< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 “Then we turned around and went through the desert toward the (Red Sea/Gulf of Aqaba), as Yahweh told us to do, and we wandered in the Edom area for many years.
Profectique inde venimus in solitudinem, quæ ducit ad Mare Rubrum, sicut mihi dixerat Dominus: et circuivimus montem Seir longo tempore.
2 Then Yahweh said to me,
Dixitque Dominus ad me:
3 ‘You have been wandering around this hilly area for a long enough time. Now turn [and travel] toward the north.
Sufficit vobis circuire montem istum: ite contra Aquilonem:
4 And tell the people that they are about to travel near the land that belongs to the descendants of Esau, who are also descendants of Isaac. They live in the [hilly] Edom region. They will be afraid of you,
et populo præcipe, dicens: Transibitis per terminos fratrum vestrorum filiorum Esau, qui habitant in Seir, et timebunt vos.
5 but do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you even a tiny bit [HYP] of their land. I have given that land to the descendants of Esau.
Videte ergo diligenter ne moveamini contra eos. Neque enim dabo vobis de terra eorum quantum potest unius pedis calcare vestigium, quia in possessionem Esau dedi montem Seir.
6 [When you travel near their land], buy food and water from them.’
Cibos emetis ab eis pecunia, et comedetis: aquam emptam haurietis, et bibetis.
7 Do not forget that Yahweh our God has blessed you in everything that you [SYN] have done. He knows [what has happened to you while] you have wandered in this huge desert. But he has been with you during those 40 years, and as a result you have had everything that you needed [LIT].
Dominus Deus tuus benedixit tibi in omni opere manuum tuarum: novit iter tuum, quomodo transieris solitudinem hanc magnam, per quadraginta annos habitans tecum Dominus Deus tuus, et nihil tibi defuit.
8 So we continued to travel. We avoided going through the hilly area where the descendants of Esau live. We stayed away from the road through the Jordan [River] Valley past Ezion-Geber and Elath [towns], and we turned and traveled northeast toward the desert area where the Moab people-group lives.
Cumque transissemus fratres nostros filios Esau, qui habitabant in Seir, per viam campestrem de Elath, et de Asiongaber, venimus ad iter, quod ducit in desertum Moab.
9 Yahweh said to me, ‘Do not bother/harass the people of Moab, and do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you any of their land. [Do not forget that] they are descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot, and I have given to them Ar [city, their capital, and the other areas in that country].’”
Dixitque Dominus ad me: Non pugnes contra Moabitas, nec ineas adversus eos prælium: non enim dabo tibi quidquam de terra eorum, quia filiis Loth tradidi Ar in possessionem.
10 A large group of giants called Emim formerly lived there. They were strong and numerous, and as tall as the giants who were descendants of Anak.
Emim primi fuerunt habitatores eius, populus magnus, et validus, et tam excelsus ut de Enacim stirpe,
11 They and the descendants of Anak are also called the Repha giants, but the people of Moab call them Emim.
quasi gigantes crederentur, et essent similes filiorum Enacim. Denique Moabitæ appellant eos Emim.
12 The Hor people-group also formerly lived in the Edom area, but the descendants of Esau chased them out. They defeated and killed them and (settled in/occupied) their land, just as the Israeli people later expelled their enemies from the land that Yahweh gave to them.
In Seir autem prius habitaverunt Horrhæi: quibus expulsis atque deletis, habitaverunt filii Esau, sicut fecit Israel in terra possessionis suæ, quam dedit illi Dominus.
13 [I also said to the Israeli people], “Then we crossed the Zered Gorge, as Yahweh told us to do.
Surgentes ergo ut transiremus Torrentem Zared, venimus ad eum.
14 It had been thirty-eight years from the time we first left Kadesh-Barnea until we crossed the Zered Gorge. During those years, all the Israeli (fighting men/soldiers) of that generation had died, as Yahweh had vowed would happen.
Tempus autem, quo ambulavimus de Cadesbarne usque ad transitum torrentis Zared, triginta et octo annorum fuit: donec consumeretur omnis generatio hominum bellatorum de castris, sicut iuraverat Dominus:
15 They died because Yahweh opposed them, until he had gotten rid of all of them.
cuius manus fuit adversum eos, ut interirent de castrorum medio.
16 After all the men who had been old enough to fight in wars had died [DOU],
Postquam autem universi ceciderunt pugnatores,
17 Yahweh said to me,
locutus est Dominus ad me, dicens:
18 ‘Today you all must cross the border into the Moab region, near Ar, [their capital city].
Tu transibis hodie terminos Moab, urbem nomine Ar:
19 When you come near the border of the land where the Ammon people-group live, do not bother/harass them or start to fight against them. They are also descendants of Lot, so I am not going to give you any of the land that I have given to them.’”
et accedens in vicina filiorum Ammon, cave ne pugnes contra eos, nec movearis ad prælium: non enim dabo tibi de terra filiorum Ammon, quia filiis Loth dedi eam in possessionem.
20 That region is also called the land of the Repha giants, who formerly lived there. The Ammon people-group call them the Zamzum group.
Terra gigantum reputata est: et in ipsa olim habitaverunt gigantes, quos Ammonitæ vocant Zomzommim,
21 They were a large and powerful group, who were as tall as the descendants of Anak. But Yahweh got rid of them, and the Ammon people-group expelled them and took their land away from them and started to live there.
populus magnus, et multus, et proceræ longitudinis, sicut Enacim, quos delevit Dominus a facie eorum: et fecit illos habitare pro eis,
22 Yahweh had done the same thing for the descendants of Esau who live in the hilly area of Edom. He got rid of the Hor people-group, with the result that the Edom people-group took their land from them and started to live there. They still live there.
sicut fecerat filiis Esau, qui habitant in Seir, delens Horrhæos, et terram eorum illis tradens, quam possident usque in præsens.
23 People who came from Crete [Island] got rid of the Av group [who previously lived in the land close to the Mediterranean Sea], as far south as Gaza. They took their land from them and started to live there.
Hevæos quoque, qui habitabant in Haserim usque Gazan, Cappadoces expulerunt: qui egressi de Cappadocia deleverunt eos, et habitaverunt pro illis.
24 “[After we had gone through the Moab region], Yahweh said to us, ‘Now cross the Arnon [River]. I will help you to defeat [IDM] [the army of] Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lives in Heshbon [city]. So attack their army and start to take their land from them.
Surgite, et transite torrentem Arnon: ecce tradidi in manu tua Sehon regem Hesebon Amorrhæum, et terram eius incipe possidere, et committe adversus eum prælium.
25 Today I will begin to cause everyone, everywhere, to be afraid of you. Everyone who hears about you will tremble and be terrified.’
Hodie incipiam mittere terrorem atque formidinem tuam in populos, qui habitant sub omni cælo: ut audito nomine tuo paveant, et in morem parturientium contremiscant, et dolore teneantur.
26 Then I sent messengers to go from the desert to King Sihon at Heshbon. I told them to give this peaceful message to the king:
Misi ergo nuncios de solitudine Cademoth ad Sehon regem Hesebon verbis pacificis, dicens:
27 ‘Please allow us to travel through your land. We [promise that we] will stay on the road; we will not turn off to the right or to the left.
Transibimus per terram tuam, publica gradiemur via: non declinabimus neque ad dexteram, neque ad sinistram.
28 We will pay for any food or water that you allow us to buy. We want only to walk through your country,
Alimenta pretio vende nobis, ut vescamur: aquam pecunia tribue, et sic bibemus. Tantum est ut nobis concedas transitum,
29 until we cross the Jordan [River] into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us. Do for us just as the descendants of Esau who live in the Edom area and the Moab people-group did for us when they allowed us to go through their areas.’
sicut fecerunt filii Esau, qui habitant in Seir, et Moabitæ, qui morantur in Ar: donec veniamus ad Iordanem, et transeamus ad Terram, quam Dominus Deus noster daturus est nobis.
30 But King Sihon would not allow us to go through his country. That was because Yahweh our God caused him to be stubborn [IDM]. The result was that Yahweh enabled us to defeat his army and take his land [IDM], which we still live in.
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
31 Yahweh said to me, ‘Listen! I am about to allow you to defeat Sihon’s [army] and to take the people’s land from them. So start to occupy it!’
Dixitque Dominus ad me: Ecce cœpi tibi tradere Sehon, et terram eius, incipe possidere eam.
32 Then Sihon came out [of the city] with all his army to fight against us at Jahaz [town].
Egressusque est Sehon obviam nobis cum omni populo suo ad prælium in Iasa.
33 But God enabled us to defeat [DOU] them, and we killed Sihon and his sons and all his soldiers.
Et tradidit eum Dominus Deus noster nobis: percussimusque eum cum filiis suis et omni populo suo.
34 We captured all their cities and destroyed them all. We killed all the men and women and children; we did not allow any of them to remain alive.
Cunctasque urbes in tempore illo cepimus, interfectis habitatoribus earum, viris ac mulieribus et parvulis. Non reliquimus in eis quidquam.
35 We took the valuable things that were in the cities that we captured and also their cattle.
Absque iumentis, quæ in partem venere prædantium: et spoliis urbium, quas cepimus
36 Yahweh our God enabled us to capture [IDM] all their towns from Aroer [in the south], which is at the edge of the Arnon River [Valley], to the Gilead [region in the north]. Some of their cities had [walls around them], but we were able to [climb over them].
ab Aroer, quæ est super ripam torrentis Arnon, oppido quod in valle situm est, usque Galaad. Non fuit vicus et civitas, quæ nostras effugeret manus: omnes tradidit Dominus Deus noster nobis.
37 But we did not go near the area where the Ammon people-group live, or the banks of the Jabbok riverbed, or the towns in the hilly area, or any other place where Yahweh our God told us not to go.”
Absque terra filiorum Ammon, ad quam non accessimus: et cunctis quæ adiacent torrenti Ieboc, et urbibus montanis, universisque locis, a quibus nos prohibuit Dominus Deus noster.

< Deuteronomy 2 >