< Acts 5 >
1 But there was one of [the believers] whose name was Ananias, and whose wife’s name was Sapphira. He [also] sold some land.
А някой си човек на име Анания, с жена си Сапфира, продаде имот,
2 He kept for himself some of the money [he had received for the land], and his wife knew that he had done that. Then he brought the rest of the money and presented it to the apostles [MTY].
и задържа нещо от цената, със знанието и на жена си и донесе една част и я сложи пред нозете на апостолите.
3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, you [(sg)] let Satan completely control you [MTY] so that you [(sg) tried to] deceive the Holy Spirit [and us(exc)]. (That was [terrible!/Why did you do such a terrible thing]?) [RHQ] [You] have kept for yourself some of the money you [(sg)] received for [selling] the land, [pretending that you(sg) were giving us all of it].
А Петър, рече: Анание, защо изпълни Сатана сърцето ти, да излъжеш Светия Дух и да задържиш от цената на нивата?
4 Before you [(sg)] sold that land, you truly owned [RHQ] it. And after you sold it, you could [RHQ] certainly still have used the money any way you wanted [to]. So why did you [(sg) ever] think [RHQ] about doing this [wicked] thing? You were not [merely trying to] deceive us! No, [you tried to deceive] God [himself!]!”
Додето стоеше непродадена не беше ли твоя? И след като се не бяха ли патите в твоя власт? Защо си намислил това нещо в сърцето си? Не си излъгал човеци, но Бога.
5 When Ananias heard that, [immediately] he fell down dead. So all [who were there] who heard [about Ananias’ death] became terrified [PRS].
И Анания, като слушаше тия думи, падна и издъхна; и голям страх обзе всички, които чуха това.
6 Some young men came in, wrapped his [body in a sheet], and carried it out [and] buried it.
И по-младите мъже станаха, обвиха го, и го изнесоха па го погребаха.
7 About three hours later, his wife came in, [but] she did not know what had happened.
И като се минаха около три часа; влезе и жена му без да знае за станалото.
8 [As] Peter [showed her the money] that [Ananias had brought], he asked her, “Tell me, is this the amount [of money you two received for] the land you sold?” She said, “Yes, that’s [what we(exc) received].”
И Петър я попита: Кажи ми, за толкова ли продадохте нивата? И тя рече за толкова.
9 So Peter said to her, “[You both did a terrible thing!] You two agreed [RHQ] to try to determine if you could do that without the Spirit of the Lord [God] revealing [to anyone that you two tried to deceive them!] Listen! [Do you(sg) hear the] footsteps [SYN] of the men who buried your husband? They are right outside this door, and they will carry your [corpse] out [to bury it, too]!”
А Петър и рече: защо се съгласихте да изкусите Господния Дух? Ето нозете на тия, които погребаха мъжа ти, са на вратата, и ще изнесат и тебе.
10 Immediately Sapphira fell down dead at Peter’s feet. Then the young men came in. When they saw that she was dead, they carried her [body] out and buried it beside her husband’s [body].
И тя начаса падна до нозете му и издъхна; а момците като влязоха, намериха я мъртва и изнесоха я та я погребаха до мъжа й.
11 So all the believers [in Jerusalem] became greatly frightened [PRS] [because of what God had done to Ananias and Sapphira. And] all [the others] who heard [people tell about] those things also [became greatly frightened].
И голям страх обзе цялата църква и всички, които чуха това.
12 [God was enabling] the apostles to do many amazing miracles among the people. All the believers were meeting together regularly [in the temple courtyard] at [the place called] Solomon’s Porch.
И чрез ръцете на апостолите ставаха много знамения и чудеса между людете, [и те всички бяха единодушни в Соломоновия Трем;
13 All of the other people [who had not yet believed in Jesus] were afraid to associate with the believers, [because they knew that if they did anything evil, God would punish them, as well as revealing it to the believers]. However, those people continued to greatly respect the believers.
а от другите никой не смееше да се присъеднни към тях; людете обаче ги величаеха;
14 Many more men and women started believing in the Lord [Jesus], and they joined the [group of] believers.
и още по-голямо множество повярвали в Господа мъже и жени се прибавяха],
15 [The apostles were doing amazing miracles], so [people] were bringing those who were sick into the streets, and laying them on stretchers and mats, in order that [when] Peter came by [he would touch them, or] at least his shadow might fall upon some of them [and heal them].
така щото даже изнасяха болните по улиците и ги слагаха на постелки и на легла, та, като заминаваше Петър, поне сянката му да засегне някого от тях.
16 Crowds of people were also coming [to the apostles] from the towns near Jerusalem. They were bringing their sick [relatives/friends] and those who were being tormented/troubled by evil spirits {whom evil spirits were tormenting/troubling}, and [God] healed all of them.
Събираше се още и множество от градовете около Ерусалим та носеха болни и измъчваните от нечисти духове и всички се изцеляваха.
17 Then the high priest and all who were with him, who were members of the [local] Sadducee [sect in Jerusalem], became very jealous [of the apostles, because many people were accepting the apostles’ message].
Тогава станаха първосвещеникът и всички, които бяха с него, съставляващи Садукейската Секта, та изпълнени със завист,
18 So they commanded the Temple guards to seize the apostles and put them in the public jail.
туриха ръце на апостолите и положиха ги в тъмница.
19 [The guards did that], but during the night an angel from the Lord [God] opened the jail doors and brought the apostles outside! [The guards were not aware of what the angel had done].
Но ангел от Господа през нощта отвори вратата на тъмницата та ги изведе и рече.
20 Then the angel said [to the apostles], “Go to the Temple [courtyard], stand there, and tell the people all about [how God can give them eternal] life!”
Идете, застанете в храма та говорете на людете всичките думи на тоя живот.
21 So having heard this, about dawn they entered the Temple [courtyard] and began to teach the people again [about Jesus]. Acts 5:21b-24 Meanwhile, the high priest and those who were with him summoned the other Jewish Council members. Altogether they made up the entire Council of Israel. [After they all gathered together], they sent [guards] to the jail to bring in the apostles.
Те, като чуха това на съмване влязоха в храма и поучаваха. А първосвещеникът дойде и ония, които бяха с него, и като свикаха синедриона и цялото старейшинство на Израиляните, пратиха в тъмницата да доведат апостолите.
22 But when the guards arrived at the jail, they discovered that the apostles were not there. So they returned to the Council, and [one of] them reported,
Но служителите, като отидоха, не ги намериха в тъмницата; и върнаха се та известиха, казвайки:
23 “We [(exc)] saw that the jail [doors] were very securely locked, and the guards were standing at the doors. But when we opened [the doors and went in to get those men], none [of them was] inside [the jail]!”
Тъмницата намерихме заключена твърде здраво, и стражарите да стоят при вратата; но като отворихме, не намерихме никого вътре.
24 When the captain of the temple guards and the chief priests heard that, they became greatly perplexed, [wondering] what might result from all this.
А Началникът на храмовата стража и първосвещениците като чуха тия думи, бяха в недоумение поради тях, та се чудеха какво ще последва от това.
25 Then someone came [from the Temple courtyard] and [excitedly] reported to them, “Listen [to this! Right now] the men whom you put in jail are standing in the Temple [courtyard] and they are teaching the people [about Jesus]!”
Но дойде някой си та им извести: Ето, човеците, които турихте в тъмницата, стоят в храма и поучават людете.
26 So the captain [of the Temple guards] went [to the Temple courtyard] with the officers, and they brought the apostles [back to the Council room. But they] did not treat them roughly, because they were afraid that the people would [kill them by] throwing stones at them [if they hurt the apostles].
Тогава отиде началникът със служителите и ги доведе, обаче без насилие; защото се бояха от людете, да не би да ги замерват с камъни.
27 After [the captain and his officers] had brought [the apostles to the Council room], they commanded them to stand in front of the Council members, and the high priest questioned them.
И като ги доведоха, поставиха ги пред синедриона; и първосвещеникът ги попита, казвайки:
28 He said to them [accusingly], “We [(exc)] strongly commanded you not to teach people about that man [MTY] [Jesus] But [you have disobeyed us, and] you have taught people all over Jerusalem [about him]! Furthermore, you are trying to make it seem that we [(exc)] are the ones who are guilty [MTY] for that man’s death!”
Строго ви запретихме да не поучавате в това име; но ето, напълнили сте Ерусалим с учението си, и възнамерявате да докарате върху нас кръвта на тоя човек.
29 But Peter, [speaking for himself] and the other apostles, replied, “We [(exc)] have to obey [what] God [commands us to do], not what [you] people [tell us to do]!
А Петър и апостолите в отговор рекоха: Подобава да се покоряваме на Бога, а не на човеците.
30 God considers that you are the ones who killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross! But God, whom our ancestors [worshipped], (caused Jesus to become alive again after he died/raised Jesus from the dead).
Бог на бащите ни възкреси Исуса, когото вие убихте като го повесихте на дърво.
31 God has greatly honored Jesus. [He has taken him up to heaven! He has authorized him] to be the one who will save us and to rule [over our lives! God did this] so that he might enable [us] Israelites [MTY] to turn away from [our] sinful behavior and [that he might] forgive [us for our sins].
Него Бог, възвиси до десницата си за началник и спасител, да даде покаяние на Израиля и прощение на греховете.
32 We [(exc)] tell people about these things [that we know happened to Jesus], and the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to [us] who obey him, is also confirming [that these things are true].”
И ние сме свидетели [нему] за тия неща, както е и Светия дух, когото Бог даде на ония, които му се покоряват.
33 When the Council members heard those words, they became very angry [with the apostles], and they wanted to kill them.
А те, като чуха това, късаха се от яд, и възнамеряваха да ги убият.
34 But [there was a Council member] named Gamaliel. He was a Pharisee, and one who taught people the [Jewish] laws, and all the [Jewish] people respected him. He stood up in the Council and told [guards] to take the apostles out [of the room] for a short time.
Но един фарисей на име Гамалиил, законоучител, почитан от всичките люде, се изправи в синедриона и заповяда да извадят вън апостолите за малко време;
35 [After the guards had taken the apostles out], he said to the other Council members, “Fellow Israelites, you need to think carefully about what you are about to do to these men, [and I will tell you why].
и рече на събора: Израиляни, внимавайте добре какво ще направите на тия човеци.
36 Some years ago [a man named] Theudas rebelled [against the Roman government]. He told people that he was an important person, and about 400 men joined [him. But he was killed] {[soldiers] killed him} and all those who had been accompanying him were scattered. [So they] were not able to do anything [that they had planned].
Защото в предишни дни възстана Тевда и представяше себе си за голям човек, към когото се присъединиха около четиристотин м ъ ж е на брой, който биде убит, и всички, които му се покоряваха, се разпиляха и изчезнаха.
37 After that, during the time when they were (writing down names of the people/taking the census) [in order to tax people, a man named] Judas from Galilee [province] rebelled [against the Roman government]. He persuaded some people to accompany him. But [soldiers] killed him, too, and all those who had accompanied him went off in different directions.
След него възстана Галилеянинът Юда през времето на записването, и отвлече след себе си някои от людете; и той загина, и всички, които му се покоряваха, се разпръснаха.
38 So now I say [this] to you: Do not harm these men! Release them! I say this because if [this is just something] that humans have planned, they will not be able to do it. They will fail, [like Theudas and Judas did]
И сега ви казвам, Оттеглете се от тия човеци и оставете ги защото ако това намерение или това дело е от човеци, ще се повали;
39 But, if God [has commanded them to do it], you will not be able to prevent them [from doing it, because] you will find out that you are opposing God!” The other members of the Council accepted what Gamaliel said.
но ако е от Бога, не ще можете го повали. Пазете се да не би да се намерите и богопротивници.
40 They told the [temple guards to bring the apostles and flog them. So the guards] brought them [into the Council room] and flogged them. Then the Council members commanded them not to speak to people about [MTY] Jesus, and they released the apostles.
И те го послушаха; и, като повикаха апостолите, биха ги, и заръчаха им да не говорят в Исусово име, и ги пуснаха.
41 So the apostles left the Council. They were rejoicing, because [they knew God] had honored them [by letting people] disgrace them because they were followers [MTY] of Jesus.
А те си отидоха от присъствието на синедриона, възрадвани задето се удостоиха да претърпят опозоряване за Исусовото име.
42 And every day [the apostles went to] the temple [area] and to various [people’s] houses, [and] they continued [LIT] teaching [people] and telling [them] that Jesus is the Messiah.
И ни един ден не преставаха да поучават и да благовествуват и в храма и по къщите си, че Исус е Христос.