< Colossians 4 >

1 You masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, because you know that you have a master who is in heaven [who will say whether he approves of what you have done].
Na druhé straně vy, kteří máte pravomoc, buďte ke svým podřízeným spravedliví a nestranní. Nezapomeňte, že i vy máte Pána nad sebou.
2 Pray to God persistently, and as you pray, be alert and be thanking God.
V modlitbách buďte vytrvalí a v děkování Bohu neúnavní.
3 Since I am in prison [MTY] because [I declared the message about Christ] that God has now revealed, pray also for me that God will give me opportunities [MTY] to speak, in order that I might declare it.
Modlete se i za nás, aby nám Bůh otevřel dveře k hlásání jeho poselství a dal nám i ochotné posluchače. Proste, abych mohl bez překážek pokračovat v osvětlování Kristova poselství, jak mi Bůh uložil a za co jsem právě ve vězení.
4 That is, pray for me that [God will enable me to] make his message known publicly. I need to do this because I know that I should declare it.
5 Act wisely towards those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus [MTY]; use every opportunity to do that.
Ve styku s lidmi, kteří nepatří k církvi, jednejte moudře a využívejte vhodné příležitosti, pokud je čas.
6 In particular, always speak graciously and in a pleasant way [to those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus]. As a result, you will come to know in what manner you should answer each one of them.
Vaše řeč ať je vždycky přívětivá a výstižná; pak v ní každý nalezne pro sebe správnou odpověď.
7 Tychicus will tell you all that has been happening to me. He is a fellow believer whom I/we [(exc)] love and who helps me faithfully and who serves the Lord [Jesus] together with me.
Můj drahý přítel Tychikus vám podrobně vylíčí, jak to se mnou vypadá. Věrně mi pomáhá v mé službě Pánu. Od něj budete mít nejpřesnější zprávy.
8 The reason that I am sending Tychicus to you [with this letter] is that he might know how you are and in order that he might strengthen you [spiritually]. (OR, in order that you might know about us [(exc)] and in order that he might comfort you.)
Proto ho posílám, abyste nebyli zbytečně znepokojeni starostmi o můj osud.
9 I am sending him to you with Onesimus, who is a faithful fellow believer whom I/we [(inc)] love and who is your fellow townsman. They will tell you all about what has been happening here.
Provází ho váš krajan Onezimus, se kterým jsme se velmi sblížili. Ti vám všechno povědí.
10 Aristarchus, who is in prison with me, and Mark, who is Barnabas’ cousin, (say that they are thinking fondly about you/send you their greetings). I have instructed you about Mark, so if he comes to you, welcome him.
Pozdravuje vás můj spoluvězeň Aristarchos a Barnabášův bratranec Marek, o kterém jsem vám už psal; pokud k vám přijde, přijměte ho srdečně.
11 Jesus, who is also called Justus, also (says that he is thinking fondly about you/greets you/sends you his greetings). These three men are the only Jewish [believers] who are working with me in order that people would submit to God as their king, and they have all comforted me.
Pozdravuje vás také Ježíš Justus. Tito tři jsou jediní ze židů, kteří zde se mnou spolupracují na Božím díle a jsou mi oporou.
12 Epaphras, who is your fellow townsman and who serves Christ Jesus, (says that he is thinking fondly about you/greets you/sends you his greetings). Epaphras prays earnestly for you very often, that you might be spiritually mature and that you might know fully all that God wills for you.
Dále vám posílá pozdrav váš krajan Epafras. Je to vskutku horlivý Kristův služebník a nepřetržitě se za vás modlí, abyste byli ve víře pevní a dovedli rozeznat Boží vůli ve všem, co děláte.
13 I can assure you that he prays this because he is deeply concerned for you, for those who live in Laodicea [city], and for those who live in Hierapolis [city].
A stejně jako vy mu leží na srdci i křesťané v Laodiceji a Hierapoli.
14 Luke, the doctor, whom I/we [(exc)] love, and Demas (say that they are thinking fondly about you/send you their greetings).
I náš milý lékař Lukáš vás pozdravuje, a ještě Démas.
15 Tell the fellow believers who live in Laodicea [city] and Nympha and the congregation that [meets] in her house that we (are thinking fondly about them/send them our greetings).
Pozdravujte všechny v Laodiceji, hlavně Nymfu a ostatní, kteří se scházejí v jejím domě.
16 After [someone] reads this letter [publicly] to you, cause [someone] to also read it to the congregation that is in Laodicea [city]. And as for the [letter that I wrote to the congregation that is in] Laodicea [city], make sure that it is also read among you {you should also read that letter} publicly.
Až tento dopis přečtete, pošlete ho do Laodiceje, ať se s ním seznámí i tam. A vy si zase vyžádejte dopis, který jsem napsal jim.
17 Say to Archippus, “Make sure that you complete the task that God appointed you to do, because you have a close relationship with the Lord Jesus.”
Archippovi vyřiďte, ať svědomitě zastává službu, kterou byl pověřen.
18 I, Paul, (am thinking fondly about you/send you my greetings). Having taken the pen from my scribe, I am now writing this myself in order that you may know that I have truly sent this letter. Remember to pray about the fact that I am in prison [MTY]. I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ would continue to act graciously towards you all.
Nakonec připisuji pozdrav vlastní rukou. Myslete na moje pouta. Bůh vám žehnej. Váš Pavel

< Colossians 4 >