< Amos 3 >
1 “You people of Israel, I brought all your ancestors out of Egypt; so listen to what I am saying about you.
2 From all the people-groups on the earth, I [chose and] took care of only you. That is the reason that I will punish you for the sins that you have committed.”
在地上万族中,我只认识你们; 因此,我必追讨你们的一切罪孽。
3 Two [people] certainly cannot [RHQ] walk together if they have not [already] agreed [about what place they will start walking from].
4 A lion certainly does not [RHQ] roar in the bushes/forest if it has not killed another animal. It does not [RHQ] growl in its den if it is not eating [the flesh of an animal that it has caught].
狮子若非抓食,岂能在林中咆哮呢? 少壮狮子若无所得,岂能从洞中发声呢?
5 No one can [RHQ] catch a bird if [he does] not [set] a trap for it. A trap does not spring shut unless some [animal] has not sprung the trap.
若没有机槛,雀鸟岂能陷在网罗里呢? 网罗若无所得,岂能从地上翻起呢?
6 [Similarly, all] the people in a city certainly [RHQ] become afraid when [they hear someone] blowing a trumpet [to signal that enemies are attacking]. And when a city experiences disaster, Yahweh is the one who has caused it [RHQ].
城中若吹角,百姓岂不惊恐呢? 灾祸若临到一城,岂非耶和华所降的吗?
7 And whatever Yahweh plans to do, he tells his prophets about it.
主耶和华若不将奥秘指示他的仆人—众先知, 就一无所行。
8 Everyone certainly becomes terrified [RHQ] when they hear a lion roar, and if Yahweh the Lord has given messages [to prophets like me], we certainly must [RHQ] proclaim those messages, [even if they cause people to become terrified].
狮子吼叫,谁不惧怕呢? 主耶和华发命,谁能不说预言呢?
9 [I said this to the leaders of Samaria] (OR, [Yahweh said this to me]): Send this message to the leaders [MET] in Ashdod [city] and to Egypt: “Come to the hills of Samaria and see [the way that their (leaders/wealthy people)] are causing people in that city to be terrified, and [the way that they] are causing the people to suffer!”
要在亚实突的宫殿中 和埃及地的宫殿里传扬说: 你们要聚集在撒马利亚的山上, 就看见城中有何等大的扰乱与欺压的事。
10 Yahweh says that the people there do not know how to do things that are right. Their homes are filled with [valuable things] that they have stolen or [taken] violently [from others].
那些以强暴抢夺财物、 积蓄在自己家中的人 不知道行正直的事。 这是耶和华说的。
11 So Yahweh [our] God says that [soon] their enemies will come and tear down their (defenses/high city walls) and take away those valuable things.
所以主耶和华如此说: 敌人必来围攻这地, 使你的势力衰微, 抢掠你的家宅。
12 Yahweh has declared this: “When a lion attacks a sheep, [sometimes] a shepherd will be able to snatch from the lion’s mouth only two legs or an ear of the sheep. Similarly, [only] a few people from Samaria will escape, and [they will be able to rescue only] a part of a couch and a part of a bed.”
13 The Commander of the armies of angels said this: “Proclaim [this message] about the descendants [MTY] of Jacob:
主耶和华—万军之 神说: 当听这话,警戒雅各家。
14 When I, Yahweh, punish [the people of] Israel because of the sins that they have committed, I will cause the altars at Bethel [town] to be destroyed; even the projections at the corners of the altars will be cut off and fall to the ground.
我讨以色列罪的日子,也要讨伯特利祭坛的罪; 坛角必被砍下,坠落于地。
15 I will cause the houses [that they live in during] the (winter/rainy season) and those [in which they live during] the (summer/dry season) to be torn down. [Beautiful] big houses and houses [that are decorated] with ivory will be destroyed. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!”
我要拆毁过冬和过夏的房屋。 象牙的房屋也必毁灭; 高大的房屋都归无有。 这是耶和华说的。