< Deuteronomy 20 >
1 “When your [soldiers] go to fight your enemies, and you see that they have many horses and chariots and that their army is much bigger than yours, do not be afraid of them, because Yahweh our God, who brought your [ancestors safely] out of Egypt, will be with you.
Kad otideš na vojsku na neprijatelja svojega i vidiš konje i kola i narod veæi od sebe, nemoj se uplašiti od njih, jer je s tobom Gospod Bog tvoj, koji te je izveo iz zemlje Misirske.
2 When you are ready to start the battle, the Supreme Priest must stand in front of the troops.
I kad poðete da se pobijete, neka pristupi sveštenik i progovori narodu,
3 He must say to them, ‘You Israeli men, listen to me! Today you are going to fight against your enemies. Do not be timid or afraid [DOU] or tremble or panic [DOU],
I neka im reèe: slušaj Izrailju! vi polazite danas u boj na neprijatelje svoje, neka ne trne srce vaše, ne bojte se i ne plašite se, niti se prepadajte od njih.
4 because Yahweh our God will go with you. He will fight your enemies for you, and he will enable you to defeat them.’
Jer Gospod Bog vaš ide s vama i biæe se za vas s neprijateljima vašim da vas saèuva.
5 Then the army officers must say to the troops, ‘If anyone among you has just built a new house [RHQ] and has not dedicated it [to God], he should go home [and dedicate the house]. If he does not do that, if he dies in the battle, someone else will dedicate the house [and live in it].
Potom i vojvode neka progovore narodu, i reku: ko je sagradio novu kuæu a nije poèeo sjedjeti u njoj? neka ide, nek se vrati kuæi svojoj, da ne bi poginuo u boju, i drugi poèeo sjedjeti u njoj.
6 If anyone among you has planted a vineyard and has not yet harvested any grapes from it [RHQ], he should go home. If he [stays here and] dies in the battle, someone else will [harvest the grapes and] enjoy [the wine made from them].
I ko je posadio vinograd a još ga nije brao? neka ide, nek se vrati kuæi svojoj, da ne bi poginuo u boju, i drugi ga brao.
7 If anyone among you has become engaged to marry a woman [but has not married her yet] [RHQ], he should go home. If [he stays here and] dies in the battle, someone else will marry her.’
I ko je isprosio djevojku a još je nije odveo? neka ide, nek se vrati kuæi svojoj, da ne bi poginuo u boju, i drugi je odveo.
8 “Then the officers must also say, ‘If anyone among you is afraid or timid [RHQ], he should go home, in order that he does not cause his fellow soldiers to also stop being courageous.’
Još i ovo neka kažu vojvode narodu i reku: ko je strašiv i trne mu srce? neka ide, nek se vrati kuæi svojoj, da ne bi trnulo srce braæi njegovoj kao njemu.
9 And when the officers have finished speaking to the troops, they must appoint commanders [to lead the groups of soldiers].
I kad vojvode izgovore narodu, onda neka namjeste glavare od èeta pred narod.
10 “When you come near a city [that is far away] to attack it, first tell the people there that if they surrender, you will not attack them.
Kad doðeš pod koji grad da ga biješ, prvo ga ponudi mirom.
11 If they open the gates of the city and surrender, they all will become your slaves to work for you.
Ako ti odgovori mirom i otvori ti vrata, sav narod koji se naðe u njemu neka ti plaæa danak i bude ti pokoran.
12 But if they refuse to [surrender] peacefully, and decide instead to fight against you, your troops must surround the city [and break through the walls].
Ako li ne uèini mira s tobom nego se stane biti s tobom, tada ga bij.
13 Then, when Yahweh our God enables you to capture [IDM] the city, you must kill all the men in the city.
I kad ga Gospod Bog tvoj preda u ruke tvoje, pobij sve muškinje u njemu maèem.
14 But you are allowed to take for yourselves the women, the children, the livestock, and everything else [that you want to take] from the city. You will be allowed to enjoy all the things that belonged to your enemies; it is Yahweh our God who has given those things to you.
A žene i djecu i stoku i što god bude u gradu, sav plijen u njemu, otmi, i jedi plijen od neprijatelja svojih, koji ti da Gospod Bog tvoj.
15 You should do that in all the cities that are far from the land in which you will settle.
Tako èini sa svijem gradovima, koji su daleko od tebe i nijesu od gradova ovijeh naroda.
16 “But in the cities that are in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, you must kill all the people and all the animals [LIT].
A u gradovima ovijeh naroda, koje ti Gospod Bog tvoj daje u našljedstvo, ne ostavi u životu nijedne duše žive.
17 You must get rid of them completely. Get rid of the Heth people-group, the Amor people-group, the Canaan people-group, the Periz people-group, the Hiv people-group, and the Jebus people-group; that is what Yahweh our God commanded you to do.
Nego ih zatri sasvijem, Heteje i Amoreje i Hananeje i Ferezeje i Jeveje i Jevuseje, kao što ti je zapovjedio Gospod Bog tvoj.
18 If you do not do that, they will teach you to sin against Yahweh our God and do the disgusting things that they do when they worship their gods.
Da vas ne nauèe èiniti gadna djela koja èiniše bogovima svojim, i da ne zgriješite Gospodu Bogu svojemu.
19 “When you surround a city for a long time, trying to capture it, do not cut down the fruit trees [outside the city]. You are allowed to eat the fruit from the trees, but do not get rid of the trees, because they certainly are not [RHQ] your enemies.
Kad opkoliš kakav grad i budeš dugo pod njim bijuæi ga da bi ga uzeo, ne kvari drveta njegovijeh sjekirom; jer možeš s njih jesti, zato ih ne sijeci; jer drvo poljsko je li èovjek da uðe u grad ispred tebe?
20 You are permitted to cut down the other trees and use the wood to make ladders and towers to enable you to [go over the walls and] capture the city.”
Nego drveta koja znaš da im se rod ne jede, njih obaljuj i sijeci i gradi zaklon od grada koji se bije s tobom, dokle ne padne.