< Deuteronomy 14 >

1 “We are people who belong to Yahweh our God. So, when people die, do not show that you are grieving by gashing/cutting yourselves or by shaving the hair on your foreheads [like the other people-groups do].
Hijos sois de Jehová vuestro Dios: no os sajaréis, ni pondréis calva sobre vuestros ojos por muerto.
2 We belong to Yahweh alone. Yahweh chose us from all the other people-groups on the earth to be his special people.
Porque eres pueblo santo a Jehová tu Dios, y Jehová te escogió para que le seas un pueblo singular de todos los pueblos, que están sobre la haz de la tierra.
3 “Do not eat anything that [Yahweh] detests.
Ninguna abominación comerás.
4 The animals [whose meat] you are permitted to eat are cattle, sheep, goats,
Estos son los animales que comeréis: buey, cordero de ovejas, y cabrito de cabras,
5 deer, gazelles, wild goats, antelopes, and mountain sheep.
Ciervo, y corzo, y búfalo, y capriciervo, y unicornio, y buey salvaje, y cabra montés.
6 Those are animals that have split hoofs and that also (chew their cuds/regurgitate their food [from their stomachs] to chew it again).
Todo animal de pesuños, y que tiene hendedura de dos uñas que rumiare entre los animales, este comeréis.
7 But there are other animals that chew their cuds that you must not eat. Those are camels, rabbits, and rock badgers. They chew their cuds, but their hooves are not split. So they are not acceptable for you to eat.
Empero esto no comeréis de los que rumian y tienen uña hendida: camello, y liebre, y conejo; porque rumian, mas no tienen uña hendida, seros han inmundos:
8 Do not eat pigs. They are unacceptable for you to eat; their hooves are split, but they do not chew cud. Do not eat the meat of those animals; do not even touch their dead bodies.
Ni puerco, porque tiene uña hendida, mas no rumia, seros ha inmundo. De la carne de estos no comeréis, ni tocaréis sus cuerpos muertos.
9 You are permitted to eat any fish that has scales and fins.
Esto comeréis de todo lo que está en el agua: todo lo que tiene ala y escama comeréis.
10 But anything else [that lives in the water] that does not have scales and fins, you must not eat, because [if you eat them], you will become unacceptable [to Yahweh].
Mas todo lo que no tuviere ala y escama no comeréis, inmundo os será.
11 “You are permitted to eat the flesh of any bird that is acceptable [to Yahweh].
Toda ave limpia comeréis.
12 But eagles, vultures, black vultures,
Y estas son de las cuales no comeréis: águila, y azor, y esmerejón,
13 buzzards, all kinds of kites,
E ixión, y buitre, y milano según su especie,
14 all kinds of crows,
Y todo cuervo según su especie,
15 ostriches, seagulls,
Y avestruz, y mochuelo, y graceta y gavilán según su especie.
16 owls, hawks, falcons,
Y el halcón, y la lechuza, y el calamón,
17 pelicans, vultures that eat dead animals, cormorants,
Y el cisne, y el pelícano, y la gaviota,
18 storks, herons, hoopoes, and bats, you must not eat.
Y la cigüeña, y el cuervo marino según su especie, y la abubilla, y el murciélago;
19 “All insects with wings [and which walk on the ground] are unacceptable [to Yahweh]; do not eat them.
Y toda serpiente de alas os será inmunda, no se comerá.
20 But other insects with wings [and which hop along the ground] are acceptable to eat.
Toda ave limpia comeréis.
21 “Do not eat any animal that has died naturally, [because its blood has not been drained out]. You may allow foreigners who live among you to eat those things or you may sell them to other foreigners. But you belong to Yahweh our God; [and those who belong to him are not permitted to eat the meat of animals whose blood has not been drained out]. “You must not cook a young sheep or goat in its mother’s milk.”
Ninguna cosa mortecina comeréis. Al extranjero que está en tus villas la darás, y él la comerá; o véndela al extranjero; porque tú eres pueblo santo a Jehová tu Dios. No cocerás el cabrito en la leche de su madre.
22 “Once each year you must set apart (a tithe/10 percent) of all the crops that are produced/harvested in your fields.
Diezmando diezmarás toda renta de tu simiente, que saliere de tu haza cada un año.
23 Take those things to the place that Yahweh our God will choose [for you to worship him]. There eat the tithes of your grain, your wine, your [olive] oil, and the meat of the firstborn male animals of your cattle and your sheep. Do this in order that you may learn to always revere Yahweh, [the one who has blessed you by giving you these things].
Y comerás delante de Jehová tu Dios en el lugar que él escogiere para hacer habitar su nombre allí, el diezmo de tu grano, de tu vino, y de tu aceite, y los primogénitos de tus vacas y de tus ovejas, para que aprendas a temer a Jehová tu Dios todos los días.
24 If the place that Yahweh has chosen [for you to worship him] is very far from your home, with the result that you are not able to take there the tithes [of your crops] with which Yahweh has blessed you, do this:
Y si el camino fuere tan largo que tú no puedas llevarlos por él, por estar lejos de ti el lugar que Jehová tu Dios hubiere escogido para poner en él su nombre, cuando Jehová tu Dios te bendijere,
25 Sell [IDM] the tithes of your crops, wrap the money carefully [in a cloth], and take it with you to the place of worship that Yahweh has chosen.
Entonces venderlo has, y atarás el dinero en tu mano, y vendrás al lugar que Jehová tu Dios escogiere,
26 There, [with that money], you may buy whatever you want to—beef or lamb or wine or fermented drinks. And there, in the presence of Yahweh, you and your families should eat [and drink] those things and be happy.
Y darás el dinero por todo lo que tu alma desea, por vacas y por ovejas, y por vino, y por sidra, y por todas las cosas que tu alma te demandare: y comerás allí delante de Jehová tu Dios, y alegrarte has tú y tu casa:
27 But be sure to not neglect/forget [to help] the descendants of Levi who live in your towns, because they will not own any land.
Y no desampararás al Levita que habitare en tus villas, porque no tiene parte ni heredad contigo.
28 “At the end of every three years, bring a tithe of all your crops that have been produced/harvested in that year and store it in your towns.
Al cabo de tres años sacarás todos los diezmos de tu renta de cada año, y guardarlo has en tus ciudades:
29 That food is for the descendants of Levi, because they do not have their own land, and for foreigners [who live among you], and for orphans and widows who live in your towns. They are permitted to come [to where the food is stored] and take what they need. Do that in order that Yahweh our God will bless you in everything that you do.”
Y vendrá el Levita, que no tiene parte ni heredad contigo, y el extranjero, y el huérfano, y la viuda, que están en tus villas, y comerán y hartarse han; porque Jehová tu Dios te bendiga en toda obra de tus manos, que hicieres.

< Deuteronomy 14 >