< Deuteronomy 22 >

1 “If you see some Israeli’s ox or sheep that has strayed away, do not act as though you did not see it. Take it back [to its owner].
In kun ga saniya ko tunkiyar ɗan’uwanku wadda ta ɓace, kada ku ƙyale ta, amma ku tabbata kun komar da ita gare shi.
2 But if the owner does not live near you, or if you do not know who the owner is, take the animal to your house. [It can stay with you] until the owner comes, searching for it. Then you must give the animal to him.
In ɗan’uwan ba ya zama kusa da ku, ko kuwa ba ku san shi ba, sai ku kai ta gida ku ajiye ta sai ya zo nemanta. Sa’an nan ku ba shi ita.
3 You must do the same thing if you see a donkey, or a piece of clothing, or anything else that someone has lost. Do not refuse to do what you should do.
Ku yi haka in kun sami jakin ɗan’uwanku, ko rigarsa, ko kowane abin da ya ɓace. Kada ku ƙyale shi.
4 “And if you see a fellow Israeli’s donkey or cow that has fallen down on the road, do not act as though you did not see it. Help the owner to lift the animal up [so that it can stand on its feet again].
In kuka ga jakin ɗan’uwanku, ko saniyarsa ya fāɗi a kan hanya, kada ku ƙyale shi. Ku taimaka, ku tā da shi.
5 “Women must not wear men’s clothes, and men must not wear women’s clothes. Yahweh our God hates people who do things like that.
Kada mace ta sa suturar maza, kada kuma namiji ya sa suturar mata, gama Ubangiji Allahnku yana ƙyamar duk mai yin haka.
6 “If you happen to find a bird’s nest in a tree or on the ground, and the mother bird is sitting in the nest on its eggs or with the baby birds, do not take the mother bird [and kill it].
In kuka ga gidan tsuntsu kusa da hanya, ko a kan itace, ko kuma a ƙasa, mahaifiyar tsuntsun kuwa tana kwance a kan’ya’yanta, ko kuwa a kan ƙwanta, kada ku kama mahaifiyar duk da’ya’yan.
7 You are permitted to take the baby birds, but you must allow the mother bird to fly away. Do this in order that things will go well for you and that you will live for a long time.
Za ku iya kwashe’ya’yan, amma ku tabbata kun bar mahaifiyar tă tafi. Yin haka zai sa ku sami zaman lafiya da tsawon rai.
8 “If you build a new house, you must put a (railing/low wall) around the edge of the roof. If you do that, and if someone falls off the roof [and dies], (you will not be guilty of causing that person to die/his death [MTY] will not be your fault).
Sa’ad da kuka gina sabon gida, ku ja masa dakali kewaye da rufinku don kada ku jawo laifin zub da jini a kan gidanku in wani ya fāɗi daga kan rufin.
9 “Do not plant any crop in the area where your grapevines are growing. If you do, you are not allowed to harvest the crops that you have planted or to harvest the grapes [to make wine from them].
Kada ku shuka iri biyu a gonar inabinku; in kuka yi haka, ba abin da kuka shuka ne kaɗai zai ƙazantu ba, amma har da inabinku ma.
10 “Do not hitch together an ox and a donkey [for plowing your fields].
Kada ku haɗa bijimi da jaki su yi noma tare.
11 “Do not wear clothing that is made by weaving together (wool and linen/two different kinds of thread).
Kada ku sa rigar ulu da aka gauraye da lilin aka saƙa.
12 “[Twist threads together to] make tassels and sew/fasten them on the four bottom corners of your cloak.
Ku yi tuntu a kusurwan huɗu na rigar da kuke sa.
13 “Suppose a man marries a young woman and has sex with her and later decides that he does not want her any more,
In mutum ya auri mace, bayan ya kwana da ita, sa’an nan ya ƙi ta
14 and he says false things about her, and claims that she was not a virgin when he married her.
ya kuma zarge ta, ya ba ta mummunan suna, yana cewa, “Na auri wannan mata, amma sa’ad da na kusace ta, ban sami tabbaci cewa ita budurwa ba ce,”
15 If that happens, the young woman’s parents must take the sheet that was on the bed when that man and their daughter were married, which still has bloodstains on it, and show it to the elders of the city at the (gate of/central meeting place in) the city.
sai mahaifin yarinyar da mahaifiyarta su kawo shaida cewa ita budurwa ce wa dattawan gari a ƙofar garin.
16 Then the father of the young woman must say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man to be his wife. But now he says that he doesn’t want her any more.
Mahaifin yarinyar zai ce wa dattawa, “Na ba da’yata aure ga wannan mutum, amma ya ƙi ta.
17 And he has falsely said that she was not a virgin when he married her. But look! Here is what proves that my daughter was a virgin! Look at the bloodstains on the sheet where they slept the night that they were married!’ And he will show the sheet to the elders.
Yanzu ya zage ta cewa, ‘Ban sami’yarku budurwa ba.’ Amma ga shaidar budurcin’yata.” Sa’an nan iyayenta za su shimfiɗa zanen a gaban dattawan garin,
18 Then the elders of that city must take that man and whip him.
dattawan kuwa za su ɗauki mutumin su hukunta shi.
19 They shall require that he pay a fine of 100 pieces of silver and give the money to the father of the young woman, because the man caused an Israeli young woman to be disgraced. Also, that woman must continue to live with him; she is his wife. He is not allowed to divorce her during the rest of his life.
Za su ci masa tara shekel azurfa ɗari, su ba mahaifin yarinyar, domin wannan mutum ya ba wa budurwa mutuniyar Isra’ila mummunan suna. Za tă ci gaba da zama matarsa; ba kuwa zai sake ta ba muddin ransa.
20 “But if what the man said is true, and there is nothing to prove that she was a virgin when he married her,
Amma fa in zarge gaskiya ne, ba a kuwa sami shaidar budurcin yarinyar ba,
21 they must take that young woman to the door of her father’s house. Then the men of that city must execute her by throwing stones at her. They must do that because she has done something in Israel that is very disgraceful, by having sex with some man [while she was still living] in her father’s house. By executing her like that, you will get rid of this evil practice among you.
sai a kawo ta a ƙofar gidan mahaifinta, a can mazan gari za su jajjefe ta da dutse har tă mutu. Ta yi abin kunya a Isra’ila ta wurin lalaci a yayinda take a gidan mahaifinta. Dole ku fid da mugu daga cikinku.
22 “If a man is caught while he is having sex with another man’s wife, both of them must be executed. By doing that, you will get rid of this evil practice in Israel.
In aka kama wani yana kwance da matar wani, dole a kashe dukansu biyu, wato, mutumin da ya kwana da matar da kuma matar. Dole a fid da mugu daga Isra’ila.
23 “Suppose in some town a man sees a young woman who is engaged/promised to be married to another man, and he is caught having sex with [EUP] her.
In mutum ya sadu da budurwa a gari wadda aka yi alkawarin aure, ya kuma kwana da ita
24 You must take both of them to the (gate of/central meeting place in) that town. There you must execute them both by throwing stones at them. You must execute the young woman because she did not shout for help even though she was in the town. And the man must be executed because he had sex [EUP] with someone who was already engaged/promised to be married. By doing that, you will get rid of this evil practice among you.
sai ku ɗauki su biyu zuwa ƙofar wannan gari, ku jajjefe su da dutse har su mutum, za a kashe yarinyar domin tana a cikin gari ba ta kuwa yi ihu neman taimako ba, za a kashe mutumin domin ya yi lalata da matar wani. Dole ku fi da mugu daga cikinku.
25 “But suppose out in the open countryside a man meets a young woman who is engaged/promised to be married, and he rapes her. If that happens, only that man must be executed.
Amma in a bayan gari ne mutumin ya sadu da yarinyar da aka yi alkawari aure, ya kuma yi mata fyaɗe, mutumin da ya yi wannan ne kaɗai zai mutu.
26 You must not punish the young woman, because she did not do anything for which she deserves to be executed. This case is like when one man attacks another man [in the countryside] and murders him,
Kada ku yi wa yarinyar kome, ba tă yi zunubin da ya cancanci mutuwa ba. Wannan batu ya yi kamar da na mutumin da ya fāɗa wa maƙwabcinsa ya kuma kashe shi.
27 because the man who raped her saw her when she was in the open countryside, and even though she called out for help, there was no one there who could rescue her.
Tun da ya same ta a jeji ne, wataƙila yarinyar ta yi kukan neman taimako, amma babu wani da zai cece ta.
28 “If a man rapes a young woman who is not engaged/promised to be married, if someone sees him while he is doing that,
In mutum ya sadu da yarinyar da ba a yi alkawarin aurenta ba, ya kuma yi mata fyaɗe, aka kuma kama su,
29 that man must pay 50 pieces of silver to the young woman’s father, and he must marry her, because he forced her to have sex with him. He is not allowed to divorce her for the rest of his life.
sai yă biya mahaifin yarinyar shekel hamsin na azurfa. Dole yă auri yarinyar, gama ya yi lalata da ita. Ba zai taɓa sake ta ba muddin ransa.
30 “man must not disgrace his father by having sex with any of his father’s wives.”
Kada mutum yă auri matar mahaifinsa, kada yă ƙasƙantar gādon mahaifinsa.

< Deuteronomy 22 >