchizvarwa chegumi.
3 “No one from the Ammon or Moab people-groups shall be (included as one of/allowed to worship with) Yahweh’s people, extending to the tenth generation.
Hapana muAmoni kana muMoabhu, kana munhu upi worudzi rwake anofanira kupinda paungano yaJehovha, kusvikira kuchizvarwa chegumi.
4 One reason is that their [leaders] refused to give your ancestors food and water when they were traveling from Egypt [to Canaan]. Another reason is that they wanted to pay Balaam, the son of Beor from Pethor [town] in Mesopotamia, to curse you Israelis.
Nokuti havana kuuya kuzokuchingamidzai nechingwa nemvura parwendo rwenyu pamakabuda kubva muIjipiti, uye vakaripa Bharamu mwanakomana waBheori wePetori muAramu Naharaimu kuti akutukei.
5 But Yahweh our God did not pay attention to Balaam; instead, he caused Balaam to bless your ancestors, because Yahweh loved them.
Asi, Jehovha Mwari wenyu haana kuteerera Bharamu asi akashandura kutuka akakuropafadzai, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu anokudai.
6 As long as Israel is a nation, you must not do anything to cause things to go well for those two people-groups or enable them to prosper.
Usatsvaka rugare kana ushamwari navo mazuva ose oupenyu hwako!
7 “But do not despise anyone from the Edom people-group, because they are [descendants of your ancestor Jacob], just like you are. And do not despise people from Egypt, because [they treated your ancestors well when] they first lived in Egypt.
Haufaniri kusema muEdhomu, nokuti ihama yako. Usasema muIjipita nokuti wakagara somutorwa munyika yake.
8 The children and grandchildren of people from Edom and Egypt [who live among you] may be (included among/allowed to worship with) Yahweh’s people.”
Rudzi rwechitatu rwavana vake runogona harwo kupinda paungano yaJehovha.
9 “When your soldiers are living in tents at a time of fighting your enemies, they must avoid doing things that would make them unacceptable to God.
Kana muchinge maungana kuti murwe navavengi venyu, zvichengetedzei kubva pazvinhu zvose zvakaipa.
10 If any soldier becomes unacceptable to God because semen comes out of his body during the night, [the next morning] he must go outside the camp and stay there during that day.
Kana mumwe wavarume venyu asina kuchena nokuda kwokuti akazvirotera usiku, anofanira kubuda kunze kwomusasa agareko.
11 But in the evening of that day, he must bathe himself, and at sunset he is allowed to come back into the camp.
Asi kana ava madekwana anofanira kuzvigeza, uye pakuvira kwezuva ngaapinde zvake mumusasa.
12 “Your soldiers must have a toilet area outside the camp where you can go [when you need to].
Munofanira kuva nenzvimbo kunze kwomusasa kwamunofanira kuenda muchinozvibatsira.
13 [When you go to fight against your enemies], carry a stick along with your weapons, in order that when you need to defecate [EUP], you can dig a hole with the stick, and then cover up the hole [when you have finished defecating].
Sezvo panhumbi dzenyu dzokurwa nadzo paine zvokucheresa, zvino kana uchinge wapedza kuzvibatsira, unofanira kufushira gomba rawazvibatsira.
14 You must keep the camp acceptable to Yahweh our God, because he is with you in your camp to protect you and to enable you to defeat your enemies. Do not do anything disgraceful/indecent that would cause Yahweh to abandon you.”
Nokuti Jehovha Mwari wako anofamba-famba pamusasa wenyu achikuchengetedzai nokukurwirai kubva kuvavengi venyu. Musasa wenyu unofanira kuva mutsvene, kuitira kuti arege kuona zvisakarurama pakati penyu uye akazokufuratirai.
15 “If slaves who escape from their masters come to you [and request you to protect them], do not send them back to their masters.
Kana muranda atizira kwauri, usamudzosera kuna tenzi wake.
16 Allow them to stay/live among you, in whatever town they choose, and do not mistreat them.
Murege agare pakati penyu paanoda hake uye muguta ripi raachasarudza. Usamumanikidza.
17 “Do not [allow] any Israeli man or woman [to] become a prostitute at the temple.
Hakuna muIsraeri, murume kana mukadzi achava mhombwe.
18 Also, do not allow any people who earned money from being a prostitute to bring any of that money into the temple of Yahweh our God, even if they solemnly promised to pay that money to Yahweh. Yahweh hates those who are prostitutes.
Hamufaniri kuuya nomubayiro wechifeve kana wemhombwe mumba maJehovha Mwari wenyu kuti mupike nawo. Nokuti zvose izvi zviri zviviri zvinonyangadza Jehovha Mwari wenyu.
19 “When you lend money or food or anything else to a fellow Israeli, do not charge them interest.
Usaripisa hama yako mhindu, ingava yemari kana zvokudya kana chinhu chipi zvacho chaungawane mhindu kubva pachiri.
20 You are allowed to charge interest when you lend money to foreigners [who live in your land], but not when you lend money to Israelis. Do this in order that Yahweh our God will bless you in everything that you do in the land that you are about to enter and occupy.
Ungaripisa zvako mutorwa mhindu, asi kwete hama yako muIsraeri, kuitira kuti Jehovha Mwari wako akuropafadze pane zvose zvaungabate noruoko rwako munyika yauri kupinda kuti ive yenyu.
21 “When you vow to give something to Yahweh your God [or to do something for him], do it as soon as you can. Yahweh expects you to do what you promised, and if you do not do it, you will be committing a sin.
Kana ukaita mhiko pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako, usanonoka kuiripa, nokuti Jehovha Mwari wako zvirokwazvo achaibvunza kwauri uye uchava nemhosva yechivi.
22 But if you [SYN] do not vow [to do something], that is not sinful.
Asi kana ukarega kuita mhiko, haungavi nemhosva.
23 But if you voluntarily promise to do something, you must do it.
Uchenjerere kuti uite zvose zvaunotaura nomuromo wako, nokuti wakaita mhiko nokuda kwako kuna Jehovha Mwari wako nomuromo wako.
24 “When you walk through someone else’s vineyard, you are allowed to [pick and] eat as many grapes as you want, but you must not [cut some from a vine and carry them away] in a container.
Kana ukapinda mumunda womuzambiringa womuvakidzani wako, ungadya mazambiringa ose aunoda asi haufaniri kuisa mamwe mudengu rako.
25 When you walk [along a path] in someone else’s field of grain, you are allowed to pluck/pick some of the grain and eat it, but you must not cut any grain with a sickle [and take it with you].”
Kana ukapinda mumunda wezviyo womuvakidzani wako, ungavhuna hako hura noruoko rwako, asi haufaniri kucheka zviyo zvake nejeko.

< Deuteronomy 23 >