< Daniel 6 >
1 King Darius decided to divide his kingdom into 120 provinces. He appointed a governor to rule each province.
Darius fandt for godt at lægge riget under 120 satraper, fordelt over hele Riget;
2 He also appointed me and two other men to be administrators, to supervise the governors and to be sure that they did the king’s work [properly], in order that the king would not have to worry about anything.
og over dem satte han tre Rigsråder, af hvilke Daniel var den ene, for at Satraperne skulde aflægge Regnskab for dem, så Kongen intet Tab led.
3 I soon showed that I was (more capable/able to do the work better) than all the other administrators and the governors. Because of that, the king planned to appoint me to be in charge of the entire empire.
Da nu Daniel udmærkede sig fremfor de andre Rigsråder og Satraperne, eftersom der var en ypperlig Ånd i ham, og Kongen derfor tænkte på at sætte ham over hele Riget,
4 Then, the [other] administrators and the governors [became jealous. So they began to] try to find something that they could criticize about the way I was working for the king. But I always did my work faithfully and honestly, and was never lazy. So they could not find anything to criticize.
søgte Rigsråderne og Satraperne at finde en eller anden Brøde i hans Embedsførelse; men de kunde ikke finde nogen Brøde eller Brist, da han var tro og der ingen Efterladenhed eller Brist var at finde hos ham.
5 They concluded, “The only way we can find something for which we can criticize Daniel will be something concerning the laws that his god [his given him].”
Så sagde disse Mænd: "Vi finder ingen Sag mod denne Daniel, medmindre vi kan finde noget i hans Gudsdyrkelse."
6 So the administrators and governors went as one group to the king and said, “(Your Majesty/O king), we wish that you will live a long time!
Derfor stormede disse Rigsråder og Satraper til Kongen og talte således til ham: "Kong Darius leve evindelig!
7 [We] administrators and governors and district governors and advisors and other officials have all agreed that you should make a law that everyone must obey. We want you to command that for the next thirty days people may pray only to you. If anyone prays to anyone else, either to a human or to a god, he must be thrown into [a pit of] lions.
Alle Rigsråderne, Landshøvdingerne, Satraperne, Rådsherrerne og Statholderne er enedes om, at et Kongebud bør udstedes og et Forbud udgå om, at enhver, som i tredive Dage beder en Bøn til nogen anden end dig, o konge, det være sig til en Gud eller et Menneske, skal kastes i Løvekulen.
8 And because laws made by [our governments of] Media and Persia cannot be changed, [we want] you, [the head of our government], to sign it.”
Derfor skal du, o Konge, udstede Forbudet og lade en Skrivelse udgå, som efter Medernes og Persernes ubryddelige Lov ikke kan tages tilbage."
9 So King Darius [wrote] the law and signed it.
Derfor lod kong Darius en Skrivelse udgå med dette Forbud.
10 But when I found out that [the king] had [written and] signed that law, I went home. I knelt down in my upstairs room and prayed. I looked toward Jerusalem, and the windows were open [with the result that everyone could see me while I was praying]. I prayed three times each day, just as I always did, thanking God.
Men så snart Daniel fik at vide, at Skrivelsen var udgået, gik han ind i sit Hus; i dets Stue på Taget havde han åbne Vinduer i Retning mod Jerusalem, og han faldt på Knæ tre Gange om Dagen og bad og priste sin Gud, ganske som han tilforn havde gjort.
11 The officials went together [to my house] and they saw me praying and requesting God to help me.
Da stormede hine Mænd ind og fandt Daniel i Færd med at bede og bønfalde sin Gud.
12 So they returned to the king and said to him, “[Do you remember] that you wrote a law stating that for the next thirty days people may pray only to you, and if anyone prays to anyone else, either to a human or to a god, he will be thrown into [a pit of] lions?” The king replied, “[Yes, that is the law that I wrote]. It is a law of [our governments of] Media and Persia, which cannot be canceled.”
Så gik de til kongen og bragte det kongelige Forbud på Tale, idet de spurgte: "Har du ikke udstedt et Forbud om, at enhver, som i tredive Dage beder til nogen anden end dig, o Konge, det være sig til en Gud eller et Menneske, skalkastes i Løvekulen?" Kongen svarede: "Sagen står fast efter Medernes og Persernes ubryddelige Lov."
13 Then they said to the king, “Well, that [man] Daniel, one of the men who were brought from Judah, is not paying any attention to you or the law that you [signed]. He prays [to his god] three times each day!”
Så svarede de Kongen: "Daniel, en af de bortførte Judæere, ænser hverken dig, o Konge, eller Forbudet, du udstedte, men beder sin Bøn tre Gange om Dagen!"
14 When the king heard that, he was very distressed. He tried to find a way to save me. All the rest of that day he tried to think of a way to rescue me.
Da Kongen hørte dette, blev han såre nedslået og overvejede, hvorledes han kunde redde Daniel, og lige til Solens Nedgang søgte han at finde en Udvej til at hjælpe ham.
15 [In the evening, many of] [HYP] the officials went together to the king and said, “(Your Majesty/O king), you know that [our governments of] Media and Persia have declared that no law that the king signs can be canceled/changed. [So Daniel must be thrown to the lions!]”
Men så stormede hine Mænd til Kongen og sagde: "Vid, o Konge, at det er medisk og persisk Ret, at intet Forbud og ingen Lov, som Kongen udsteder, kan tages tilbage!"
16 So the king gave the order, and his servants brought me and threw me into a pit where the lions [were]. [Before they threw me in], the king said to me, “I hope/wish that your God, whom you worship regularly, will rescue you!”
Da blev Daniel på Kongens Bud hentet og kastet i Løvekulen; men Kongen sagde til Daniel: "Din Gud, som du vedblivende dyrker, redde dig!"
17 They rolled a huge stone across the entrance to the pit. Then the king [fastened a string across the entrance and put wax at each end, and stamped the wax with] the seal from his [ring] and the seals [of the rings] of his officials, in order that no one could [secretly] rescue me.
Så blev der hentet en Sten og lagt over Kulens Åbning; og Kongen forseglede den med sin egen og sine Stormænds Seglring, at der ingen Ændring skulde ske i Daniels Sag.
18 Then the king returned to his palace. That night he refused to eat any food. He would not allow anyone to entertain him [because he did not want to be happy, with the result that he would forget about me. And that night] he was unable to sleep [because he was worried about me].
Derpå gik Kongen til sit Palads, hvor han fastede hele Natten. Han lod ingen Kvinder komme ind til sig, og Søvnen veg fra ham.
19 At dawn the next morning, the king got up and went quickly to the pit where the lions were.
Ved Daggry, da det lysnede, stod han op og skyndte sig hen til Løvekulen.
20 When he came near it, he was very worried. He called out, “Daniel, you who serve the all-powerful God! Was your God, whom you worship regularly, able to save you from the lions?”
Og da han nærmede sig den, råbte han klagende til Daniel. Kongen tog til Orde og sagde til Daniel: "Daniel, du den levende Guds Tjener! Mon din Gud, som du vedblivende dyrker, kunde redde dig fra Løverne?"
21 I answered, “(Your Majesty/O king), I hope that you will live a long time!
Da svarede Daniel Kongen: "Kongen leve evindelig!
22 [Yes], my God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths, in order that they would not harm me! [He did that] because [he knows that] I have done nothing that he thinks is wrong. And, (Your Majesty/O king), I never did anything wrong to you!”
Min Gud sendte sin Engel og lukkede Løvernes Gab, så de ikke har gjort mig nogen Men, fordi jeg er fundet skyldfri for hans Åsyn og heller ikke har forbrudt mig imod dig, o Konge!"
23 The king was extremely happy, and he commanded [his servants] to lift me out of the pit. [When they did that, they] saw that the lions had not wounded me at all. [God had protected me] because I trusted in him.
Og Kongen blev såre glad og lod Daniel drage op af Kulen; og da det var sket, viste det sig, at han ikke havde lidt nogen som helst Men, eftersom han havde troet på sin Gud.
24 Then the king commanded that the men who had accused me should be seized and be thrown, along with their wives and children, into the pit where the lions were. [When they were thrown into the pit], the lions leaped on them and crushed their bones before they fell onto the bottom of the pit!
Men hine Mænd, som havde bagtalt Daniel, blev på Kongens Bud hentet og kastet i Løvekulen tillige med deres Børn og Hustruer, og næppe havde de nået Kulens Bund, før Løverne kastede sig over dem og knuste alle Ben i dem.
25 Then King Darius wrote [this message and sent it throughout his kingdom] to the people of every people-group and nation and from all language groups: “I wish/hope that everything is going very well with you!
Derpå skrev Kong Darius til alle Folk, Stammer og Tungemål på hele Jorden: "Fred være med eder i rigt Mål!
26 I command that everyone in my kingdom should fear and revere the God that Daniel [worships]. He is the all-powerful God, and he will live forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed; he will rule forever.
Hermed byder jeg, at man, så vidt mit Rige strækker sig, skal frygte og bæve for Daniels Gud. Thi han er den levende Gud og bliver i Evighed: hans Rige kan ikke forgå, og hans Herredømme er uden Ende.
27 He rescues and saves [his people]. He performs all kinds of miracles in heaven and on the earth. He rescued Daniel from the power of the lions!”
Det er ham, der redder og udfrier, og han gør Tegn og, Undere i Himmelen og på Jorden, han, som reddede Daniel af Løvernes Vold!"
28 So I was successful [all] during the time that Darius ruled and during the time that Cyrus, [the King] of Persia, ruled.
Og Daniel vedblev at have Lykken med sig under Dariuss og Perseren Kyroses Regering.