< Amos 8 >

1 Yahweh showed me [in a vision] a basket full of ripe fruit.
Oo haddana Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wax buu i tusay, oo waxaan arkay dambiil midho bisilu ka buuxaan.
2 He asked me, “Amos, what do you see?” I replied, “A basket of [very] ripe fruit.” He said, “That indicates that it almost the end for my Israeli people. I will not change my mind again about punishing them.
Oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Caamoosow, maxaad aragtaa? Oo anna waxaan idhi, Waxaan arkaa dambiil midho bisilu ka buuxaan. Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu igu yidhi, Dadkayga Israa'iil dhammaadkoodii baa yimid, oo anigu mar dambe iyaga iska dhaafi maayo.
3 [Soon, ] instead of singing in the temple, they will be wailing. There will be corpses everywhere [HYP]. So, remain silent (OR, Everyone will be silent). [These things will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it!”
Oo Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Maalintaas gabayada macbudku waxay ahaan doonaan baroor, oo waxaa jiri doona meydad badan, oo meel kasta aamusnaan baa loogu tuuri doonaa.
4 [It is as though] you people trample on needy people, and you destroy the poor people.
Bal maqla, kuwiinna saboolka baahan liqow, oo xataa masaakiinta dalka baabbi'iyow,
5 You habitually say, “We wish that [RHQ] the new moon [festival] would end soon, in order that [restrictions on doing business during the festival will be ended] and we can sell grain. We wish that the Sabbath would end soon, in order that we will again be permitted to sell our wheat”— and [when you sell it], you charge a big price for it, and you cheat people by using scales that do not weigh correctly.
oo leh, Goormuu dayaxa cusubu dhammaan doonaa aan hadhuudhka iibinnee? Sabtiduse goormay na dhaafaysaa aannu sarreenka soo saarnee, idinkoo miisaanka eefaah yaraynaya, oo miisaanka sheqelkana weynaynaya, kafadahana khiyaano ku beenaynaya,
6 You sell wheat that you have swept up from the floor, and as a result it is mixed with dirt. Those who are needy and poor [DOU] and who do not have money [to buy things], you cause them to become your slaves by buying them with the [small amount of] silver [with which you could buy] a pair of sandals!
si aannu masaakiinta lacag ugu iibsanno oo aannu saboolka baahanna laba kabood u siisanno, oo aannu sarreenka xaabkiisa u iibinno?
7 Yahweh has declared, “Although you are very proud of [being descendants] [MTY] of Jacob, I solemnly declare that I will not forget the [evil things] that you have done.
Rabbigu waa ku dhaartay islaweynaanta reerka Yacquub, oo wuxuu yidhi, Sida xaqiiqada ah anigu shuqulladooda midnaba ka illoobi maayo.
8 [Because of those evil things], your country will certainly [RHQ] soon be shaken, and all of you will mourn. [It will be as though] it will repeatedly rise and fall like [SIM] the Nile [River] that gets full of water [and overflows it banks] and then settles back into its riverbed.
Tan daraaddeed miyaan dhulku la gariiri doonin, oo mid kasta oo degganuna miyuusan barooran doonin? Haah, oo dhammaantiis wuxuu u kici doonaa sida Webiga, oo wuu rogrogman doonaa, dabadeedna wuxuu u degi doonaa sida Webiga Masar.
9 On the day [when I punish my people], I will cause the sun to set at noontime, and the [entire] earth will be dark in the daytime.
Oo Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Maalintaas waxaan ka dhigi doonaa in qorraxdu hadhkii dhacdo, oo dhulkana maalin cad baan gudcur ka dhigi doonaa.
10 I will cause your [religious] celebrations to become times when you mourn; instead of singing, everyone will be weeping. Because of what I [will do], all of you will wear rough sackcloth and shave your heads [to show that you are sorrowing]. I will cause that time to be like when people mourn after an only son [has died]. All of you will be extremely sad all of that day.”
Iidihiinnana waan u beddeli doonaa tacsi, oo gabayadiinna oo dhanna baroorasho baan u beddeli doonaa, oo waxaan ka dhigi doonaa in qof kasta joonyad xidho oo madax kastana la xiiro, oo waxaan ka dhigi doonaa sidii baroorasho wiil madi ah loogu baroorto, oo dhammaadkeedana sidii maalin qadhaadh.
11 And Yahweh our God says this: “It will [soon] be the time when I will cause something to be very scarce [MET] throughout the country. But it will not be a time when there is no food or water; it will instead be a time when there will be no messages from me for anyone to hear.
Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eega, waxaa iman doona wakhti aan dalka abaar u soo diri doono, mana ahaan doonto abaar cunto la waayo ama biyo loo oomo, laakiinse waxay ahaan doontaa abaar la waayayo erayada Rabbiga.
12 People will stagger from the [Dead] Sea to the [Mediterranean] Sea, and wander from the north to the east, searching for a message from me, but there will not be any.
Oo waxay wareegi doonaan bad ilaa ka bad, iyo woqooyi ilaa tan iyo bari, oo waxay u ordi doonaan hore iyo dib iyagoo doondoonaya erayga Rabbiga, oo mana ay heli doonaan innaba.
13 At that time, even beautiful young women and strong young men will faint because of being very thirsty.
Oo maalintaas ayaa bikradaha qurqurxoon iyo barbaarraduba oon daraaddiis la itaal darnaan doonaan.
14 Those who (make oaths/solemnly promise to do something) using the names of their shameful gods of Samaria, and those who solemnly promise to do something [using the name of] the god of Dan, and those who solemnly promise to do something [using the name of] the god of Beersheba, will all die; and they will never live again.”
Kuwa ku dhaarta dembiga Samaariya oo yidhaahda, Daanow, waxaan ku dhaartay ilaahaaga, oo waxaan ku dhaartay jidka Bi'ir Shebac, way dhici doonaan oo mar dambena sooma ay kici doonaan.

< Amos 8 >