< Daniel 9 >

1 [Now I am going to tell you about what happened] when Darius, who was from the Mede people-group and who was the son of Xerxes, ruled as the King of Babylonia.
Era el primer año de Darío el Medo, hijo de Asuero, después de haberse convertido en rey de los babilonios.
2 During the first year that he was the king, I, Daniel, was studying/reading the [holy] books/Scriptures the message that Yahweh had given to the prophet Jeremiah. In that message Jeremiah had written that Jerusalem would [be destroyed and] remain ruined for seventy years.
Durante el primer año de su reinado, yo, Daniel, comprendí, por las Escrituras dadas al profeta Jeremías, que pronto se cumpliría el tiempo de setenta años en que Jerusalén quedaría desolada.
3 [After I read that], I pleaded to Yahweh my God [to help us], praying and (fasting/abstaining from eating food). [While doing that, I was wearing] rough cloth and [sitting in] ashes [to show that I was very sad about what was going to happen to us].
Así que me dirigí al Señor Dios en oración. Ayuné y me vestí de cilicio y ceniza, y le supliqué en oración que actuara.
4 I confessed [the sins that we had committed], and [this is what I] prayed: Lord, you are great and awesome! You have faithfully done what you said that you would do for us. You faithfully love those who love you and who do what you have commanded [that they should do].
Oré al Señor, mi Dios, y me confesé, diciendo: “Señor, ¡eres un Dios grande y asombroso! Siempre cumples tus promesas y demuestras tu amor confiable a los que te aman y guardan tus mandamientos.
5 But we [Israelis] have sinned. We have done things that are wrong. We have done wicked things, and we have rebelled [against you]. We have turned away from [obeying] your commands [DOU].
Pero nosotros hemos pecado, hemos hecho el mal. Hemos actuado con maldad, nos hemos rebelado contra ti. Nos hemos apartado de tus mandamientos y de tus leyes.
6 Your prophets spoke for you [MTY], [giving your messages to] kings, to our other rulers, to our [other] ancestors, and to all the Israeli people, but we have refused to (pay attention to/heed) those prophets.
No hemos prestado atención a tus siervos los profetas que hablaron en tu nombre a nuestros reyes y dirigentes y antepasados, y a todos los habitantes del país.
7 Lord, you always do what is righteous/just/fair, but we have caused ourselves to be ashamed [IDM]. This is [still] true about all of the Israelis who live in Jerusalem and who live in other places in Judea. It is [also] true about all us Israelis whom you scattered, who [were taken to] other countries, some near [Israel] and some far away, because we were very unfaithful/disloyal to you.
“Señor, tú siempre haces lo correcto, pero nosotros seguimos avergonzados hasta el día de hoy: nosotros, el pueblo de Judá, los habitantes de Jerusalén y todo Israel, los cercanos y los lejanos, los de todos los países a los que los has expulsado por su infidelidad a ti.
8 Lord, we and our kings and our other rulers and our [other] ancestors have done very shameful things and have sinned against you.
La vergüenza pública es nuestra, Señor, y de nuestros reyes, príncipes y antepasados, porque hemos pecado contra ti.
9 Although we have rebelled against you, you act mercifully [toward us] and you [are willing/ready] to forgive us.
Sin embargo, tú, Señor, nuestro Dios, eres compasivo y perdonador, aunque nos hayamos rebelado contra ti.
10 Yahweh our God, when you gave your laws to your prophets who served you, and they told us to conduct our lives according to those laws, we did not (listen to/heed) you.
No hemos obedecido lo que tú, Señor Dios, nos has dicho. No hemos seguido tu ley que nos diste por medio de tus siervos los profetas.
11 All [of us] Israeli people have disobeyed your laws, and we have turned away from [obeying] what you said. We have sinned against you. As a result, [you] have caused us to experience the terrible things that your servant Moses said/wrote [would happen to us] if we sinned against you.
Todo Israel ha quebrantado tu ley y se ha alejado de ti, sin escuchar lo que tenías que decir. Por eso se ha derramado sobre nosotros la condena que proviene de nuestra promesa incumplida, a causa de nuestro pecado, tal y como quedó claro en la Ley de Moisés, el siervo del Señor.
12 You warned us and our rulers that you would punish Jerusalem severely by causing a great disaster there, a disaster that would be worse than any disaster that any other city had ever experienced, and you have done what you said that you would do.
“Has llevado a cabo lo que nos habías advertido, contra nosotros y contra nuestros gobernantes: un castigo tan terrible ha caído sobre Jerusalén, el peor que ha ocurrido en todo el mundo.
13 [You] punished us just like Moses wrote [that you would do]. But, Yahweh our God, we still have not tried, by turning away from our sinning and by heeding your truth, to persuade you to act mercifully toward us.
Tal como decía la Ley de Moisés, todo este castigo ha caído sobre nosotros, pero aún no te hemos pedido, Señor, nuestro Dios, que nos favorezcas, apartándonos de nuestros pecados y prestando atención a tu verdad.
14 So, because we did not obey you, you prepared to punish us, and [then] you did punish us, because you always do what is righteous/just/fair.
Estabas dispuesto a castigarnos, y tenías razón al hacer todo lo que has hecho, porque no te escuchamos.
15 O Lord our God, you brought your people out of Egypt by your great power [MTY], and by doing that you have caused people from that time until the present time to know that you are great [IDM] [even though] we have sinned and done wicked things.
“Tú, Señor Dios nuestro, con tu gran poder nos sacaste de Egipto, haciéndote un nombre que dura hasta ahora. Pero nosotros hemos pecado, hemos hecho cosas malas.
16 Lord, Jerusalem is your city, and [your temple was built there] on your sacred hill. Now all the people who live in nearby [countries/nations] despise Jerusalem and [us] your people because of our sins and because of the evil things that our ancestors did. But [now], because you do what is righteous/just, [we ask you to] not be angry with Jerusalem any longer.
Por eso, Señor, porque eres tan bueno, aparta tu ira y tu furia contra Jerusalén, tu santo monte. A causa de nuestros pecados y de los de nuestros antepasados, Jerusalén y tu pueblo son objeto de burla por parte de todos nuestros vecinos.
17 O Lord our God, listen to what I am praying and pleading [for you to do]. (For your own sake/In order that people will know that you are very great), act kindly [IDM] concerning your temple, which was destroyed [by the armies of Babylonia].
Ahora, Señor nuestro, por favor, escucha la oración y la súplica de tu siervo, y por tu bien mira con benevolencia en tu santuario abandonado.
18 My God, listen [to my prayer]. Look [at us] and see our troubles, and see that this city that belongs to you [MTY] has been ruined/destroyed. We are praying to you because you are merciful, not because we have done what is right/good.
Por favor, escucha con atención y abre los ojos para ver el terrible estado en que nos encontramos, y la ciudad que lleva tu nombre. No te hacemos estas peticiones por nuestra bondad, sino por tu gran misericordia.
19 Lord, listen [to us]! Lord, forgive us! Lord, this city and these people belong to you, so [we plead with you to] heed what we are saying and act [to help us] right now, (for your own sake/in order that people will know that you are very great)!
¡Señor, por favor, escucha! ¡Señor, por favor, perdona! Por favor, ¡presta atención y haz algo! Por tu propio bien, Dios mío, no te demores, pues tu ciudad y tu pueblo se identifican con tu nombre”.
20 I continued praying and confessing the sins that my people and I had committed, and pleading with Yahweh my God that he would restore [the temple on] the sacred hill [in Jerusalem].
Seguí hablando, orando y confesando mis pecados y los de mi pueblo Israel, suplicando ante el Señor, mi Dios, en favor de Jerusalén, su monte santo.
21 While I was praying, Gabriel, the angel/one whom I had seen in the vision previously, came flying rapidly to me, at the time in the evening when [the priests] offered sacrifices.
Mientras seguía orando, Gabriel, a quien había visto anteriormente cuando tuve la visión, vino volando rápidamente hacia mí a la hora del sacrificio vespertino.
22 He said to me, “Daniel, I have come to you to enable you to understand [DOU] clearly [the message that God gave to Jeremiah].
Me dio la siguiente explicación, diciendo: “Daniel, he venido a darte entendimiento y comprensión.
23 When you began to plead [with God], he gave me a message [to pass on to you]. He loves you very much, so [he has sent me] to tell you what he said to me. So [now] (pay attention/listen carefully) in order that you may understand the meaning of what he revealed [to Jeremiah].
Tan pronto como comenzaste a orar, se dio la respuesta, y he venido a explicártela porque Dios te ama mucho. Así que, por favor, escucha la explicación y entiende el significado de la visión.
24 [God] has determined/declared that there will be 490 years until he frees/saves your people from [the guilt of] their sins and to atone for the evil things that they have done. Then [God] will rule everyone justly, and he will do that forever. And [what you saw in] the vision and what [Jeremiah] prophesied will (come true/be fulfilled), and the sacred temple will be dedicated [to God again].
“Se han asignado setenta semanas a tu pueblo y a tu ciudad santa para hacer frente a la rebelión, para poner fin al pecado, para perdonar la maldad, para traer la bondad eterna, para confirmar la visión y la profecía, y para ungir el Lugar Santísimo.
25 You need to know and understand this: There will be 49 years from the time that [the king] commands that Jerusalem should be rebuilt until the leader/king that God has chosen will come. Then 434 years later, Jerusalem will be rebuilt, and it will have streets and will have a (moat/deep ditch filled with water) around it [to protect the city]. But that will be a time when [God’s people] will have [a lot of] troubles/difficulties/suffering.
Tienes que saber y comprender que desde el momento en que se da la orden de restaurar y reconstruir Jerusalén, hasta que el Mesías, transcurrirán siete semanas más sesenta y dos semanas. Se construirá con calles y defensas, a pesar de los tiempos difíciles.
26 After those 434 years, the leader/king whom God has appointed will be killed [when it seems that] he will have accomplished nothing (unjustly/without having done anything wrong). After that, the temple will be destroyed by [the army of] a powerful ruler. The city and the temple will be destroyed like a flood [MET] [destroys everything]. That will be the beginning of the war and destruction that [God] has decreed [will happen].
“Después de sesenta y dos semanas, el Mesías será condenado a muerte y quedará reducido a la nada. Llegará al poder un gobernante cuyo ejército destruirá la ciudad y el santuario. Su fin llegará como un diluvio. La guerra y la devastación continuarán hasta que se complete ese período de tiempo.
27 That ruler will make a strong agreement with many people. He will promise to do for seven years what he has said in that agreement. But when that time is half finished, he will prevent [priests from] giving any more offerings and sacrifices [to God]. A disgusting idol will be put on the highest part of the temple, and it will stay there until [God] gets rid of the one who put it there, which is what he said that he would do.”
El confirmará el acuerdo con mucha gente durante una semana, pero a la mitad de la semana pondrá fin a los sacrificios y a las ofrendas. La idolatría que causa la destrucción se mantendrá hasta el final, cuando el mismo destino se derrame sobre el destructor”.

< Daniel 9 >