< Deuteronomy 16 >

1 “[Each year] honor Yahweh our God by celebrating the Passover [Festival] in the month of Abib [in early spring]. It was on a night in that month that Yahweh rescued your ancestors from Egypt.
Debes guardar el mes de Abib para celebrar la Pascua al Señor tu Dios, porque fue en el mes de Abib que el Señor tu Dios te sacó de Egipto por la noche.
2 [In order to celebrate that festival], go to the place that Yahweh will choose [for you to worship him], and offer [there one young animal] from your cattle or your sheep to be the Passover sacrifice, to honor Yahweh [MTY].
El sacrificio de la Pascua de tu rebaño o manada debe ser ofrecido al Señor tu Dios en el lugar que el Señor elija.
3 [When you eat the Passover meal], the bread that you eat must not have yeast in it. You must eat this kind of bread, which will be called the bread of suffering/misery, for seven days. This is to help you to remember all during the time that you are alive that when your ancestors left Egypt, [where they were suffering because they were slaves], they left very quickly. [They did not put in yeast and wait for the dough to swell up].
No comas pan ordinario con él. Durante siete días debes comer con el sacrificio pan preparado sin levadura, el pan de las penurias, porque tuviste que salir de Egipto con mucha prisa. Así recordarán el día en que abandonaron Egipto por el resto de sus vidas.
4 [During that festival], you must not have any yeast in any house in your land for seven days. Furthermore, the meat [of the animals] that you sacrifice on the evening of the first day [of the Passover Festival must be eaten during that night]; do not allow any of it to remain until the next day.
No tendrán levadura guardada en ningún lugar de su país durante siete días. No guarden la carne que sacrifiquen por la tarde del primer día hasta la mañana.
5 “To honor Yahweh our God, you must offer the Passover sacrifice only at the place that he chooses for you [to worship him]; do not offer that sacrifice in any other town in the land that Yahweh is giving to you. Offer that sacrifice when the sun is setting, at the same time of day that your ancestors [started to] leave Egypt.
No sacrifiquen el animal de la Pascua en cualquiera de los pueblos que el Señor su Dios les da.
El sacrificio de la Pascua debe ser ofrecido por ti sólo en el lugar que el Señor tu Dios elija. Debes hacerlo al atardecer, a la misma hora que salieron de Egipto.
7 Boil [the meat] and eat it at the place [of worship] that Yahweh our God chooses. The next morning, you may return to your tents.
Cocínalo y cómelo en el lugar que el Señor tu Dios elija. Luego, por la mañana, regresa a tus tiendas.
8 Each day for six days the bread that you eat must have no yeast in it. On the seventh day, you must all gather to worship Yahweh our God. [It will be a day of rest]; you must not do any work on that day.”
Coman pan sin levadura durante seis días, y el séptimo día tendrán una reunión sagrada para honrar al Señor su Dios. No harás ese día ningún trabajo.
9 “[Each year], from the day that you start to harvest your grain, count seven weeks.
Cuenta siete semanas a partir de la fecha en que comience la cosecha de granos.
10 Then, to honor Yahweh our God, celebrate the Harvest Festival. Do that by bringing to him an offering [of grain]. Yahweh has blessed you [by causing it to grow in your fields during that year]. If you had a big harvest, bring a big offering. If you had a small harvest, bring a small offering.
Luego celebra el Festival de las Semanas para honrar al Señor tu Dios dándole una ofrenda voluntaria, dependiendo de cuánto te haya bendecido el Señor tu Dios.
11 [Each married couple] should be joyful in the presence of Yahweh. Their children, their servants, the descendants of Levi [who are in that town], and the foreigners, orphans, and widows [who are living among you], should also be joyful. Bring those offerings to the place of worship that Yahweh will choose.
Celebrarás en presencia del Señor, en el lugar que él elija. Esto los incluye a ustedes, a sus hijos e hijas, a sus esclavos y esclavas, y a los levitas que viven en sus ciudades, así como a los extranjeros, huérfanos y viudas que hay entre ustedes.
12 [“When you celebrate these festivals] by obeying these commands, remember that your ancestors were previously slaves in Egypt.”
No olviden que una vez fueron esclavos en Egipto, así que tengan cuidado de seguir estos preceptos.
13 “[Each year], after you have threshed all your grain and pressed [the juice from] all your grapes, you must celebrate the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters for seven days.
Celebren la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos durante siete días, una vez que hayan terminado de trillar el grano y de prensar las uvas.
14 [Each married couple] along with their children, their servants, the descendants of Levi [who are in that town], and the foreigners, orphans, and widows [who are living among you], should be joyful in the presence of Yahweh.
Disfruten de la fiesta ustedes, sus hijos e hijas, sus esclavos y esclavas, y los levitas que viven en sus ciudades, así como los extranjeros, huérfanos y viudas que hay entre ustedes.
15 Honor Yahweh our God by celebrating this festival for seven days in the place that Yahweh chooses [for you to worship him]. You should all be joyful, because Yahweh will have blessed your harvest and all the other work that you have done.
Celebren esta fiesta durante siete días para honrar al Señor su Dios en el lugar que él elija, porque el Señor su Dios bendecirá toda su cosecha y todo lo que hagan, para que sean realmente felices.
16 “So, each year all of you Israeli men must gather [with your families] to worship Yahweh our God at the place that he will choose, [to celebrate three festivals]: The Passover Festival, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters. Each of you men must bring [LIT] an offering [for Yahweh to these festivals]
Todos tus hombres deben presentarse ante el Señor tu Dios en el lugar que él elija tres veces al año: la Fiesta del Pan sin Levadura, la Fiesta de las Semanas y la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos. Nadie debe presentarse ante el Señor sin una ofrenda.
17 in proportion to the blessings that Yahweh has given you [during that year].”
Cada uno de ustedes debe traer cualquier regalo que pueda, dependiendo de cuánto el Señor su Dios le ha bendecido.
18 “Appoint judges and other officials throughout your tribes, in all the towns [in the land] that Yahweh our God is giving to you. They must judge people fairly/justly.
Elijan jueces y oficiales para cada una de sus tribus en cada pueblo que el Señor su Dios les dé. Deben juzgar a la gente con justicia.
19 They must not judge unjustly. They must not favor one person more than another. The judges must not accept bribes, because if a judge accepts a bribe, even if he is wise and honest, it will be very difficult for him to judge fairly [IDM]; [he will do what the person who gave him the bribe wants him to do and declare that] the righteous/innocent people [must be punished].
No perviertan la justicia ni muestren favoritismo. No aceptes un soborno, porque un soborno ciega a los sabios y tuerce las palabras de los verdaderos.
20 You must be completely fair and just [DOU], in order that you will enter and occupy the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you.”
Hagan siempre lo que es justo y recto, para que puedan seguir viviendo, ocupando la tierra que el Señor su Dios les da.
21 “When you make an altar to worship Yahweh our God, do not put next to it any wooden statue [that represents] the goddess Asherah.
No pongas nunca un palo de madera de Asera junto al altar que construyas para el Señor tu Dios,
22 And do not set up any [stone] pillar [to worship any idol, because] Yahweh hates them.”
y no te hagas un altar de piedra para ídolos, porque el Señor tu Dios aborrece esto.

< Deuteronomy 16 >