< Acts 1 >
1 [Dear] Theophilus, In my first book [that I wrote for you], I wrote about many of the things that Jesus did and taught
Mlongu Teufili, mushintola sha kwanja nembiti kuusu vitwatira vyoseri Yesu vyakatenditi na kufunda kwanjira kwanja.
2 until the day on which he was taken {[God] took him} up [to heaven]. Before [he went to heaven], saying what the Holy Spirit [told him], he told the apostles whom he had chosen [the things that he wanted them to know].
Mpaka lishaka lilii pakanyasulitwi kugenda kumpindi kwa Mlungu. Pamberi pa kunyasulwa kugenda kumpindi, kawapananiti malagaliru kupitira Rohu Mnanagala wantumintumi walii yakawasyaguliti.
3 After he had suffered [and died on the cross], [he became alive again]. As he appeared to them [often] during [the next] 40 days, the apostles saw him many times. He proved to them in many ways that he was alive again. He talked [with them] about [how] God would rule [MET] [the lives of people who accepted him as their king].
Pakuhowa kwakuwi, yomberi kalilanguziyiti mweni kwa womberi na kulilanguziya nakaka kuwera mweni ka mkomu. Yomberi kawalawiriti kwa shipindi sha mashaka malongu msheshi na yomberi kayoweriti nawu kuusu Ufalumi wa Mlungu.
4 [One time] while he was with them, he told them, “Do not leave Jerusalem [yet]. Instead, wait [here] until my Father sends [his Spirit] [MTY] [to you], as he promised [to do]. You have heard me speak [to you] about that.
Shipindi shimu yomberi pakaweriti nawu, kawapananiti lagaliru ali, “Namlawa amu Yerusalemu, su muliheperi lagilu lya Tati, lilii lyampikaniriti neni nonga kuusu visoweru vyakuwi.
5 John baptized people in water [because they said that they wanted to change their lives], but after a few days [LIT] [God] will put the Holy Spirit within you(pl) [to truly change your lives].”
Toziya Yohani kawabatiziti kwa mashi, kumbiti pa mashaka gavuwa ndiri mwenga hamubatizwi kwa Rohu Mnanagala.”
6 One day when the [apostles] met together [with Jesus], they asked him, “Lord, will you [(sg)] now become the King [MET] over [us] Israelite people [like King David, who ruled long ago]?” (OR, “Lord, will you [(sg)] now [defeat the Romans and] restore the kingdom [to us] Israelite people?”)
Su wantumintumi pawaliwoniti pamuhera na Yesu, womberi wamkosiyiti, “Mtuwa, shipindi ashi haguwuziyi ufalumi kwa Israeli?”
7 He replied to them, “You do not [need] to know the time [periods] and days [when that will happen]. My Father alone has decided [when he will make me king].
Yesu kawagambira, “Vyamwenga ndiri kuvimana vipindi ama zitarehi Tati gwangu kavitula muukolamlima wakuwi.
8 But [you do need to know that] the Holy Spirit will make you [spiritually] strong when he comes to live in you. Then you will [powerfully] tell people about me in Jerusalem and in all [the other places in] Judea [district], in Samaria [district], and in places far away all over [IDM] the world.”
Kumbiti hamwanki likakala Rohu Mnanagala pakawayizireni mwenga, na hamuweri wapitawu waneni Muyerusalemu na Muyudeya yoseri na Samariya na ata upeleru wa pasipanu.”
9 After he said that, he was taken {[God] took him} up [to heaven], while they were watching. [He went up into] a cloud [PRS], which prevented them from seeing him [any more].
Pakatakuliti kala aga, pawaweriti wankulola yomberi kanyasulitwi kugenda kumpindi kwa Mlungu, liwundu limfifa nawamwona kayi.
10 While [the apostles] were [still] staring towards the sky as he was going up, suddenly two men who were wearing white clothes stood beside them. [They were angels].
Pawaweriti wankali wankulola kumpindi yomberi kwakagenditi, palaa paliya wantu wawili yawavaliti nguwu nvufu wagolokiti pakwegela nawomberi,
11 One [of] them said, “You men from Galilee [district], (you do not need to stand [here any longer] looking up at the sky!/why do you still stand [here] looking up at the sky?) [RHQ] [Some day] this same Jesus, whom [God] took from you up to heaven, will come back [to earth]. He will return in the same manner as you [just now] saw him when he went up to heaven, [but he will not return now].”
na walonga, “Mwenga wantu wa Galilaya! Iwera hashi mgoloka panu pamlola kumpindi? Yesu ayu, yakanyasulitwi kulawa kwa mwenga kugenda kumpindi, hakizi kayi kwa njira iraa ayi ntambu yamumwoniti pakagenda kumpindi kwa Mlungu.”
12 Then [after the two angels left], the apostles returned to Jerusalem from Olive [Tree] Hill, which was about (a half mile/one kilometer) [MTY] from Jerusalem.
Shakapanu wantumintumi wawuyiti Yerusalemu kulawa kulugongu lwa Mizeyituni, kuweriti kilumita yimu kulawa mlushi.
13 When they entered [the city], they went upstairs to the room [in the house] where they were staying. [Those who were there included] Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, [another] James [the son] of Alphaeus, Simon who belonged to the group that wanted to expel the Romans, and Judas [the son] of [another man named] James.
Pawasokiti mlushi, wayingiriti mshumba shawalikaliti, nawomberi waweriti Peteru na Yohani na Yakobu na Andereya na Filipu na Tomasi na Batolumayu na Matayu, Yakobu mwana gwa Alifayu na Simoni Zeloti na Yuda mwana gwa Yakobu.
14 All these apostles agreed concerning the things about which they continually were praying [together. Others who prayed with them] included the women [who had accompanied Jesus], Mary who was Jesus’ mother, and his [younger] brothers.
Womberi woseri waliwoniti shipinga pamuhera kumluwa Mlungu, pamuhera na wadala na Mariya mawu gwa Yesu na walongu wakuwi Yesu.
15 During those days Peter stood up among his fellow believers. There were [at that place] a group of about 120 of [Jesus’ followers]. Peter said,
Mumashaka galii Peteru kagolokiti pakati pa wantu yawamjimira Kristu, weni walanga yawu waweriti miya yimu na malongu mawili, su yomberi kalongiti.
16 “My fellow believers, [there are words that King] David wrote [MTY] in the Scriptures long ago that needed to be fulfilled {to happen [as he said they would]}. The Holy Spirit, [who knew that Judas would be the one who would fulfill those words], told David what to write.
“Mwawalongu wangu, Malembu Mananagala gatimiya, geni Rohu Mnanagala katungiti kupitira Dawudi kuusu Yuda yakawalongoziyiti walii yawamkamuliti Yesu.
17 [Although] Judas had been chosen {[Jesus] had chosen Judas}, along with [the rest of] us [(exc)] to serve [as an apostle], Judas was the person who led to Jesus the people who seized him.”
Yuda kaweriti yumu gwa shipinga shetu, toziya mweni kasyagulitwi kaweri mtenda lihengu muyetu.”
18 [The Jewish leaders] gave Judas money when he [promised to] treacherously/wickedly [betray Jesus. Later Judas returned that money to them]. When Judas [hanged himself], his body fell down [to the ground]. His abdomen burst open, and all his intestines spilled out. [So] the [Jewish leaders] bought a field [using] that money.
Su Yuda kahemeliti lirambu kwa mpiya zilii za ukondola zyakazipatiti, pakaweriti kulirambu yomberi kaguwiti na kahowa, kapantika na utumbu wakuwi witika kunja.
19 All the people who reside in Jerusalem heard [about that], so they called that field in their own [Aramaic] language, Akeldama, which means ‘Field of Blood’, [because it was where someone bled and died].
Kila muntu yakalikaliti Muyerusalemu kapikaniriti visoweru vya vitwatira avi, na kwa likabira lyawu lirambu ali walishema Akelidama, mana yakuwi “Lirambu lya Mwazi.”
20 [Peter also said], “[I perceive that what happened to Judas is like what the writer of] Psalms [desired to happen]: ‘May his house become deserted, and may there be no one to live in it.’ (OR, ‘[Judge him, Lord, so that neither he nor] anyone [else] may live in his house!)’ And it seems that [these other words that David wrote also refer to Judas: ] ‘Let someone else take over his work as a leader.’”
Peteru kalongiti, “Ilembwa mushintora sha Zaburi, ‘Numba yakuwi isigali hera, muntu yoseri nakalikala amu.’ Kayi ilembwa, ‘Muntu yumonga katoli lihengu lyakuwi.’
21 “So it is necessary [for us apostles] to choose a man [to replace Judas. He must be one who] accompanied [MTY] us all the time when the Lord Jesus was with us.
“Su ifiruwa tumsyaguli muntu yumonga pakati pa walii yawaweriti pamuhera na twenga shipindi shoseri mtuwa Yesu pakingiriti na kulawa pakati penu.
22 [That would be] from [the time when] John [the Baptizer] baptized [Jesus] until the day when Jesus was taken {when [God] took Jesus} from us up [to heaven]. He must be one who saw Jesus alive again [after he died].”
Kwanjira kwa shipindi sha ubatizu wa Yohani mpaka lishaka lilii Yesu pakanyasulitwi kulawa kwatwenga kugenda kumpindi. Ifiruwa yumu gwawu kaweri kapitawu gwa kuzyuka kwakuwi pamhera natwenga.”
23 So the [apostles and other believers] suggested [the names of two men who qualified. One man was] Joseph, who was called {whom people called} Barsabbas (OR, Joseph Barsabbas) who [also] had the [Roman] name Justus. The other man was Matthias.
Su wakanda matawu ga wantu wawili, Yosefu yawamshema Barisaba viraa yomberi kamanikana kwa litawu lya Yustu, na Matiya.
24 Then they prayed like this: “Lord [Jesus], Judas stopped being an apostle. [He died and] went to the place where he [deserved to be] [EUP]. [So we(exc) need to choose someone] to replace [Judas in order] that he can serve [you(sg) by becoming] an apostle. You [(sg)] know what everyone is really like. So [please] show us which of these two men you have chosen.”
Shakapanu wamluwa Mlungu, “Mtuwa, gwenga guyimana myoyu ya wantu woseri. Su gutulanguziyi pakati pa wawili awa ulii yagumsyaguliti,
katoli lihengu lya utenderu wa untumintumi wa Yuda yakaulekiti su kagendi pahala pakuwi mweni.”
26 Then they cast lots [to choose between the two of] them, and the lot fell for Matthias. (OR, Then [one of] the [apostles] shook [in a container] small objects/stones [that] they [had marked to determine which man God had chosen]. And the small object/stone [that they had marked] for Matthias fell [out of the container]). So Matthias was considered {they considered Matthias} [to be an apostle] along with the [other] eleven apostles.
Shakapanu wagalambuziya simbi na kugalambuziya simbi aku kumtulukiriti Matiya, nayomberi kayongerwa mushipinga sha wantumintumi lilongu na yumu.