< Deuteronomy 15 >

1 “At the end of every seven years, you must (cancel all debts/tell people who owe you money that they do not need to pay it back).
AL cabo de siete años harás remisión.
2 Do it like this: Each of you who has lent money to a fellow Israeli must cancel that debt. You must not insist that he pay it back. You must do that because Yahweh has declared that the debts must be canceled [every seven years].
Y esta es la manera de la remisión: perdonará á su deudor todo aquél que hizo empréstito de su mano, con que obligó á su prójimo: no lo demandará más á su prójimo, ó á su hermano; porque la remisión de Jehová es pregonada.
3 [During that year] you may require foreigners [who live among you] to pay what they owe you, but you must not try to require that any fellow Israeli pay you what he owes you.
Del extranjero demandarás el [reintegro]: mas lo que tu hermano tuviere tuyo, lo perdonará tu mano;
4 Yahweh our God will bless you in the land that he is giving to you. If you obey Yahweh our God and obey all the commandments that I am giving to you today, there will not be any poor people among you.
Para que así no haya en ti mendigo; porque Jehová te bendecirá con abundancia en la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da por heredad para que la poseas,
Si empero escuchares fielmente la voz de Jehová tu Dios, para guardar y cumplir todos estos mandamientos que yo te intimo hoy.
6 Yahweh our God will bless you like he has promised to do, and you will [be able to] lend money to people of other people-groups, but you will not [need to] borrow from any of them. You will control [the finances of] many people-groups, but they will not control your [finances].
Ya que Jehová tu Dios te habrá bendecido, como te ha dicho, prestarás entonces á muchas gentes, mas tú no tomarás prestado; y enseñorearte has de muchas gentes, pero de ti no se enseñorearán.
7 “In the towns that Yahweh our God is giving to you, if there are any Israelis who are poor, do not be selfish [IDM] and refuse [IDM] to help them.
Cuando hubiere en ti menesteroso de alguno de tus hermanos en alguna de tus ciudades, en tu tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da, no endurecerás tu corazón, ni cerrarás tu mano á tu hermano pobre:
8 Instead, be generous [IDM] and lend to them the money that they need.
Mas abrirás á él tu mano liberalmente, y en efecto le prestarás lo que basta, lo que hubiere menester.
9 Be sure that you do not say to yourself, ‘The year when debts will be canceled is near, [so I do not want to lend anyone any money now, because he will not need to pay it back when that year comes].’ It would be evil to even think that. If you act in an unfriendly way toward a needy fellow Israeli, and give him nothing, he will cry out to Yahweh about you, and [Yahweh will say that] you have sinned [by not helping that person].
Guárdate que no haya en tu corazón perverso pensamiento, diciendo: Cerca está el año séptimo, el de la remisión; y tu ojo sea maligno sobre tu hermano menesteroso para no darle: que él podrá clamar contra ti á Jehová, y se te imputará á pecado.
10 Give freely to poor people and give generously [IDM].
Sin falta le darás, y no sea tu corazón maligno cuando le dieres: que por ello te bendecirá Jehová tu Dios en todos tus hechos, y en todo lo que pusieres mano.
11 If you do that, Yahweh will bless you in everything that you do. There will always be some poor people in your land, so I command you to give generously to poor [DOU] people.”
Porque no faltarán menesterosos de en medio de la tierra; por eso yo te mando, diciendo: Abrirás tu mano á tu hermano, á tu pobre, y á tu menesteroso en tu tierra.
12 “If any of your fellow Israeli men or women sell themselves to one of you [to become your slave], you must free them after they have worked for you for six years. When the seventh year comes, you must free them.
Cuando se vendiere á ti tu hermano Hebreo ó Hebrea, y te hubiere servido seis años, al séptimo año le despedirás libre de ti.
13 When you free them, do not allow them to go (empty-handed/without giving them anything).
Y cuando lo despidieres libre de ti, no lo enviarás vacío:
14 Give to them generously from the things with which Yahweh has blessed you—sheep, grain, and wine.
Le abastecerás liberalmente de tus ovejas, de tu era, y de tu lagar; le darás [de] aquello en que Jehová te hubiere bendecido.
15 Do not forget that your ancestors were once slaves in Egypt, and Yahweh our God freed them. That is the reason that I am now commanding you to do this.
Y te acordarás que fuiste siervo en la tierra de Egipto, y que Jehová tu Dios te rescató: por tanto yo te mando esto hoy.
16 “But one of your slaves may say, ‘I do not want to leave you.’ He loves you and your family, because you have treated him well.
Y será que, si él te dijere: No saldré de contigo; porque te ama á ti y á tu casa, que le va bien contigo;
17 If he says that, take him to the door of your house and, [while he stands against the doorway], pierce one of his earlobes with (an awl/a sharp pointed tool). That will indicate that he will be your slave for the rest of his life. Do the same thing to any female slave [who does not want to leave you].
Entonces tomarás una lesna, y horadarás su oreja junto á la puerta, y será tu siervo para siempre: así también harás á tu criada.
18 “Do not complain when you are required to free your slaves. [Keep in mind that] they served you for six years, and you paid them only half as much as you pay the servants that you hire. [If you free them, ] Yahweh our God will bless you in everything that you do.”
No te parezca duro cuando le enviares libre de ti; que doblado del salario de mozo jornalero te sirvió seis años: y Jehová tu Dios te bendecirá en todo cuanto hicieres.
19 “(Set aside for/Dedicate to) Yahweh our God the firstborn male animals from your cattle and sheep. Do not force them to do any work for you, and do not (shear/cut off) the wool [of the firstborn animals to sell the wool].
Santificarás á Jehová tu Dios todo primerizo macho que nacerá de tus vacas y de tus ovejas: no te sirvas del primerizo de tus vacas, ni trasquiles el primerizo de tus ovejas.
20 You and your family may [kill them and] eat their meat in the presence of Yahweh at the place that Yahweh chooses [for you to worship him].
Delante de Jehová tu Dios los comerás cada un año, tú y tu familia, en el lugar que Jehová escogiere.
21 But if the animals have any defects, if they are lame or blind, or if they have any other serious defect, you must not sacrifice them to Yahweh our God.
Y si hubiere en él tacha, ciego ó cojo, ó cualquiera mala falta, no lo sacrificarás á Jehová tu Dios.
22 You may [kill and] eat [the meat of those animals] at your homes. Those who have done things that cause them to become unacceptable to God and those who have not done such things are permitted to eat that meat, just like anyone is permitted to eat the meat of a deer or an antelope.
En tus poblaciones lo comerás: el inmundo lo mismo que el limpio [comerán de él], como de un corzo ó de un ciervo.
23 But you must not eat any of the blood; you must drain all the blood on the ground [when you kill those animals].”
Solamente que no comas su sangre: sobre la tierra la derramarás como agua.

< Deuteronomy 15 >