< Colossians 3 >
1 You now are alive [spiritually], and [it is as though you were given new life] {[God caused you to become alive]} when he caused Christ to become alive again. So be constantly wanting what is associated with heaven [MTY], where Christ is. There God has given him supreme authority and the highest honor.
Zo gij dan met Christus verrezen zijt, zoekt dan ook naar wat hierboven is: waar Christus is, gezeten aan Gods rechterhand.
2 Be constantly wanting the blessings that God has prepared for you in heaven [MTY]. Do not be constantly wanting [to do the evil deeds that people on] earth do [MTY],
Weest bedacht op wat daarboven is, en niet op het aardse.
3 because you have [ceased to behave as you formerly did. You are like people who have] died. You now live [spiritually] together with Christ in [the presence of] God; and [people] cannot see that [you have a new life].
Want gij zijt dood, en uw leven is met Christus verborgen in God.
4 When Christ, who causes you to live [spiritually], is publicly revealed, then God will also reveal you publicly together with Christ, [and you together with Christ will be] glorious.
Maar wanneer Christus, ons leven, wordt geopenbaard, dan zult ook gij geopenbaard worden in glorie, tezamen met Hem.
5 [Get rid of your evil practices/deeds] [MET, MTY] [as though they were enemies whom] you were killing (OR, [Stop doing evil things] [MET, MTY], just as dead people do not do what is evil). Specifically, do not practice sexual immorality. Do not commit unnatural sexual acts. Do not desire to act like that, and do not desire [to do anything that is] evil. Do not desire to have more things than you need, because, if you do that, you are (worshipping material things instead of worshipping God/making material things to become your god).
Doodt dan wat aards is in uw leden: ontucht, onreinheid, drift, boze begeerte en hebzucht, welke ten slotte afgoderij is;
6 [Do not behave like that] since God will punish [MTY] those who disobey him, because of their sins.
door dit alles komt Gods toorn.
7 You also formerly did those things when you were disobeying God.
Zeker, dit alles hebt gij vroeger gedaan, toen gij daarin hebt geleefd.
8 Now, however, as for you, do not do any of these evil deeds: Do not get angry in any way [DOU]. Do not act maliciously. Do not (slander/talk evil about) people. Do not talk abusively to people.
Maar thans moet ook gij dit alles afleggen: toorn, gramschap, boosheid, laster, oneerbare taal uit uw mond;
9 Do not lie to one another. Do not do those things, because you have (disposed of/stopped obeying) your former evil nature and stopped doing what you did when you had that former [evil] nature,
bedriegt elkander niet. Want gij hebt den ouden mens afgelegd met zijn practijken,
10 and because you have received a new nature. God is causing your new nature to become more and more like his own nature. He created your new nature in order that [you might get to] know [God] truly.
en aangetrokken den nieuwen mens, die tot beter inzicht vernieuwd is naar het beeld van zijn Schepper.
11 As a result of that, it is not [important whether anyone is a] non-Jew or a Jew, or [whether anyone is] circumcised or not, or [whether anyone is] a foreigner, or even uncivilized, or [whether anyone is] a slave or not a slave. But [what is important is] Christ, who is supremely important in every way.
Zó is er geen Griek meer of Jood, geen besnedene of onbesnedene, geen barbaar en geen Scyt, geen slaaf en geen vrije; maar Christus is alles in allen.
12 Because God has chosen you to be his people; and because he loves you, be compassionate to one another. Be kind to one another. Be humble. Be meek (OR, be considerate toward one another), be patient with one another,
Bekleedt u dan, als Gods uitverkoren heiligen en geliefden, met innige barmhartigheid, met goedheid, ootmoed, zachtheid en lankmoedigheid.
13 and tolerate one another’s flaws. Forgive one another, if one of you has a grudge/complaint against another. Just like the Lord [Jesus freely/willingly] forgave you, you too [must freely/willingly forgive one another].
Weest verdraagzaam jegens elkander en vergeeft elkander, als gij over elkaar hebt te klagen; zoals de Heer ú heeft vergeven, zo moet ook gij het doen.
14 And what is more important than all of these is that you love one another, because by doing that you will be perfectly united together.
Trekt over dit alles de liefde aan, die de band is der volmaaktheid.
15 Because God chose you to live peacefully [with one another] in your local congregations, let that peace which Christ gives control your (inner beings/hearts), and be constantly thanking God.
In uw harten heerse ook de vrede van Christus; want daartoe zijt gij tot één lichaam geroepen. Weest dankbaar bovendien!
16 And continue to let the message about Christ govern/direct all you think and do, as you very wisely teach and warn one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (OR, songs that God’s Spirit [gives you]), while you sincerely and thankfully sing to God.
Moge Christus’ woord in u wonen in rijke overvloed! Leert en vermaant elkander met allerlei wijsheid! Looft God in uw harten op lieflijke wijze, met psalmen, gezangen en geestelijke liederen.
17 Whatever you say, and whatever you do, do all of this in the manner that those who are representatives [MTY] of the Lord Jesus [should do], while you constantly thank God, our Father, as you ask the Lord Jesus to take your prayers to God.
En al wat gij doet, door woord of door daad, doet het in de naam van Jesus den Heer, en betuigt dan door Hem aan God den Vader uw dank!
18 You women, be subject to your husbands, since that is what you should do because you have a close relationship with the Lord [Jesus].
Gij vrouwen, weest onderdanig aan uw mannen, zoals het uw plicht is in den Heer.
19 You men, love your wives; and, do not be harsh with them.
Gij mannen, hebt uw vrouwen lief, en weest niet ongenietbaar jegens haar.
20 You children, obey your parents in every circumstance, because the Lord [God] is pleased when you do that.
Gij kinderen, gehoorzaamt uw ouders in alles; want dit is welgevallig in den Heer.
21 You parents (OR, you fathers), do not correct your children more than you need to, in order that they do not become discouraged.
Gij vaders, verbittert uw kinderen niet, opdat ze niet onverschillig gaan worden.
22 You slaves, obey your earthly masters in every circumstance. Do not obey your masters only when they are watching [MTY] you, like those who [merely] want to impress their masters favorably. Instead, obey your masters sincerely. Do this because you reverence the Lord [Jesus] (OR, [God]).
Gij slaven, gehoorzaamt uw aardse meesters in alles, niet als ogendienaars, die mensen behagen, maar in eenvoud van hart, uit vrees voor den Heer.
23 Whatever [work] you do, work wholeheartedly. Work wholeheartedly, like those who are working for the Lord [Jesus]. Do not work like those who are working [merely] for [their] masters,
Al wat gij doet, doet het van harte, als voor den Heer en niet als voor mensen;
24 because you know that it is the Lord who will [properly/justly] repay you. That is, you will receive what God has promised. [Remember that] it is Christ who is the real master whom you are serving.
gij weet toch, dat gij van den Heer het erfdeel als loon zult ontvangen. Weest slaven van Christus, den Heer!
25 But [God] will judge everyone impartially. He will punish you according to what you have done that is wrong.
Want wie onrecht doet, zal zijn onrecht moeten boeten; er bestaat geen aanzien van personen.