< Amos 1 >

1 This is the message that [Yahweh] gave to [me], Amos. I am a (shepherd/man who takes care of sheep). I am from [near] Tekoa [town south of Jerusalem]. I received this message about Israel in a vision two years before the [big] earthquake. It was when Uzziah was the king of Judah, and Jeroboam, the son of [King] Jehoash, was the king of Israel.
Palabras de Amós, uno de los pastores de Tecoa. Visión que tuvo sobre Israel en los días de Uzías, rey de Judá, y en los días de Jeroboam, hijo de Joás, rey de Israel, dos años antes del terremoto.
2 This is what Yahweh said: “I will roar [like a lion] [MET]; when I speak from Zion [Hill in] Jerusalem [DOU], my voice will [resemble the sound of] thunder. [When that happens], the pastures where you shepherds [take care of] your sheep will dry up, and [the grass] on top of Carmel [Mountain] will (wither/become brown) [because I will cause that no rain will fall].”
Dijo: ¡Yavé ruge desde Sion, y alza su voz desde Jerusalén! Los pastizales de los pastores hacen duelo, y la cumbre de la montaña Carmelo se seca.
3 This is [also] what Yahweh said [to me]: “[I will punish the people of] Damascus, [the capital of Syria, ] because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not [change my mind about punishing them] [MTY], because [the cruel things that they did to the people of the] Gilead [region] [were like] [MET] people threshing grain using sledges [that have (iron teeth/sharp iron nails) in them].
Yavé dice: Por tres transgresiones de Damasco, y por la cuarta, no revocaré su castigo: Porque trillaron a Galaad con trillos de hierro.
4 I will cause a fire to burn the palace [that King] Hazael [built and lived in], the fortress where [his son King] Ben-Hadad [also] lived.
Encenderé fuego en la casa de Hazael que devorará los palacios de Ben-adad.
5 I will cause the gates of Damascus to be broken [down]; I will get rid of the king who rules in Aven Valley and the one who rules in Beth Eden. And the people of Syria will be captured and taken to the Kir [region where they originally lived].”
Quebraré el cerrojo de Damasco, destruiré a los habitantes del valle de Avén y al que empuña el cetro de Bet-edén. El pueblo de Aram irá desterrado a Kir, dice Yavé.
6 Yahweh [also] said this [to me]: “[I will punish the people of the cities in Philistia]: [I will punish the people of] Gaza [city] because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they captured large groups of people and took them to Edom and sold them to become the slaves of [the people of] Edom.
Yavé dice: Por tres transgresiones de Gaza, y por la cuarta, no revocaré el juicio: Porque deportaron a un pueblo entero para entregarlo a Edom.
7 I will cause a fire to completely burn the walls of Gaza and [also] destroy its fortresses.
Enviaré fuego al muro de Gaza, el cual devorará sus palacios.
8 I will get rid of the king of Ashdod [city] and the king who rules [MTY] in Ashkelon [city]. I will [also] strike/punish [the people of] Ekron [city], and [all] the people of Philistia who are still alive will be killed.”
Destruiré a los habitantes de Asdod, y al que empuña el cetro en Ascalón. Volveré mi mano contra Ecrón, y el resto de los filisteos perecerá, dice ʼAdonay Yavé.
9 Yahweh [also] said this [to me]: “[I will punish the people of] Tyre [city] because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they [also] captured large groups of our people and took them to Edom, disregarding the treaty of friendship that they had made [with your rulers].
Yavé dice: Por tres pecados de Tiro, y por el cuarto, no revocaré su castigo: Porque entregaron una población entera a Edom y no recordaron el pacto fraternal.
10 So I will cause a fire to completely burn the walls of Tyre and [also] destroy its fortresses.”
Enviaré fuego sobre los muros de Tiro, el cual devorará sus palacios.
11 Yahweh [also] said this [to me]: “I will punish [the people of] Edom because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they pursued the people [of Israel], who descended from Esau’s [brother Jacob, and killed them] with swords; they did not act mercifully toward them at all. They were extremely angry [with the people of Israel], and they continued to be angry [with them].
Yavé dice: Por tres pecados de Edom, y por el cuarto, no revocaré su castigo: Porque persiguió con espada a su hermano y no tuvo compasión. Porque su ira desgarra continuamente y retiene su furor para siempre,
12 I will cause a fire to burn Teman [district in Edom] and completely burn the fortresses of Bozrah, [the biggest city in Edom].”
enviaré un fuego sobre Temán, que devorará los palacios de Bosra.
13 Yahweh [also] said this [to me]: “I will punish [the people of] Ammon because of the many sins that [they] have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because [their soldiers even] ripped open [the bellies of] pregnant women [when their army attacked] the Gilead [region] to gain more territory.
Yavé dice: Por tres pecados de los hijos de Amón, y por el cuarto, no revocaré su castigo: Porque para ampliar sus linderos cortaron por el medio a las mujeres embarazadas de Galaad.
14 I will cause a fire to [completely] burn the walls around Rabbah [city] and completely burn its fortresses. During that battle, [their enemies] will shout loudly and the fighting will be [like] [MET] a fierce/raging wind/storm.
Encenderé un fuego en el muro de Rabá. Devorará sus palacios en medio de los alaridos del día de batalla y de una tormenta en día tempestuoso.
15 [After the battle], the king [of Ammon] and his officials will be (exiled/forced to go to another country).”
El rey y todos sus jefes irán en cautiverio, dice Yavé.

< Amos 1 >