< Daniel 4 >
1 [Several years after] Nebuchadnezzar [started to rule, he sent this message] to [the people of] every nation and people-group and all language groups in his empire. [He wrote, ] “I wish/hope that everything is going very well with you!
Kralj Nebukadnezar vsem ljudstvom, narodom in jezikom, ki prebivajo po vsej zemlji: »Mir naj se vam pomnoži.
2 I want you to know about [all] the wonderful miracles [DOU] that the Supreme God has performed for me.
Zdelo se mi je dobro pokazati [preroška] znamenja in čudeže, ki jih je vzvišeni Bog izvršil napram meni.
3 He performs great miracles, and does wonderful things. His kingdom will last forever; his rule [over people] will never end.
Kako velika so njegova [preroška] znamenja! In kako mogočni so njegovi čudeži! Njegovo kraljestvo je večno kraljestvo in njegovo gospostvo je od roda do roda.
4 I, Nebuchadnezzar, was living in my palace. I was living luxuriantly, and everything was going very well for me.
Jaz, Nebukadnezar, sem bil pri počitku v svoji hiši in uspešen v svoji palači.
5 But one night I had a dream that caused me to be very afraid. I saw visions that terrified me as I lay on my bed.
Videl sem sanje, ki so me prestrašile in misli na moji postelji in videnja moje glave so me vznemirila.
6 So I summoned all the wise men in Babylon, in order that they would come and tell me what it meant.
Zatorej sem izdal odlok, da privedejo predme vse modre može Babilona, da bi mi lahko dali spoznati razlago sanj.
7 All the men who worked magic, the fortune-tellers, the men who worked sorcery, and men who studied the stars came to me. I told them what I had dreamed, but they could not tell me what it meant.
Potem so vstopili čarovniki, astrologi, Kaldejci in napovedovalci usode, in pred njimi sem jim povedal sanje, toda niso mi dali spoznati njihove razlage.
8 Finally, Daniel came to me, and I [decided to] tell him what I had dreamed. One of my officials had given him a new name, Belteshazzar, to honor my own god. I knew that the spirit of the holy gods was in him.
Toda na koncu je prišel predme Daniel, katerega ime je bilo Beltšacár, glede na ime mojega boga in v katerem je duh svetih bogov. Pred njim sem povedal sanje, rekoč:
9 So, [using the name that had been given to him], I said, ‘Belteshazzar, you are the most important of all my fortune-tellers. I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and that you can reveal all mysteries. There is none that is too difficult for you. So, tell me what my dream means.
›Oh Beltšacár, gospodar čarovnikov, ker vem, da je v tebi duh svetih bogov in da te nobena skrivnost ne vznemirja, mi povej videnja mojih sanj, ki sem jih videl in njihovo razlago.‹
10 This is what I dreamed while I was lying on my bed: I saw a large tree [growing] in the middle of the land.
Takšna so bila videnja moje glave na moji postelji. Videl sem in glej drevo [je bilo] sredi zemlje in njegova višina je bila velika.
11 The tree was very strong and had grown very tall; [it seemed that] its top reached up to the sky, with the result that everyone in the world [HYP] could see it.
Drevo je raslo in bilo močno in njegova višina je segala do neba in njegovo vidno polje do konca vse zemlje.
12 It had beautiful leaves, and it had produced a lot of fruit for people to eat. Wild animals rested in the shade of that tree, and birds built nests in its branches. All the living creatures everywhere in the world got food from that tree.
Njegovo listje je bilo lepo in njegovega sadu obilo in na njem je bilo hrane za vse. Živali polja so pod njim imele senco in perjad neba je prebivala v njegovih vejah in vse meso je bilo od njega nahranjeno.
13 While I was still lying on my bed, I saw another vision. In the vision I saw a holy angel coming down from heaven.
Videl sem v videnjih svoje glave na svoji postelji in glej, stražar in sveti je prišel dol z neba.
14 The angel shouted, “Cut down the tree, and cut off its branches! Strip/Shake off all of its leaves, and scatter its fruit. Chase away the animals that are lying in the shade of the tree, and the birds that are in its branches.
Glasno je zavpil in rekel takole: ›Posekajte drevo in odrežite njegove veje, otresite listje in raztresite njegov sad. Naj gredo živali proč izpod njega in perjad od njegovih mladik,
15 But leave the stump of the tree and its roots in the ground. Fasten a band of iron and bronze around the stump, and allow it to stay there with grass around it.”
kljub temu pa pustite štor njegovih korenin v zemlji, celo v okovu iz železa in brona, v nežni travi polja in ta naj bo omočen z roso neba in njegov delež naj bo z živalmi na zemeljski travi.
16 [That tree seems to have represented a man, because the angel also said], “Cause that man to live [out in the fields] among the animals and plants. Cause the dew from the sky to make his body damp [each morning]. Do not allow him to [continue to] have a mind like humans; instead, cause him to have a mind like animals have, for seven years.
Naj bo njegovo srce spremenjeno od človeškega in naj mu bo dano živalsko srce, in nad njim naj mine sedem dob.
17 The holy angels have decided what must happen. They want to inform everyone that the Supreme God rules over all the kingdoms in this world. He is the one who chooses who will rule these kingdoms. He [sometimes] allows very unimportant people to become rulers.”
Ta stvar je po odloku stražarjev in zahteva po besedi svetih, z namenom, da bodo živi lahko spoznali, da Najvišji vlada v kraljestvu ljudi in ga daje komur hoče in postavi nadenj najnižjega izmed ljudi.
18 Belteshazzar, that is what I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw in my dream. Now tell me what the dream means. No one else can tell me. [I asked] all the very wise men in my kingdom [to tell me] what it means, [but they were unable to do that]. But you can [tell me], because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.”
Te sanje sem jaz, kralj Nebukadnezar, videl. Torej ti, oh Beltšacár, razglasi njihovo razlago, ker vsi modri ljudje mojega kraljestva niso zmožni, da bi mi dali spoznati razlago, toda ti si zmožen, kajti duh svetih bogov je v tebi.‹«
19 I, whose [new] name was Belteshazzar, did not say anything for some time, [because] I was very worried/disturbed [about the meaning of the dream. Finally], the king said to me, “Belteshazzar, do not be afraid about the dream and about what it means.” I replied, “Sir, I wish that the events that were predicted in your dream would happen to your enemies, [and not to you].
Potem je bil Daniel, katerega ime je bilo Beltšacár, za eno uro osupel in njegove misli so ga vznemirile. Kralj je spregovoril in rekel: »Beltšacár, ne pusti, da bi te sanje ali njihova razlaga vznemirile.« Beltšacár je odgovoril in rekel: »Moj gospod, sanje naj bodo njim, ki te sovražijo in njihova razlaga tvojim sovražnikom.
20 [In your dream/vision] you saw a very strong and very tall tree. It [seemed to] reach to the sky, [with the result that] everyone in the world could see it.
Drevo, ki si ga videl, ki je raslo in je bilo močno, katerega višina je segla do neba in katerega vidno polje je po vsej zemlji,
21 It had beautiful leaves and it had produced a lot of fruit for people to eat. Wild animals rested in the shade of that tree, and birds built nests in its branches.
katerega listje je bilo lepo in njegov sad obilen in je bilo na njem hrane za vse, pod katerim so prebivale živali polja in na čigar vejah je imela perjad neba svoje prebivališče.
22 (Your majesty/O King), that tree [represents] you! You have become very powerful. [It is as though] your greatness reaches up to the sky, and you rule people all over the world.
To si ti, oh kralj, ki si zrasel in postal močan, kajti tvoja veličina je zrasla in sega do neba in tvoje gospostvo do konca zemlje.
23 [Then] you saw a holy angel coming down from heaven. That angel said, ‘Cut down the tree, and cut off its branches! Strip/Shake off all of its leaves, and scatter its fruit. But leave the stump of the tree and its roots in the ground. Fasten a band of iron and bronze around the stump and [allow it to stay there] with grass around it. [Each morning] cause the dew from the sky to make this man, [who was represented by the tree], damp. Cause him to live in the fields with the animals for seven years.’
Medtem ko je kralj videl stražarja in svetega prihajati dol z neba in reči: ›Posekajte drevo in ga uničite, vendar od njega pustite v zemlji štor s koreninami, celo z okovom iz železa in brona, v nežni travi polja; in naj bo ta omočen z roso neba in njegov delež naj bo z živalmi polja, dokler nad njim ne mine sedem dob.‹
24 (Your Majesty/O King), that is what your dream means. That is what the Supreme God has declared will happen to you.
To je razlaga, oh kralj in to je odlok Najvišjega, ki je prišel nad mojega gospoda kralja,
25 [Your advisors] will force you to live away from other people. You will live in the fields with the wild animals. You will eat grass like cows do, and dew from the sky will cause your [body] to be damp/wet [every morning]. You will live that way for seven years, until you learn that it is the Supreme God who rules over the kingdoms of the world, and he appoints the ones whom he chooses [to rule them].
da te bodo pregnali od ljudi in tvoje prebivališče bo z živalmi polja in pripravili te bodo, da boš jedel travo kakor voli in močili te bodo z roso neba in sedem dob bo prešlo nad teboj, dokler ne spoznaš, da Najvišji vlada v kraljestvu ljudi in ga daje komurkoli on hoče.
26 But the stump of the tree and its roots were left [in the ground]. That means that you will rule your kingdom again when you learn that it is God [MTY] who is [really] the ruler.
Zapovedali so, da pustijo štor od drevesnih korenin; tvoje kraljestvo bo zagotovo pripadlo tebi, potem ko boš spoznal, da nebesa vladajo.
27 (Your Majesty/O King), please do what I am telling you to do. Stop sinning, and do what is right. Turn away from your evil behavior. Act mercifully to poor people. If you do that, perhaps you will continue to be sucessful.”
Zatorej, oh kralj, naj ti bo moj nasvet sprejemljiv in svoje grehe zlomi s pravičnostjo in svoje krivičnosti z izkazovanjem usmiljenja revnim; če bi to lahko bilo podaljšanje tvoje umirjenosti.‹«
28 But [the king refused to stop sinning. So what was predicted in the dream is] what happened to him.
Vse to je prišlo nad kralja Nebukadnezarja.
29 Twelve months later, [one day] he was walking [on the flat roof] of his palace in Babylon.
Ob koncu dvanajstih mesecev je hodil v palači babilonskega kraljestva.
30 As he [looked out over/across the city], he said [to those around him], “I have built this great [city of] Babylon to be the place where I rule! I have built it to display my own power, in order [to show people] my glory, to show them that I am very great!”
Kralj je spregovoril in rekel: »Ali ni to veliki Babilon, ki sem ga jaz zgradil za hišo kraljestva po moči svoje oblasti in za čast svojega veličanstva?«
31 While he was still saying this, God [MTY] spoke from heaven and said, “King Nebuchadnezzar, this is what I am saying to you: You are no longer the ruler of this kingdom!
Medtem ko je bila beseda v kraljevih ustih, je padel glas z neba, rekoč: »Oh kralj Nebukadnezar, tebi je govorjeno: ›Kraljestvo je odšlo od tebe.
32 [Your advisors] will force you to live away from [other] people. You will live in the fields with wild animals, and you will eat grass like cows do. You will live that way for seven years, until you learn that [it is] I, the Supreme God, who rules over the kingdoms of this world, and I appoint the ones whom I have chosen to rule them.”
Pregnali te bodo od ljudi in tvoje prebivališče bo z živalmi polja. Prisilili te bodo, da boš jedel travo kakor voli in sedem dob bo prešlo nad teboj, dokler ne spoznaš, da Najvišji vlada v kraljestvu ljudi in ga daje komurkoli on hoče.‹«
33 Immediately what [God] predicted happened. Nebuchadnezzar [became insane, so his advisors] forced him to live away from other people. He ate grass like cows [do], and dew from the sky caused his body to be damp/wet [every morning. He lived like that] until his hair was as long as eagles’ feathers, and his fingernails became like birds’ claws.
To isto uro je bila stvar nad Nebukadnezarjem izpolnjena. Pregnan je bil od ljudi, jedel travo kakor voli in njegovo telo je bilo omočeno z roso z neba, dokler njegovi lasje niso zrasli kakor orlovo perje in njegovi nohti kakor ptičji kremplji.
34 “After those [seven] years ended, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up toward heaven, [and I acknowledged that what God said was true]. Then I could think correctly again. I praised and worshiped the Supreme God, and I honored him, the one who lives forever. He rules forever; his kingdom will never end.
»In ob koncu dni sem jaz, Nebukadnezar, povzdignil svoje oči k nebu in moje razumevanje se je vrnilo k meni in blagoslovil sem Najvišjega in hvalil in častil njega, ki živi na veke, katerega gospostvo je večno gospostvo in njegovo kraljestvo je od roda do roda.
35 All the people in the world are very insignificant; we are not like him. He has the power to do whatever he wants to do, among the angels in heaven and among us people who live on the earth. [So] no one can stop him [SYN], and no one can [challenge him], saying to him, ‘Why [are you doing these things]?’
Vsi prebivalci zemlje so šteti kakor nič in on dela glede na svojo voljo v vojski nebes in med prebivalci zemlje, in nihče ne more zadržati njegove roke ali mu reči: ›Kaj počneš?‹
36 When I was able to think correctly again, I was honored again, and I [was able to] rule my glorious/great kingdom again. My advisors came to me again [to talk about what should be done], and I became greater and more powerful than I was before.
Ob istem času se je moj razum vrnil k meni in zaradi slave mojega kraljestva sta se moja čast in moj sijaj vrnila k meni in moji svetovalci in moji velikaši so me poiskali, jaz pa sem bil utrjen v svojem kraljestvu in dodano mi je bilo odlično veličanstvo.
37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and honor [DOU] [God], the king who rules in heaven. All of his actions are just and right. And he is able to cause to become humble those who are proud, [like I was].”
Sedaj jaz, Nebukadnezar, hvalim, povzdigujem in častim Kralja nebes. Vsa njegova dela so resnica in njegove poti sodba, tiste pa, ki hodijo v ponosu, je zmožen ponižati.‹«