< Amos 3 >
1 “You people of Israel, I brought all your ancestors out of Egypt; so listen to what I am saying about you.
Oíd esta palabra que Yahvé ha pronunciado acerca de vosotros, oh hijos de Israel, acerca de toda la familia que Yo saqué de la tierra de Egipto, diciendo:
2 From all the people-groups on the earth, I [chose and] took care of only you. That is the reason that I will punish you for the sins that you have committed.”
“De todas las tribus de la tierra solo conocí a vosotros; por eso os visitaré por todas vuestras maldades.
3 Two [people] certainly cannot [RHQ] walk together if they have not [already] agreed [about what place they will start walking from].
¿Pueden acaso dos ir juntos sin estar de acuerdo?
4 A lion certainly does not [RHQ] roar in the bushes/forest if it has not killed another animal. It does not [RHQ] growl in its den if it is not eating [the flesh of an animal that it has caught].
¿Por ventura brama el león en el bosque si no tiene presa? ¿Alza su rugido el leoncillo desde su cubil si nada ha apresado?
5 No one can [RHQ] catch a bird if [he does] not [set] a trap for it. A trap does not spring shut unless some [animal] has not sprung the trap.
¿Caerá el pájaro en el lazo sobre la tierra, sin ponérsele cebo? ¿Quién levanta el lazo desde el suelo sin estar de acuerdo?
6 [Similarly, all] the people in a city certainly [RHQ] become afraid when [they hear someone] blowing a trumpet [to signal that enemies are attacking]. And when a city experiences disaster, Yahweh is the one who has caused it [RHQ].
¿Se toca acaso la trompeta en la ciudad sin que se estremezca el pueblo? ¿Habrá calamidad en alguna ciudad sin disposición de Yahvé?
7 And whatever Yahweh plans to do, he tells his prophets about it.
Pues Yahvé, el Señor, no hará nada sin revelar su secreto a sus siervos los profetas.
8 Everyone certainly becomes terrified [RHQ] when they hear a lion roar, and if Yahweh the Lord has given messages [to prophets like me], we certainly must [RHQ] proclaim those messages, [even if they cause people to become terrified].
Si ruge el león, ¿quién no temerá? Si habla Yahvé, el Señor, ¿quién no profetizará?
9 [I said this to the leaders of Samaria] (OR, [Yahweh said this to me]): Send this message to the leaders [MET] in Ashdod [city] and to Egypt: “Come to the hills of Samaria and see [the way that their (leaders/wealthy people)] are causing people in that city to be terrified, and [the way that they] are causing the people to suffer!”
Pregonadlo en los palacios de Azoto y en los palacios del país de Egipto, y decid: “Congregaos en los montes de Samaria, y ved la enorme inmoralidad en medio de ella, y las violencias que allí se cometen.”
10 Yahweh says that the people there do not know how to do things that are right. Their homes are filled with [valuable things] that they have stolen or [taken] violently [from others].
No saben hacer lo justo, dice Yahvé; amontonan en sus palacios rapiña y robo.
11 So Yahweh [our] God says that [soon] their enemies will come and tear down their (defenses/high city walls) and take away those valuable things.
Por lo cual, así dice Yahvé, el Señor: “El enemigo rodeará el país y te quitará tu fuerza, y saqueados serán tus palacios.”
12 Yahweh has declared this: “When a lion attacks a sheep, [sometimes] a shepherd will be able to snatch from the lion’s mouth only two legs or an ear of the sheep. Similarly, [only] a few people from Samaria will escape, and [they will be able to rescue only] a part of a couch and a part of a bed.”
Así dice Yahvé: “Como el pastor arranca de la boca del león dos patas o la punta de una oreja, así serán salvados los hijos de Israel que se hallan en Samaria, en el ángulo del diván o sobre un lecho damasquino.
13 The Commander of the armies of angels said this: “Proclaim [this message] about the descendants [MTY] of Jacob:
Oíd y dad testimonio contra la casa de Jacob, dice Yahvé, el Señor, el Dios de los ejércitos.
14 When I, Yahweh, punish [the people of] Israel because of the sins that they have committed, I will cause the altars at Bethel [town] to be destroyed; even the projections at the corners of the altars will be cut off and fall to the ground.
Porque el día que Yo castigare las prevaricaciones de Israel, (lo) castigaré también por los altares de Betel, y serán rotos los cuernos del altar y caerán a tierra.
15 I will cause the houses [that they live in during] the (winter/rainy season) and those [in which they live during] the (summer/dry season) to be torn down. [Beautiful] big houses and houses [that are decorated] with ivory will be destroyed. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!”
Destruiré las casas de invierno juntamente con las casas de verano; quedarán arrasados los palacios de marfil, y desaparecerán muchas casas”, dice Yahvé.