< Colossians 2 >
1 In particular, I want you to realize that I am (exerting myself very greatly/working very hard) on your behalf, on behalf of those who are in Laodicea [city], and on behalf of all those others who have not seen me personally.
Ina so ku san yadda na sha faman gaske dominku, domin wadanda ke a Lawudikiya, da kuma wadansu da yawa da a jiki basu taba ganin fuska ta ba.
2 I am doing this in order that they and you [SYN] might be strengthened [spiritually] as you are united in loving [one another]. And I am doing this in order that they and you might fully and thoroughly [DOU] understand the message that God has now revealed; that is, in order that they and you might truly know the message from God our Father and about Christ,
Na yi aiki saboda zuciyar su ta sami karfafawa ta wurin hada su cikin kauna zuwa dukan arziki na tabbaci da fahimtar asirin gaskiya na Allah, wato Almasihu.
3 who alone is able to cause them and you to understand thoroughly [DOU] [this very important message].
A cikinsa dukan taskar hikima da sani ke boye.
4 I am telling you this in order that no one may deceive you by persuasive arguments;
Na fadi haka domin kada wani ya yaudare ku da jawabi mai jan hankali.
5 because, even though I am absent from you physically, I am very concerned about you. At the same time, I am rejoicing because I know that you are united [with each other] and that you believe firmly in Christ.
Ko da yake ba na tare da ku a jiki, duk da haka ina tare da ku a cikin Ruhu. Ina murnar ganin ku a yanayi mai kyau da kuma karfin bangaskiyar ku cikin Almasihu.
6 In a way that is (consistent/in harmony) with [the message that] you received about Christ Jesus, who is our Lord, conduct yourselves as you should, since you have a close relationship with him.
Kamar yadda kuka karbi Almasihu Ubangiji, ku yi tafiya cikinsa.
7 Specifically, continue believing and practicing [MET, DOU] what you were first taught about Christ. Continue to do this more and more; continue to fIrmly believe all the true teaching, just like [Epaphras] taught it to you. And continue thanking [God, our Father], very much [for all that he has done for you].
Ku kafu da karfi a cikinsa, ku ginu a kansa, ku kafu cikin bangaskiya kamar yadda aka koya maku, ku yawaita cikin yin godiya.
8 Make sure that no one forces you [(pl)] to become his disciples [MET] by his teaching you a religious philosophy/doctrine that is worthless and false. Such a philosophy is false because it teaches what mere human beings think, because it teaches people elementary regulations/rules [that are concerned merely with what is external/physical], and because it teaches what is contrary to [the true teaching about] Christ.
Ku lura kada wani ya rinjaye ku ta hanyar ilimi da yaudarar wofi bisa ga al'adun mutane, bisa ga bin abubuwan duniya, ba na Almasihu ba.
9 It is in Christ’s body that God lives completely.
A cikinsa ne dukan Allahntaka ta bayyana ta jiki.
10 And you are spiritually complete because you have a close relationship with Christ, who rules over every other ruler.
Ku kuwa kun cika a cikinsa. Shine gaban kowanne iko da sarauta.
11 Specifically, because of your close relationship with Christ, it is as though [MET] you were circumcised {Christ circumcised you} [spiritually]. This does not mean that someone circumcised you physically [MTY], but it means that Christ completely removed your self-directed nature.
A cikinsa ne aka yi maku kaciya, ba kaciya irin da yan adam suke yi ba, ta cire fatar jiki, amma ta kaciyar Almasihu.
12 And specifically, when you were baptized, [it was as though] [MET] you [had died and] were buried with Christ, and [it was as though] [MET] God caused you to live again with Christ as a result of your believing that God acted powerfully; specifically, by your believing that God caused Christ to become alive again.
An binne ku tare da shi ta wurin baftisma. Kuma a cikinsa ne aka ta da ku ta bangaskiya a cikin ikon Allah, wanda ya tashe shi daga mutattu.
13 And specifically, you [who are non-Jews], because of your sins, you were [spiritually] dead [before you trusted in Christ]. You were uncircumcised [spiritually]; that is, your self-directed nature controlled you. Nevertheless, it was you whom God caused to become alive [spiritually because of their close relationship] [MET] with Christ. And specifically, God forgave us all our sins.
A lokacin da kuke matattu cikin laifofinku, a cikin rashin kaciyar ku ta jiki, ya rayar da ku tare da shi kuma ya yafe maku dukan laifofinku.
14 [It is just] as [though] he canceled ([the charges] against us/the sins [that we had committed]) for which [God] will punish us. And [it was just] as [though] [MET] it was [the charges on] that document/paper that he canceled by nailing them to the cross [when they nailed Christ on the cross].
Ya share rubutattun basussukanku da ka'idodin da suke gaba da mu. Ya cire su duka ya kafa su a kan giciye.
15 And specifically, God defeated the [evil] spirit beings that rule, and he demonstrated/showed that publicly; that is, he triumphed over them as a result of what [Christ did].
Ya cire ikoki da sarautu. A fili ya falasa su ya shugabance su zuwa ga bukin nasara ta wurin giciyensa.
16 So disregard anyone who says that God will punish you because you eat [certain foods] and because you drink [certain drinks] or because [you do not celebrate] special [yearly] festivals or celebrate the time when the new moon [appears] or weekly (Sabbaths/Jewish days of rest).
Saboda haka, kada kowa ya shari'anta ku ta wurin ci ko sha, ko kuma sabon wata, ko game da ranakun Assabaci.
17 [Disregard such people] because those [regulations/rules about food and drink and festivals] are [only] like a shadow [MET] [that is cast by something that is approaching; that is, they merely represent] the real spiritual blessings that Christ [has given to you].
Wadannan sune inuwar abubuwan da ke zuwa nan gaba, amma ainihin shi ne Almasihu.
18 Disregard those who say that God will punish you because [you do not worship God in the way that] they say [that you should]; that is, they insist that you should humiliate yourselves and that you should worship the angels. [Disregard such people] since they base their authority on things that they have never seen, and since they are proud without reason because their self-directed nature [controls] what they think,
Kada kowa wanda ke son kaskanci da sujadar mala'iku ya sharantaku ku rasa sakamakonku. Irin wannan mutum yana shiga cikin abubuwan da ya gani ya zama mai girman kai a tunaninsa na jiki.
19 and since they do not teach the true teaching about Christ [MET]. [Christ is the one who causes all of his people to develop/grow spiritually as God plans that they should develop/grow, just like] [MET] a person’s head directs how his body grows, as it is held together by its joints and ligaments.
Ba ya hade da kai. Daga kan ne dukan jiki da gabobi da jijiyoyi ke amfani suna kuma hade tare; yana girma da girman da Allah yake bayarwa.
20 [It is as though] [MET] you died with Christ. So [you no longer have to obey] elementary regulations/rules [that are concerned merely with what is external/physical, just like a dead person no longer has to do anything]. So, do not submit to regulations/rules
In kun mutu tare da Almasihu ga ala'muran duniya, don me kuke rayuwa kamar kuna karkashin duniya:
21 such as ‘Do not handle [certain things]’, ‘Do not taste [certain things]’, ‘Do not touch [certain things]’, as if you still had to obey such regulations/rules.
“Kada ku rike, ko ku dandana ko ku taba?”
22 All those things are intended to cease to exist when we use them. [And do not obey such regulations/rules], because they are what mere human teachers command and teach.
Dukan wadannan abubuwa karshen su lalacewa ne in ana amfani da su, bisa ga kaidodi da koyarwar mutane.
23 [Do not obey such] regulations/rules; they only cause people to do what their self-directed nature wants to do. [Those regulations] seem to be wise because they [urge people to] worship as mere human teachers have decided. [They urge] that [people] should humiliate themselves, and that [people] should treat their bodies harshly. But those regulations/rules do not help [people] at all to not do the sinful things that their self-directed nature wants to do.
Wadannan dokoki suna da hikima ta jiki irin ta addini da aka kago na kaskanci da kuma wahalar da jiki. Amma ba su da amfanin komai a kan abin da jiki ke so.