< Daniel 8 >

1 During the third year that Belshazzar was the King [of Babylonia], I had another vision.
A shekara ta uku ta mulkin sarki Belshazar, ni, Daniyel, na ga wahayi, bayan wancan da na riga gani.
2 In that vision I was in Susa, the capital city of Elam Province. I was [standing] alongside the Ulai Canal.
A cikin wahayin, na ga kaina a mafakar Shusha a yankin Elam; a wahayin na ga ina a bakin Kogin Ulai.
3 I looked up and saw a ram that was standing alongside the canal. It had two [long] horns, but the newest one was longer than the other one.
Na ɗaga ido, a gabana kuwa sai ga rago mai ƙahoni biyu, yana tsaye a gefen mashigin kogin, ƙahonin kuma suna da tsawo. Ɗaya daga cikin ƙahonin ya fi ɗayan tsawo. Wanda ya fi tsawon shi ne ya tsiro daga baya.
4 The ram butted/knocked away [with its horns] everything that was west and everything that was north and everything that was south of it. There were no [other] animals that were able to oppose it, and none that could rescue/save [other animals] from its power. The ram did whatever it wanted to do and became very powerful.
Na lura da ragon sa’ad da ya kai karo wajen yamma da arewa da kudu. Babu wata dabbar da ta iya ƙarawa da shi, babu kuma wanda ya iya kuɓuta daga ikonsa. Ya yi yadda ya ga dama, ya kuma zama mai girma.
5 While I was thinking [about what I had seen, in the vision] I saw a goat come from the west. It ran across the land so quickly, that [it seemed like] its feet did not touch the ground. This goat had one very large horn between its eyes.
Yayinda nake tunani game da wannan, farat ɗaya sai ga bunsurun da yake da sanannen ƙaho tsakanin idanunsa ya ɓullo daga wajen yamma, yana ratsa dukan duniya ba ya ko taɓa ƙasa.
6 It was very angry, and it ran [straight] toward the ram that I had seen [previously, the ram] that was standing alongside the canal.
Ya zo wajen rago mai ƙahoni biyu ɗin nan da na riga na gani tsaye a gefen mashigin kogin nan ya tasar masa da fushi mai zafi.
7 The goat struck the ram furiously and broke off its two horns, with the result that the ram was unable [to defend itself]. [So] the goat knocked the ram down and trampled on it. No one could rescue the ram from the goat’s power.
Na ga ya zo kusa da ragon, ya husata da shi ƙwarai, ya kai wa ragon hari. Ya kakkarya ƙahoninsa nan biyu. Ƙarfin ragon ya kāsa, bai iya kāre kansa daga bunsurun ba. Bunsurun ya buge shi ƙasa ya tattake shi. Ba wanda ya iya ceton ragon daga bunsurun.
8 The goat became very powerful. But when its power was very great, its horn was broken off. But four [other] large horns took its place. They each pointed in a different direction.
Bunsurun kuwa ya ƙasaita, amma a ƙwanƙolin ikonsa sai aka karye babban ƙahonsa, kuma a wurin da ƙahon nan ya kasance waɗansu sanannun ƙahoni huɗu suka tsiro suna fuskantar kusurwoyin nan huɗu.
9 [Then] from one of those [large horns] appeared a little horn, which became very big, [and pointed] toward the south and [then] toward the east and [then] toward the beautiful land [of Israel].
Daga cikin ɗayansu kuma wani ƙaramin ƙaho ya fito, ya yi girma ya ƙasaita ƙwarai zuwa kudu da kuma gabas da wajen Kyakkyawar Ƙasa.
10 [The man who was represented by] that horn became very strong, with the result that he attacked some of the [soldiers of the] army of heaven, and (OR, meaning) the stars in the sky [which represented God’s people]. He threw some of them to the ground and trampled on them.
Ya yi girma sai da ya kai rundunar sammai, ya kuma fid da waɗansu rundunar taurari zuwa ƙasa ya kuma tattake su.
11 He (defied/considered himself to be greater than) the leader of the army [of heaven], and prevented [priests from] offering sacrifices to him. He also (defiled the temple/caused the temple to become unholy).
Sai ya ɗora kansa ya zama mai girma kamar Sarkin runduna; sai aka ɗauke hadaya ta kullayaumi daga gare shi, aka kuma saukar da wurin masujadarsa ƙasa.
12 Then God’s people allowed the [man who was represented by] that horn to control/rule them, with the result that they sinned by offering sacrifices to him. And he threw to the ground the [laws that contained the] true religion. Everything that he did was successful.
Saboda tawaye, sai aka ba da rundunar tsarkaka da kuma hadayar ƙonawa ta kowace rana ga ƙahon. Sai ya yi watsi da gaskiya, ya yi abin da ya ga dama, ya kuwa yi nasara.
13 Then I heard two angels who were talking to each other. One of them asked, “How long will the things/events that were in this vision continue? How long will the man who rebels against God and causes [the temple] to be defiled be able to prevent [priests from] offering sacrifices? How long will he trample on the temple and on the armies of heaven?”
Sa’an nan na ji mai tsarkin nan yana magana, wani mai tsarki kuma ya ce da wancan, “Har yaushe wannan wahayi zai tabbata, wahayi game da hadaya ta kullayaumi, da tawayen da yake kawo lalacewa, da kuma miƙa wuri mai tsarki da kuma na rundunar da za a tattake a ƙarƙashin sawu?”
14 The other angel replied, “[It will continue] for 1,150 days. During all of that time, [people will not be permitted to offer sacrifices] in the morning or in the evening. After that, the temple will be purified.”
Sai ya ce mini, “Zai ɗauki safiya da yamma 2,300; sa’an nan za a sāke tsarkake wuri mai tsarki.”
15 While I, Daniel, was trying to understand what the vision meant, suddenly [an angel] who resembled a man stood/appeared in front of me.
Yayinda ni, Daniyel, nake duban wahayi ina ƙoƙari in fahimce shi, sai ga wani a gabana wanda ya yi kama da mutum.
16 And I heard a man call out from [the other side of] the Ulai Canal, saying, “Gabriel, explain to him the meaning of the vision [that he saw]!”
Sai na ji muryar wani mutum daga Ulai tana cewa, “Jibra’ilu, faɗa wa wannan mutum ma’anar wahayin.”
17 So Gabriel came and stood beside me. I was very terrified, with the result that I fell onto the ground. But he said to me, “You human, it is necessary for you to understand that [the events that you saw in] the vision will occur [near] the time that [the world] will end.”
Da ya zo kusa da inda nake tsaye, na firgita na kuma fāɗi rubda ciki. Ya ce da ni “Ɗan mutum, ka gane da cewa wannan wahayi yana magana ne a kan kwanakin ƙarshe.”
18 While he was speaking, I fainted. I lay there, unconscious, with my face still on the ground. But Gabriel put his hand on me and lifted me up in order that I could stand again.
Yayinda yake magana da ni, barci mai nauyi ya kwashe ni, da nake kwance rubda ciki. Sai ya taɓa ni ya kuma tashe ni tsaye.
19 Then he said, “I [have come here to] tell you what will happen because of [God] being angry. These things will happen near the time when [the world] will end.
Sai ya ce, “Zan faɗa maka abin da zai faru a lokacin fushi, saboda wahayin yana magana ne a kan lokacin da aka ƙayyade na ƙarshe.
20 As for the ram with two horns that you saw, those horns [represent] the kingdoms of Media and Persia.
Rago mai ƙahoni biyu da ka gani, yana a madadin sarakunan Medes da Farisa ne.
21 The goat [that you saw represents] the kingdom of Greece, and the horn that appeared between its eyes [represents] its first king.
Bunsurun kuwa sarkin Girka ne, kuma babban ƙahon da yake tsakanin idanunsa, sarki na farko ne.
22 As for the four horns that grew after the first horn was broken off, they [represent] four kingdoms into which that first kingdom will be divided [after the first king dies]. Those four kingdoms will not be as strong/powerful as the first kingdom was.
Ƙahoni huɗu da suka maya wannan da ya karye yana a madadin masarautu huɗu da za su tashi daga cikin al’ummarsa amma ba za su sami irin ikonsa ba.
23 The people [in those kingdoms] will become very wicked, with the result that it will be necessary for them to be punished. But near the time when those kingdoms will end, one of those kingdoms will have a king who will be very proud/defiant [IDM]. He will [also] be very fierce and very deceitful.
“Can wajen ƙarshe mulkinsu, sa’ad da muguntarsu ta kai intaha, wani mugun sarki mai rashin hankali, uban makirci, zai fito.
24 He will become very powerful, but it will not be because of what he himself does. He will terribly destroy things in many places, and he will succeed in doing everything that he wants to. He will get rid of [many] powerful men, and [also] some of God’s people.
Zai yi ƙarfi ƙwarai da gaske, amma ba da ikonsa ba. Zai jawo mummunar hallakarwa kuma zai yi nasara a duk abin da ya sa gaba. Zai hallakar da majiya ƙarfi da kuma tsarkaka.
25 Because he is very cunning/clever, he will succeed by doing things that deceive many people. He will be proud of himself. He will destroy many people when they think that they are safe. He will also rebel against [God] [EUP], who is the greatest king. But [God] will destroy him, without the help [MTY] of any human being.
Zai sa yaudara ta ƙara yin yawa, zai ɗaukaka kansa. Sa’ad da suke ji sun sami mafaka, zai hallaka mutane da yawa sa’an nan kuma yă fara gāba da Sarkin sarakuna. Duk da haka za a hallaka shi, amma ba da ikon mutum ba.
26 What you saw in the vision about [priests being prevented from making] sacrifices in the morning and in the evening, which [I] explained [to you], will surely happen. But [for the present time], do not reveal the vision [to others], because it will be many years before those things happen.”
“Wahayin nan na safiya da yamma da aka nuna maka gaskiya ne, amma ka ɓoye wahayin, gama ya shafi nan gaba mai tsawo ne.”
27 Then I, Daniel, became weak, and I was sick for several days. Then I arose and [returned to] doing the work that the king [had given to me], but I was perplexed/confused about the vision, and I could not understand it.
Ni, Daniyel, na gaji matuƙa na kuma yi rashin lafiya na kwanaki masu yawa. Sa’an nan sai na tashi na ci gaba da hidimar sarki. Wahayin ya shige mini duhu, ya fi ƙarfin fahimtata.

< Daniel 8 >