< Acts 8 >

1 Then some men who revered God buried Stephen’s body in a tomb, and they mourned greatly and loudly for him. On that same day [people] started severely persecuting the believers [who were living] in Jerusalem. So most [of the believers] fled [to other places] throughout Judea and Samaria [provinces]. The apostles were the only [believers who remained in Jerusalem].
Савло подритярэлас кода, со умардэ Стэфанос. Кола вряматар ашыле тэ гонисарэн иерусалимско кхандири, и всаворэ роспрастаепэ пай Иудея и Самария. Качи апостолоря ашылепэ андо Иерусалимо.
Дэвлэкунэ мурша гаравдэ Стэфанос тай фартэ ровэнас пала лэстэ.
3 While the people were killing Stephen, Saul was there approving of their killing Stephen. So Saul [also] began trying to destroy the group of believers. He entered houses one by one, he dragged away men and women [who believed in Jesus], and then he [arranged for] them to be put in prison.
Ай Савло розмарэлас пэ котора и кхандири. Вов захукэлас андэ чера, выцырдэлас муршэн тай жувлян тай шолас андо баруно.
4 The believers who had left Jerusalem went to different places, where they continued preaching the message about Jesus.
Ай кола, савэ сас росшутэ, роспхэнэнас Радосаво Лав, каринг онэ тэ на жан.
5 [One of those believers whose name was] Philip went down [from Jerusalem] to a city in Samaria [province]. There he was telling [the people that Jesus is] [MTY] the Messiah.
Филипо авиля андэ екх Самариятиро форо и ашыля тэ роспхэнэл котэ палав Христосо.
6 Many people there heard Philip [speak] and saw the miraculous things that he was doing. So they all (paid close attention to/listened carefully to) his words.
Бут мануша мишто ашунэнас кода, со вов пхэнэлас. Онэ всаворэ сар екх ашунэнас лэс и дикхэнас шпэры, савэ вов терэлас.
7 For [example, when Philip commanded] evil spirits who controlled many people [that they should come out of them], they came out, while those spirits screamed. Also, many people who were paralyzed and [many others] who were lame were healed.
Колэсти со бутэндар манушэндар выжанас найжужэ духоря барэ цыпимаса, ай бут, савэ на пхирэнас пэрнэнца, и бангэ састярэнаспэ.
8 So [many people] [MTY] in that city greatly rejoiced.
И андо кодва форо сас бари лош.
9 There was a man in that city whose name was Simon. He had been practicing sorcery for a long time, and he had been amazing the people in Samaria [province by doing that]. He continually claimed that he was a great/important person.
Андо кодва форо сас мануш, савэс акхарэнас Симоно. Вов майанглал драбатярэлас и калэса дивосарэлас манушэн андэ Самария. Вов выдэлас пэс палав варисаво баро мануш.
10 All the people there, both ordinary and important people, listened to him. [Various ones of] them were saying, “This man works in extremely powerful ways [because] God has caused him to be a great [person].”
Всаворэ мануша, и чёрорэ, и барвалэ, ашунэнас лэс дивоса и пхэнэнас: — Када исин бари зор Дэвлэстири.
11 They continued to listen to him carefully, because for a long time he had astonished them by practicing sorcery.
И мишто ашунэнас лэс колэсти, со вов бут вряма дивосарэлас манушэн пэстирэ драбатиримаса.
12 But then they believed Philip’s [message] when he preached to them about [how] God desires to rule [MET] [the lives of people who believe in him], and about Jesus being the Messiah [MTY]. Both the men and the women who believed in Jesus were baptized. {[Philip] was baptizing both the men and the women [who had come to believe in Jesus]}.
Нэ кала онэ патяйле лэ Филипости, саво роспхэнэлас палав Тхагаримос Дэвлэско и алав Исусоско Христоско, бут мурша и жувля болдэпэ.
13 Simon himself believed [Philip’s message] and, after he was baptized {after [Philip] baptized him}, he began to constantly accompany Philip. Simon was continually amazed because he often saw [Philip] doing many kinds of miraculous things.
Симоно кадя ж патяйля и приля болдимос. Вов всавори вряма пхирэлас палав Филипо, диволаспэ шпэрэнди и барэ чюдонэнди.
14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that [many people] [PRS] [throughout] Samaria [district] had believed the message from God [about Jesus], they sent Peter and John there.
Кала апостолоря андо Иерусалимо ашундэ пала кода, со андэ Самария прилинэ лав Дэвлэско, онэ бишалдэ лэндэ Пэтрос и Иоанос.
15 When Peter and John arrived in Samaria, they prayed for those [new believers] in order that the Holy Spirit’s [power] would come to them.
Онэ авиле и манглепэ Дэвлэс, кай кола, савэ обрисайле кав Дэл, тэ прилэн Свэнтонэс Духос,
16 [Peter and John realized that] the Holy Spirit had not yet begun to empower any of them. They had been baptized {[Philip] had baptized them} [because they had believed] in [MTY] the Lord Jesus, [but they did not know about the Holy Spirit].
колэсти со инке ни пэр кастэ лэндар Духо на сжалас, онэ качи сас болдэ андо алав Раеско Исусоско.
17 [Then Peter and John] placed their hands on [the heads of] each person, and they received the [power of] [MTY] the Holy Spirit.
Тунчи Пэтро и Иоано тховдэ пэр лэндэ и васта, и онэ прилинэ Свэнтонэ Духос.
18 Simon saw [things that convinced him] that [God] had given the Spirit’s [power to people] as a result of the apostles placing their hands on them. So he offered [to give] money to the apostles,
Кала Симоно дикхля, со Духо дэлпэ, кала апостолоря тховэн и васта, вов процырдя лэнди ловэ
19 saying, “Enable me also to do what [you are doing], so that everyone on whom I place/put my hands may receive the Holy Spirit’s [power].”
тай пхэндя: — Дэнтэ и манди кацави зор, кай кодва, пэр кастэ мэ тхава и васта, тэ лэл Свэнтонэ Духос.
20 But Peter said to him, “May you [(sg)] and your money go to hell, because you [mistakenly] think that you can buy [from us] what God [alone] gives to [people] (questioned)
Нэ Пэтро пхэндя: — Мэк тиро руп хасавэла екхэтанэ туса, сар ту гындос, со тинэса даро Дэвлэско палай ловэ.
21 [God] has not authorized you to have any part of this ministry of giving [the Holy Spirit’s power], because he knows that you are not thinking rightly! (OR, because he knows that you are thinking completely wrongly.)
Тутэ нинай кацаво право тэ терэс кадва рындо, колэсти кай о води тиро найчячюно англав Дэл.
22 So stop thinking wickedly [like] that, and plead that the Lord, if he is willing, will forgive you [for what] you [wickedly] thought/planned [to do]
Каисав андо кадва бэзэх и манг Раес, кай Вов тэ эртисарэл тути, со ту гындосас андо тиро води.
23 [Turn away from your evil ways], because I perceive that you [(sg)] are extremely envious of [us], and you [are] a slave of your [continual desire to do evil! God will certainly punish you severely]!”
Мэ дикхав, со ту пхэрдярдо кэрконя завистяса и спхангло лэпунзэнца, саво исин найчячимос.
24 Then Simon answered, “Pray to the Lord [God] that [he] will not do to me what you just said!”
Симоно пхэндя: — Мангэн пала мандэ Раес, кай манца тэ на терэлпэ нисо, со тумэ пхэндэ.
25 After [Peter and John] told [people there] what they knew personally [about the] Lord [Jesus] and declared to them the message about Jesus, they both returned to Jerusalem. [Along the way] they preached the good message [about Jesus to people] in many villages in Samaria [province].
Кала апостолоря пэрэашыле тэ допхэнэн и тэ роспхэнэн котэ лав Раеско, онэ жыле палпалэ андо Иерусалимо, ай пав дром роспхэнэнас Радосаво Лав андэ бут самаряниностирэ гава.
26 [One day] an angel whom the Lord [God] had sent commanded Philip, “Get ready and go south along the road that extends from Jerusalem to Gaza.” [That was] a road in a desert area.
Ангело Раеско пхэндя Филипости: — Жа по юго, по дром, саво андярэл пай мал андав Иерусалимо андэ Газа.
27 So Philip got ready and went [along that road]. Suddenly he met a man from Ethiopia. He was an important official who took care of all the funds for the queen [of] Ethiopia. [In his language people called their queen] Candace. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship [God],
Филипо вщиля и жыля. Андэ кодья ж вряма котэ сас эфиопско евнухо, рай Кандакияко, ла тхагарняко эфиопонэнго, саво дикхэлас палай всавори сартари. Вов авэлас тэ тэлёл Дэвлэсти андо Иерусалимо
28 and he was returning [home] and was seated [riding] in his chariot. [As he was riding], he was reading [out loud from] what the prophet Isaiah [had written] [MTY] [long ago].
и икхатар рисавэлас черэ. Вов бэшэлас андэ пэско урдон и бинэлас лил лэ пророкоско Исаяско.
29 [God’s] Spirit told Philip, “Go near to that chariot and keep walking close to [the man who is riding in] it!”
Духо пхэндя Филипости: — Поджа кай кадва урдон и жа паша лэстэ.
30 So Philip ran [to the chariot and kept running close to it]. Then he heard the official reading what the prophet Isaiah [had written]. He asked the man, “Do you [(sg)] understand what you are reading?”
Филипо поджыля кай урдон и ашундя, со котэ бинэлпэ лил пророкоско Исаяско: — Ту полэс кода, пала со бинэс? — пушля Филипо.
31 He answered Philip, “[No!] (I cannot possibly [understand it] if [there is] no one to explain it to me!/How can I [understand it] if [there is] no one to explain it to me?) [RHQ]” Acts 8:31b-35 Then the man said to Philip, “Please come up [and] sit beside me.” [So Philip did that].
— Сар манди тэ полав, кала манди нико на подпхэнэла? — пхэндя евнухо и акхардя Филипос тэ зажал и тэ бэшэл лэса андо урдон.
32 The part of the Scriptures that the official was reading was this: He will [be silent when] they lead him away to kill him [like when] a sheep [is led away to be killed]. As a young sheep is silent when its wool is being cut off {someone cuts off its wool}, [similarly] he will not protest [MTY] [when people cause him to suffer].
Ай бинэлас вов кадва тхан Пистросаримаско: «Сар бакро, Вов сас андярдо по зашынимос, и сар бакроро ашэл мулком англай кола, савэ стрижын лэс, кадя ж и Вов на отпхэрнавэлас Пэстирэ ушта.
33 When he will be humiliated by being accused falsely {people will humiliate him [by accusing him falsely]}, [the rulers] (will not consider him innocent/will consider him guilty). No one will possibly be able to tell about his descendants, because he will be killed {people will kill him} without him having [any descendants] on the earth.
Вов сас лажавардо, и Лэсти на динэ чячюно сындо. Ко роспхэнэла пала Лэско родо? Ай лэско жувимос залэлпэ пхувьятар».
34 The official asked Philip [about these words that he was reading], “Tell me, who was the prophet writing about? [Was he writing] about himself or about someone else?”
Евнухо мангля Филипостар: — Пхэн манди, пала кастэ катэ пхэнэл пророко, пала пэстэ чи пала кастэ аврэстэ?
35 So Philip began [to explain] that Scripture passage. He told him the good message about [MTY] Jesus. [So the official understood and believed in Jesus].
Тунчи Филипо ля тэ роспхэнэл акалэ тханэстар Пистросаримастар и пхэндя лэсти Радосаво Лав палав Исусо.
36 While they were traveling along the road, they came to [a place where there was a pond of] water [near the road]. Then the official said [to Philip], “Look, [there is a pond of] water! (I would like you to baptize me, because I do not know of anything that would prevent me from being baptized {prevent [you] from baptizing me.}/Do you know of anything that would prevent me from being baptized {prevent [you] from baptizing me}?) [RHQ]”
Онэ майдур традэнас и подтрадиле кав паи. — Дикх, акэ паи, — пхэндя о евнухо. — Со манди на дэл тэ прилав болдимос?
38 So the official told [the driver] to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the official went down into the [pond of] water, and [Philip] baptized him.
Вов тэрдярдя о урдон, лэдуй онэ, Филипо и евнухо, зажыле андо паи, и Филипо болдя лэс.
39 When they came up out of the water, suddenly God’s Spirit took Philip away. The official never saw Philip again. But [although he never saw Philip again], the official continued going along the road, very happy [that God had saved him].
Ай кала онэ выжыле андав паи, Духо Раеско андярдя Филипос, и евнухо майбут лэс на дикхля. И лошаса лагля майдур пэстирэ дромэса.
40 Philip then realized [that the Spirit had miraculously taken him to] Azotus [town]. While he traveled around [in that region], he continued proclaiming the message [about Jesus] in all the towns [between Azotus and Caesarea. And he was still proclaiming] it when he finally arrived in Caesarea [city].
Ай Филипо попэля андо форо Ашдодо. Вов роспхэнэлас Радосаво Лав пай всаворэ фороря, сар на авиля андэ Кесария.

< Acts 8 >