< Amos 5 >

1 You people [MTY] of Israel, listen to this funeral song that I will sing about you:
¡Escucha, pueblo de Israel, este lamento fúnebre que cantaré acerca de ti!
2 “You are like [MET] a young woman, but in spite of that, you will certainly be struck down and you will never get up again! You will lie on the ground, abandoned, and there will be no one to help you stand up.”
¡La doncella Israel ha caído y no volverá a levantarse! Yace allí abandonada en el suelo, y no hay quien la ayude.
3 This is what Yahweh the Lord says to the people [MTY] of Israel: [“When your enemies attack you, ] and when 1,000 [of your soldiers] will go [to a battle], there will be only 100 who will survive. When 100 soldiers march out [from a city to fight], there will be only ten who will remain alive.”
Esto es lo que dice el Señor: De una ciudad que envíe mil soldados, regresarán cien; de una ciudad que mande cien soldados, regresarán diez.
4 Yahweh continues to say to the people [MTY] of Israel: “You Israeli people, return to me! If you do that, you will continue to remain alive.
Esto es lo que dice el Señor: ¡Mírenme a mi para que vivan!
5 Do not go to Bethel to seek [my help]; do not go to Gilgal [to worship]; do not [even] go to Beersheba, because [your enemies] will drag away [the people of] Gilgal to other countries, and Bethel will be completely destroyed.”
No miren a los dioses falsos de Betel, ni vayan a los altares paganos de Guilgal, ni viajen a Beerseba. Porque Guilgal sufrirá exilio, y Betel será reducida a nada.
6 So, come to Yahweh; if you do that, you will remain alive. If you do not do that, Yahweh will descend on you descendants [MTY] of Joseph like [SIM] a fire; that fire will burn everything in Bethel, and (nothing/no one) will be able to save that town.
¡Miren al Señor para que vivan! O estallará como fuego contra los descendientes de José y ninguno de los habitantes de Betel podrá aplacarlo.
7 You people distort what is fair/right and cause [people to think that] it is something that is very bitter; you treat good things as though they are evil.
Ustedes distorsionan la justicia y la hacen amarga, dejando la integridad por tierra.
8 [Do you know who] created all the groups of stars and put them in their places? [Each morning] he causes the darkness to become the dawn, and [each evening] he causes the daylight to become darkness. He scoops up water from the oceans [to become clouds], and then he dumps the water [from the clouds] onto the earth. The one who does those things is named Yahweh.
El que hizo las Pléyades y Orión, el que transforma la oscuridad en amanecer, y el día en noche; el que convoca el agua de los mares, y la derrama sobre la tierra, ¡Su nombre es El Señor!
9 He causes strong [soldiers] to be killed, and causes the (high walls around/fortresses of) cities to be torn down.
En un parpadear destruye al fuerte y destruye castillos.
10 [He is the one who will punish you] because you hate those who challenge anyone who tries to make unjust decisions, and you hate those who tell the truth in your courts.
Ustedes odian a todos aquellos que confrontan la justicia y aborrecen a los que hablan con honestidad.
11 You oppress poor people and force them to pay big taxes. You have built big stone mansions [for yourselves], but you will not be able to live in them. You have planted vineyards, but there will not be any [grapes for you to harvest to make] wine.
Como pisoteas a los pobres y cobras impuesto sobre su grano para construir tus propias casas, no vivirás en ellas ni beberás vino de los espléndidos viñedos que has plantado.
12 I know all of your sins and the terrible crimes that you have committed. You oppress righteous/honest people, and you accept bribes. You do not allow judges to treat poor people justly.
Porque conozco la magnitud de tu maldad y muchos pecados. Tú oprimes a los inocentes y aceptas sobornos, impidiendo que sean tratados con justicia en las cortes.
13 This is a time when [many people do] evil things, so people who have good sense say nothing [when they hear about such things being done].
Los inteligentes guardan silencio en tiempos de maldad.
14 In order to remain alive, you must stop doing what is wrong, and start doing what is right. If you do that, the Commander of the armies of angels will be with you like you claim [that he always is].
Hagan el bien y no el mal, y vivirán. Entonces el Señor Dios de poder estará con ustedes, tal como ustedes dicen.
15 Love what is good, and hate what is evil! Try to cause [judges] in your courts to make decisions that are right/fair! If you do those things, perhaps the Commander of the armies of angels will act mercifully toward [you descendants of] Joseph who are still alive.
Aborrezcan el mal y amen el bien. Asegúrense de que gane la justiciar en las cortes. Quizás el Señor Dios de poder tenga misericordia de los que quedan entre el pueblo de Jacob.
16 “Because I, Yahweh, [will punish you for your sins], this is what I have solemnly declared: People will be wailing loudly in every street, and people will be very sorrowful in every plaza. Farmers will be summoned to [come and] weep, along with the other official mourners who will wail [for those who have died].
Porque esto es lo que el Señor, el Señor Dios de poder dice: Habrá lamento en las plazas de las ciudades y gritos de dolor en las calles. Incluso llamarán a los granjeros para hacer duelo, tal como a las plañideras profesionales.
17 People will be wailing in your vineyards, because I will punish you [IDM] severely. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it!”
Habrálamento en cada viñedo, porque yo pasaré en medio de ustedes, dice el Señor.
18 Terrible things will happen to you who desire that it will soon be the day when Yahweh [will punish your enemies], because that will be a day of darkness, not of light.
¡Cuán desastroso será para ustedes los que anhelan la llegada del día del Señor! ¿Por qué desean que venga ese día? Traerá oscuridad y no luz.
19 [At that time, ] when you try to run from a lion, you will face a bear. When you run into your house [to be safe], and you put your hand on a wall, it will be bitten by a snake.
Será como un hombre que huye de un león, pero termina encontrándose con un oso; o como un hombre que va a su casa y reposa su mano en la pared, pero lo muerde una serpiente.
20 That day, [when he punishes people], will certainly be [RHQ] a very dark day [MET], without even a little bit of light.
¿Acaso no es el día del Señor un día de oscuridad y no de luz? Así será. Muy oscuro y sin un rayo de luz.
21 [Yahweh says], “I hate your religious celebrations and the times when you gather to worship me; I detest them [DOU].
Aborrezco y desprecio tus festivales, y no me deleito en tus reuniones religiosas.
22 Even if you bring me offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings of grain, I will no longer accept them. Even if you bring me offerings to renew/maintain fellowship with me, I will not pay any attention to them.
Aunque me traigas ofrendas de grano, no las aceptaré. Apartaré de mi vista tus ofrendas de paz con novillos engordados.
23 So, stop singing noisy/loud songs! I will not listen when you play harps.
Aparten de mi el ruido de sus cantos. No escucharé a melodía de sus harpas.
24 Instead, your continually acting justly/fairly and righteously should be [never stop, ] like [SIM] [the water in] a river that never stops flowing.
Prefiero hagan fluir la justicia como agua, y que hacer el bien fluya como un río inagotable.
25 You Israeli people [MTY], your [ancestors] wandered through the desert for 40 years; and during that time, they never brought any sacrifices and offerings to me!
¿Acaso ustedes me ofrecieron sacrificios durante los cuarenta años en el desierto, pueblo de Israel?
26 But they carried the two idols that they had made— the idols of Succoth, the god [that they considered to be] their king, and Kaiwan, [the image of the] star [that they worshiped].
Pero ahora cargan los ídolos de Sacit y Keván, los dioses astrales que ustedes mismos han elaborado.
27 Therefore, now I will force you to go to [a country that is] far beyond Damascus! [That will surely happen because] I, the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it!”
Por eso los deportaré a la tierra que está más allá de Damasco, dice el Señor, cuyo nombre es el Dios de poder.

< Amos 5 >