< Daniel 6 >
1 King Darius decided to divide his kingdom into 120 provinces. He appointed a governor to rule each province.
Sitrak’ i Dariosa ny hanendry solo-mpanjaka roa-polo amby zato hanapaka ny fanjakana, izay hanapaka ny fanjakana rehetra.
2 He also appointed me and two other men to be administrators, to supervise the governors and to be sure that they did the king’s work [properly], in order that the king would not have to worry about anything.
Koa tamin’ ireo dia nisy komandy lehibe telo lahy, ary Daniela no anankiray tamin’ ireo, mba hilazan’ ny solo-mpanjaka ny raharaha tsy hahafatiantoka ny mpanjaka.
3 I soon showed that I was (more capable/able to do the work better) than all the other administrators and the governors. Because of that, the king planned to appoint me to be in charge of the entire empire.
Izany Daniela izany dia nihoatra noho ny komandy lehibe sy ny solo-mpanjaka namany, fa nanam-panahy hendry izy; ary ny mpanjaka nikasa hanandratra azy ho lehibe amin’ ny fanjakana rehetra.
4 Then, the [other] administrators and the governors [became jealous. So they began to] try to find something that they could criticize about the way I was working for the king. But I always did my work faithfully and honestly, and was never lazy. So they could not find anything to criticize.
Koa ny komandy lehibe sy ny solo-mpanjaka dia nitady izay hiampangany an’ i Daniela ny amin’ ny fanjakana, nefa tsy nahita izay hiampangany azy na izay tsininy akory ireo, satria marina izy, ka tsy nisy kilema na tsiny hita taminy.
5 They concluded, “The only way we can find something for which we can criticize Daniel will be something concerning the laws that his god [his given him].”
Dia hoy ireo lehilahy ireo: Tsy ho hitantsika izay hiampangantsika io Daniela io raha tsy ny amin’ ny lalan’ Andriamaniny no misy hitantsika hiampangana azy.
6 So the administrators and governors went as one group to the king and said, “(Your Majesty/O king), we wish that you will live a long time!
Dia somaritaka nivory ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka ireo komandy lehibe sy solo-mpanjaka ireo; ary izao no nataony taminy: Ry Dariosa mpanjaka ô, ho velona mandrakizay anie ianao.
7 [We] administrators and governors and district governors and advisors and other officials have all agreed that you should make a law that everyone must obey. We want you to command that for the next thirty days people may pray only to you. If anyone prays to anyone else, either to a human or to a god, he must be thrown into [a pit of] lions.
Ny komandy lehibe rehetra amin’ ny fanjakana sy ny mpanapaka sy ny solo-mpanjaka sy ny mpanolo-tsaina ary ny governora dia mifanara-kevitra fa tokony hanao lalàna sy didy mafy ianao, ry mpanjaka, ka na zovy na zovy no hanao fangatahana ato anatin’ ny telo-polo andro, na amin’ Andriamanitra na amin’ olona, afa-tsy aminao ihany, ry mpanjaka ô, dia hatsipy ao an-davaky ny liona izy.
8 And because laws made by [our governments of] Media and Persia cannot be changed, [we want] you, [the head of our government], to sign it.”
Ankehitriny, ry mpanjaka ô, ataovy mafy ny lalàna, ka asio sonia mba tsy hiova, araka ny lalàn’ ny Mediana sy ny Persiana izay tsy azo ovana.
9 So King Darius [wrote] the law and signed it.
Ary noho izany dia nasian’ i Dariosa mpanjaka sonia izany lalàna sy didy izany.
10 But when I found out that [the king] had [written and] signed that law, I went home. I knelt down in my upstairs room and prayed. I looked toward Jerusalem, and the windows were open [with the result that everyone could see me while I was praying]. I prayed three times each day, just as I always did, thanking God.
Nony fantatr’ i Daniela fa efa voaisy sonia ny didy, dia nankao an-tranony izy; ary ny varavarankelin’ ny tranony ambony nanandrify an’ i Jerosalema dia nivoha. Koa intelo isan’ andro no nandohalika ka nivavaka sy nisaotra teo anatrehan’ Andriamaniny izy, satria fanaony hatramin’ ny taloha izany.
11 The officials went together [to my house] and they saw me praying and requesting God to help me.
Dia somaritaka nivory ireo lehilahy ireo ka nahita an’ i Daniela mangataka sy mifona eo anatrehan’ Andriamaniny.
12 So they returned to the king and said to him, “[Do you remember] that you wrote a law stating that for the next thirty days people may pray only to you, and if anyone prays to anyone else, either to a human or to a god, he will be thrown into [a pit of] lions?” The king replied, “[Yes, that is the law that I wrote]. It is a law of [our governments of] Media and Persia, which cannot be canceled.”
Dia nanatona izy ka niteny teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka noho ny amin’ ilay lalàn’ ny mpanjaka ka nanao hoe: Moa tsy misy lalàna nasianao sonia fa na zovy na zovy no hanao fangatahana, na amin’ Andriamanitra na amin’ olona, ato anatin’ ny telo-polo andro afa-tsy aminao ihany, ry mpanjaka ô, dia hatsipy ao an-davaky ny liona? Ny mpanjaka namaly ka nanao hoe: Marina izany, dia araka ny lalàn’ ny Mediana sy ny Persiana izay tsy azo ovana.
13 Then they said to the king, “Well, that [man] Daniel, one of the men who were brought from Judah, is not paying any attention to you or the law that you [signed]. He prays [to his god] three times each day!”
Dia niteny ireo ka nanao teo anatrehan’ ny mpanjaka hoe: Ilay Daniela, isan’ ny babo avy amin’ ny taranak’ i Joda, dia tsy manaiky anao, na ny lalàna izay nasianao sonia, ry mpanjaka ô, fa manao fangatahana intelo isan’ andro izy.
14 When the king heard that, he was very distressed. He tried to find a way to save me. All the rest of that day he tried to think of a way to rescue me.
Dia tezitra indrindra ny mpanjaka, raha nahare izany teny izany, nefa matiny ihany izy ny hanafaka an’ i Daniela, ka nanao izay tratry ny heviny hamonjy azy mandra-pilentiky ny masoandro.
15 [In the evening, many of] [HYP] the officials went together to the king and said, “(Your Majesty/O king), you know that [our governments of] Media and Persia have declared that no law that the king signs can be canceled/changed. [So Daniel must be thrown to the lions!]”
Dia somaritaka nivory ho any amin’ ny mpanjaka ireo lehilahy ireo ka nanao tamin’ ny mpanjaka hoe: Aoka ho fantatrao, ry mpanjaka, fa izao no lalàn’ ny Mediana sy ny Persiana: Ny lalàna sy ny didy izay efa navoaky ny mpanjaka dia tsy azo ovana.
16 So the king gave the order, and his servants brought me and threw me into a pit where the lions [were]. [Before they threw me in], the king said to me, “I hope/wish that your God, whom you worship regularly, will rescue you!”
Dia nandidy ny mpanjaka; ary nentina Daniela ka natsipy tao an-davaky ny liona. Dia niteny ny mpanjaka ka nanao tamin’ i Daniela hoe: Andriamanitrao Izay tompoinao mandrakariva anie hamonjy anao.
17 They rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the pit. Then the king [fastened a string across the entrance and put wax at each end, and stamped the wax with] the seal from his [ring] and the seals [of the rings] of his officials, in order that no one could [secretly] rescue me.
Ary nisy vato natampina ny vava-lavaka; ary ny mpanjaka nanomboka izany tamin’ ny fanombohan-kaseny sy tamin’ ny fanombohan-kasen’ ny andriandahiny, mba tsy hovana ny teny ny amin’ i Daniela.
18 Then the king returned to his palace. That night he refused to eat any food. He would not allow anyone to entertain him [because he did not want to be happy, with the result that he would forget about me. And that night] he was unable to sleep [because he was worried about me].
Dia nody tany an-dapany ny mpanjaka ary tsy nitendry hanina mandritra ny alina, sady tsy nisy zava-maneno nampidirina teo anatrehany, ary tsy nahita torimaso izy.
19 At dawn the next morning, the king got up and went quickly to the pit where the lions were.
Dia nifoha maraina koa ny mpanjaka ka nandeha faingana ho any amin’ ny lavaky ny liona.
20 When he came near it, he was very worried. He called out, “Daniel, you who serve the all-powerful God! Was your God, whom you worship regularly, able to save you from the lions?”
Ary nony tonga teo amin’ ny lavaka izy, dia niantso an’ i Daniela tamin’ ny feo malahelo; eny, niteny ny mpanjaka ka nanao tamin’ i Daniela hoe: Ry Daniela, mpanompon’ Andriamanitra velona ô, moa Andriamanitrao Izay tompoinao mandrakariva mahavonjy anao amin’ ny liona va?
21 I answered, “(Your Majesty/O king), I hope that you will live a long time!
Namaly ny mpanjaka Daniela hoe: Ry mpanjaka, ho velona mandrakizay anie ianao.
22 [Yes], my God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths, in order that they would not harm me! [He did that] because [he knows that] I have done nothing that he thinks is wrong. And, (Your Majesty/O king), I never did anything wrong to you!”
Andriamanitro efa naniraka ny anjeliny ka nanakombona ny vavan’ ny liona tsy handratra ahy, satria fahamarinana no hitany tamiko; ary teo anatrehanao koa, ry mpanjaka ô, tsy nanao ratsy aho.
23 The king was extremely happy, and he commanded [his servants] to lift me out of the pit. [When they did that, they] saw that the lions had not wounded me at all. [God had protected me] because I trusted in him.
Dia faly indrindra ny mpanjaka, ka nasainy nakarina avy ao an-davaka Daniela. Dia nakarina avy tao an-davaka Daniela, ary tsy hita nisy naratra izy, satria nino an’ Andriamaniny.
24 Then the king commanded that the men who had accused me should be seized and be thrown, along with their wives and children, into the pit where the lions were. [When they were thrown into the pit], the lions leaped on them and crushed their bones before they fell onto the bottom of the pit!
Ary ny mpanjaka nandidy, ka nentina ireo lehilahy niampanga an’ i Daniela ireo, dia natsipy tao an-davaky ny liona izy mbamin’ ny vadiny aman-janany, ary ny liona nanan-kery taminy ka nanapatapaka ny taolany, raha tsy mbola nipaka tamin’ ny vodin’ ny lavaka akory aza izy.
25 Then King Darius wrote [this message and sent it throughout his kingdom] to the people of every people-group and nation and from all language groups: “I wish/hope that everything is going very well with you!
Tamin’ izany Dariosa mpanjaka dia nanoratra ho amin’ ny fokom-pirenena sy ny firenena sy ny samy hafa fiteny rehetra izay monina ambonin’ ny tany rehetra hoe: Hitombo anie ny fiadananareo.
26 I command that everyone in my kingdom should fear and revere the God that Daniel [worships]. He is the all-powerful God, and he will live forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed; he will rule forever.
Manao lalàna aho mba hangovitan’ ny olona sy hatahorany eo anatrehan’ Andriamanitr’ i Daniela eran’ ny fanjakako rehetra; fa Izy no Andriamanitra velona sady maharitra mandrakizay; ny fanjakany haharitra hatramin’ ny farany.
27 He rescues and saves [his people]. He performs all kinds of miracles in heaven and on the earth. He rescued Daniel from the power of the lions!”
Izy no mamonjy sy manafaka ary manao famantarana sy fahagagana any an-danitra sy etỳ an-tany, ary Izy no namonjy an’ i Daniela ho afaka tamin’ ny herin’ ny liona.
28 So I was successful [all] during the time that Darius ruled and during the time that Cyrus, [the King] of Persia, ruled.
Ary izany Daniela izany dia nambinina tamin’ ny nanjakan’ i Dariosa sy tamin’ ny nanjakan’ i Kyrosy Persiana.