< Amos 2 >
1 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will punish the people of] Moab because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they [dug up] the bones of the king of Edom and burned them completely, with the result that [the ashes became as white] as lime.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Saddex iyo weliba afar xadgudub oo ay reer Moo'aab sameeyeen aawadood ayaanan ciqaabtooda uga noqonaynin, maxaa yeelay, iyagu waxay gubeen lafihii boqorka reer Edom ilaa ay nuurad noqdeen.
2 So I will cause a fire to completely burn the fortresses of Kerioth [city in Moab]. [People will hear soldiers] shouting and blowing trumpets [loudly] while I am causing Moab to be destroyed
Laakiinse dab baan ku soo dayn doonaa dalka Moo'aab, oo wuxuu wada laasan doonaa daaraha waaweyn oo Qiryood, oo reer Moo'aab waxay ku dhiman doonaan buuq iyo qaylo iyo buun dhawaaqiis.
3 [and while] I am getting rid of its king and all its leaders. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it!”
Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu xaakinka waan ka baabbi'in doonaa dalka Moo'aab dhexdiisa, oo amiirradiisa oo dhanna waan la layn doonaa.
4 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will also punish the people of] Judah because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they have rejected what I taught them and they have not obeyed my commands. They have been deceived [and persuaded to worship false gods], the same [gods] that their ancestors [worshiped].
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Saddex iyo weliba afar xadgudub oo ay dadka Yahuudah sameeyeen aawadood ayaanan ciqaabtooda uga noqonaynin, maxaa yeelay, iyagu sharcigii Rabbiga way diideen, oo qaynuunnadiisiina ma ay xajin, oo beentoodii baa iyaga qaladday, taasoo ay awowayaashoodba daba socon jireen.
5 So I will cause a fire to completely burn [everything in] Judah, including the fortresses in Jerusalem.”
Laakiinse dab baan ku soo dayn doonaa dalka Yahuudah, oo wuxuu wada laasan doonaa daaraha waaweyn oo Yeruusaalem.
6 Yahweh [also] said this: “[I will punish the people of] Israel because of the many sins [that they have committed]; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they sell righteous [people] to get [a small amount of] silver; they sell poor [people, causing them to become slaves], getting for [each of] them [only the amount of money with which they could buy] a pair of sandals.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Saddex iyo weliba afar xadgudub oo ay dadka Israa'iil sameeyeen aawadood ayaanan ciqaabtooda uga noqonaynin, maxaa yeelay, kii xaqa ahaa lacag bay ku iibiyeen, oo kii baahnaana waxay ku iibiyeen laba kabood.
7 [It is as though] they trample the poor people into the dirt and do not allow those who are helpless to be treated fairly. Men and their fathers dishonor me [MTY] by both having sex [EUP] with the same [slave] girl.
Aad bay u damacsan yihiin inay arkaan boodhka dhulka ee kor saaran madaxa masaakiinta, wayna qalloociyaan jidka kuwa camalka qabow. Oo nin iyo aabbihiisba waxay u wada galaan isku gabadh, oo sidaasay magacayga quduuska ah ku nijaaseeyaan.
8 [When poor people borrow money], [the lenders force those people to give to them a piece of clothing] for them to keep until he can pay back the money. [But at the end of each day, instead of returning that garment as Yahweh had commanded them to], they lie down on that garment at the places where they worship [their gods]! They fine people, and with that money [they buy] wine and drink it in the temples of their gods!
Oo meel kasta oo allabariba agteed waxay ku jiifsadaan dhar rahmad loo qaatay, oo guriga Ilaahoodna waxay ku dhex cabbaan khamrigii kuwa la ganaaxay.
9 [Long ago, ] to assist your ancestors, I got rid of the Amor people-group. They [seemed to be] as tall as cedar [trees] and as strong as oak [trees], but I got rid of them completely, [as easily as someone cuts off] [MET] the branches of a tree and then digs out all its roots.
Laakiin anigu hortoodaan ka baabbi'iyey kii reer Amor oo sarajooggiisu ahaa sida sarajoogga geedaha kedarka la yidhaahdo, oo u xoogga badnaa sida geedaha alloonka la yidhaahdo, oo weliba midhihiisii waan ka baabbi'iyey xagga sare, oo xididdadiisiina waan ka baabbi'iyey xagga hoose.
10 I brought your [ancestors] out of Egypt, and [then] I led them through the desert for 40 years. And then I enabled them to conquer/possess the Amor area.
Oo weliba dalkii Masar waan idinka soo bixiyey, oo afartan sannadood ayaan cidladii idinku hor kacayay, si aad u hantidaan dalkii reer Amor.
11 I chose some of you Israelis to be prophets, and I chose others to be Nazir-men [who were completely dedicated to me]. You people of Israel certainly [RHQ] know that what I have said is true!
Oo wiilashiinnii waxaan ka kiciyey nebiyo, oo barbaarradiinniina waxaan ka kiciyey kuwa Nadiirrada ah ee Ilaah loo soocay. Dadka Israa'iilow, sow saas ma aha? ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
12 But you commanded the prophets to not speak the messages that [I gave to] them, and you persuaded the Nazir-men to drink wine, [which I told them never to do].
Laakiinse idinku Nadiirradii waxaad siiseen khamri ay cabbaan, oo nebiyadiina intaad amarteen ayaad ku tidhaahdeen, Innaba waxba ha sii sheegina.
13 So I will crush you like [SIM] [the wheels of] a wagon that is loaded with grain crushes [whatever it rolls over].
Bal eega, hoostiina baan ugu hoos riixmay sida gaadhiga xidhmooyin bal ah ka buuxan u riixmo.
14 [Even] if you run fast, you will not escape; [even] if you are strong, [it will be as though] you are weak, and warriors will be unable to save themselves.
Kan dheereeyaa ma carari kari doono, oo kan xoogga badanuna xooggiisa kuma adkaan doono, oo kan itaalka badanuna isma samatabbixin doono,
15 [Even] if you are able to shoot arrows [well], you will be forced to retreat [LIT]; [even] if you run fast or if you ride [away] on a horse, you will not [be able to] save yourself.
oo kan qaansada haystaana isma taagi doono, oo kan cagaha ka dheereeyaana isma samatabbixin doono, oo kii faras ku joogaana isma samatabbixin doono,
16 [Even] warriors who are very brave will drop their weapons when they try to flee on the day [that I get rid of them]. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
oo kuwa xoogga leh kii ugu geesinimo badanuna maalintaas wuu carari doonaa isagoo qaawan, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.