< Acts 6 >

1 During that time, many more people were becoming believers. [Some of them were from other countries and spoke only the Greek language, but most of them had always lived in Israel and spoke the Hebrew language]. Those who spoke Greek began to complain about those who spoke Hebrew. They were saying. “When [you Hebrew-speaking believers] distribute [food or money] to widows every day, you are not giving fair amounts to the widows who speak Greek!”
그때에 제자가 더 많아졌는데 헬라파 유대인들이 자기의 과부들이 그 매일 구제에 빠지므로 히브리파 사람을 원망한대
2 So, [after the] twelve [apostles had heard what they were complaining about], they summoned all the [other] believers [in Jerusalem to meet] together. Then the apostles said [to those other believers], “We [(exc)] would not be doing right if we stopped [preaching and teaching] God’s message [about Jesus] in order to distribute food [MTY] [and money to the widows]!
열 두 사도가 모든 제자를 불러 이르되 `우리가 하나님의 말씀을 제쳐놓고 공궤를 일삼는 것이 마땅치 아니하니
3 So, fellow believers, carefully choose seven men from among you, men whom [you] know that the Spirit [of God] controls completely and who are very wise. Then we [(exc)] will appoint them to do this work,
형제들아 너희 가운데서 성령과 지혜가 충만하여 칭찬 듣는 사람 일곱을 택하라 우리가 이 일을 저희에게 맡기고
4 and we [(exc)] will devote our time to pray and to preach and teach the message [about Jesus].”
우리는 기도하는 것과 말씀 전하는 것을 전무하리라' 하니
5 What the apostles recommended pleased all of the [other] believers. So they group chose Stephen. He was a man who strongly believed [in God] and whom the Holy Spirit controlled completely. [They also chose] Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas who was from Antioch [city]. Nicolas had accepted the Jewish religion [before he had believed in Jesus].
온 무리가 이 말을 기뻐하여 믿음과 성령이 충만한 사람 스데반과, 또 빌립과, 브로고로와, 니가노르와, 디몬과, 바메나와, 유대교에 입교한 안디옥 사람 니골라를 택하여
6 They brought these [seven] men to the apostles. Then after the apostles prayed [for those men], they placed their hands on [the heads of each one of] them [to appoint them to do that work].
사도들 앞에 세우니 사도들이 기도하고 그들에게 안수하니라
7 So [the believers] continued to tell many people the message from God. (The number of people in Jerusalem who believed [in Jesus] was increasing greatly./More and more people in Jerusalem were believing in Jesus.) [Among them] were many [Jewish] priests who were believing the message [about Jesus].
하나님의 말씀이 점점 왕성하여 예루살렘에 있는 제자의 수가 더 심히 많아지고 허다한 제사장의 무리도 이 도에 복종하니라
8 God was enabling Stephen to do many things by God’s power. He was doing many amazing miracles among the [Jewish] people.
스데반이 은혜와 권능이 충만하여 큰 기사와 표적을 민간에 행하니
9 However, some people opposed Stephen. They were Jews from a group [that regularly met together in a Jewish meeting place that was] {[that people]} called the Freedmen’s Meeting Place. [Those people were from] Cyrene and Alexandria [cities] and [also] from Cilicia and Asia [provinces]. They all began to argue with Stephen.
리버디노, 구레네인, 알렉산드리아인, 길리기아와 아시아에서 온 사람들의 회당이라는 각 회당에서 어떤 자들이 일어나 스데반으로 더불어 변론할새
10 But they were not able (to refute [what he said/to prove that what he said was wrong]), [because God’s] Spirit enabled him to speak very wisely.
스데반이 지혜와 성령으로 말함을 저희가 능히 당치 못하여
11 Then that group secretly persuaded [some] men to [falsely accuse Stephen. saying], “We [(exc)] heard him say bad things about Moses and God.”
사람들을 가르쳐 말시키되 이 사람이 모세와 및 하나님을 모독하는 말하는 것을 우리가 들었노라 하게 하고
12 So, [by saying that], they made the [other Jewish] people angry [at Stephen, including] the elders and the teachers of the [Jewish] laws. Then [they all] seized Stephen and took him to the Jewish Council.
백성과 장로와 서기관들을 충동시켜 와서 잡아 가지고 공회에 이르러
13 They [also] brought in some other men who accused Stephen falsely [about several things]. They said, “This fellow continually says bad things about this holy Temple and about the laws [that Moses received from God].
거짓 증인들을 세우니 가로되 `이 사람이 이 거룩한 곳과 율법을 거스려 말하기를 마지 아니하는도다
14 Specifically, we [(exc)] have heard him say that this Jesus from Nazareth [town] will destroy this Temple and will tell us to obey different customs than Moses [taught our ancestors].”
그의 말에 이 나사렛 예수가 이 곳을 헐고 또 모세가 우리에게 전하여 준 규례를 고치겠다 함을 우리가 들었노라' 하거늘
15 When all [the people] who were sitting in the Council [room heard that, and as they] all stared at Stephen, they saw that his face was [shining] [SIM] like the face of an angel.
공회 중에 앉은 사람들이 다 스데반을 주목하여 보니 그 얼굴이 천사의 얼굴과 같더라

< Acts 6 >